13 Plants- All Hermies WTF?

Sorry I have no desire to take pictures of those bastards. Trust me though, they are hermies. Pistils and pollen sacks all around. I have some really hard water where I live now and I was filtering it through a Brita filter. I just realized with a PPM tester that the filter wasn't even working anymore. So it also wasn't filtering the chlorine! Do you think the chlorine and high PPM could have done it? I bet it at least contributed. Next round I'm using distilled water.
I guess the plants were pretty stressed with the chlorine, hard water, slightly high heat, and nute burn. Plus during the two week 24 hour veg there were those 2 separate nights that the lights were out for 18 hours each night for security. Each thing alone wasn't too extreme, but together they probably created a lot of stress.
Chlorine is definitely a stress point for weed. :peace: And I am sorry for your loss after the effort.

out. :blsmoke:

Thanks dude. We learn from our mistakes and frustrations. This is my third grow. The two other grows went perfect until I had to chop them down early for security reasons and the smoke wasn't good because of it. Now I have my own place and the only time I worry about security is when my girlfriend stays over once a week. Never did I see this coming. I thought it would be the perfect grow :weed: Alas. I feel better about it now though. Looking towards the future of some WW x Bubbliscious Feminized seeds :fire:
Just to clarify some things about feminized seeds and hermie's. A feminized seed from a seed bank by a reputable breeder are made by treading the plant with gibberellic acid. Gribberellic acid is a hormone and treating a pot plant with this will cause a female to hermie. The seeds on the orignal plant and the pollen will contain only the female chromosom. Plants bred with pollen from a hermie will also be female only. The plant was not stressed into hemrie it was treated with a hormone to turn hermie. A properly feminized wont have any higher a risk of hermie than its non-feminized version.

A plant can also hermie due to varrious differant kinds of stress as a survival mechanizm. Light, PH, PPM, and many other variables could stress a plant into turning hermie. Now dependent on the phenotype some stress factors will be more likley to hermie it than others and offspring of this will also carry this same likeleyhood to. So if a certian phenotype will turn hermie due to light stress its off spring will also all carry this trait.

Now in this case it could be a number of things however to have all of them turn hermie and it being 2 differant strains I would be more apt to think it was some stress the grower caused and not be so quick to blame the genetics. You could scrap this grow and go with your bagseed option or you could do your best to clip and remove all the male nut sacks. Yeah alot of work to do on 13 plants and they will keep growing so its not going to be easy to get every single one and yes you probabally wont be able to avoid haveing atleast some seed. The better the job you do at plucking the balls the less seed. You have spent the time to germinate then veg then 2 weeks of flowering and it would be a shame to drop all that for bagseed that you will be wasteing more time on and have to also sex. Yeah its a sad thing what you are going through and I feel for ya but I think I would still try to salvage what I could of that grow as I think that even a few seeds in those dank strains would still be better than sensi-bagseed.

Goodluck and keep us posted..
if you are a regular grower and are growing seeds you got from a hermaphrodite plant, you will get 95+% hermies.. i have seen a shit ton of hermie seeds planted in the past and they have always hermied. sometimes right away, sometimes 5-6 weeks or later in flower but they ALWAYS seem to herm.
just wanted to warn you if you plan to grow the seeds you get off these herms.

i wanted to add, if you pollinate a female with a hermie, you will get the chance of some of them being female. you just get 95+% hermies when you pollinate a hermie with a hermie..
All it takes is one pollen sack to ruin the whole crop. You had 1 that hermed early and dropped pollen on all the rest! Its a statistical impossibility that they all were herm if all 1 strain than yes but a reputable seed bank wouldnt send you two bad batches:)
I dont really mind seeds as long as its not overwhelming ive been picking out seeds for 15 years its not that big of a deal to me:) but im not selling it either??
Absolutely nothing wrong with seeds...just when you get them is the key. I for one will pollinate my girls near the end of their flowering just so they feel complete. i do control where and when however, since resin will drop after fertilization. I keep my males around but separate. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
if you are a regular grower and are growing seeds you got from a hermaphrodite plant, you will get 95+% hermies.. i have seen a shit ton of hermie seeds planted in the past and they have always hermied. sometimes right away, sometimes 5-6 weeks or later in flower but they ALWAYS seem to herm.
just wanted to warn you if you plan to grow the seeds you get off these herms.

Not nessesarly accurate.. If your growing a hermaphordite that turned hemrie because of some sort of stress then its off spring will be highly likley to turn hermie if they encounter that same kind of stress. If the plant doesnt see this stress it wont hermie simple as that. A feminized seed from a reputable breeder has been chemically treated to make it hermie and most likley wont contain genetics that make them supceptable to hermie do to a certian kind of stress and even more agnist the odds would be for every plant in 2 differant strains to do this and with the same kind of stress at that.

If you are forcing plants to hermie with stress at home to make fem seed then the children are going to be supceptable to turning hermie if they are subjected to that same kind of stress. Your figure of 95% turning hermie I just dont agree with. If 95% of your homemade fem seed are turning hermie its more likley that 95% of them are encountering the same stress that hermied the strain in the first place.

Feminized seeds are not bad and its a misconception that properly feminized seeds are more apt to hermie.
Not nessesarly accurate.. If your growing a hermaphordite that turned hemrie because of some sort of stress then its off spring will be highly likley to turn hermie if they encounter that same kind of stress. If the plant doesnt see this stress it wont hermie simple as that. A feminized seed from a reputable breeder has been chemically treated to make it hermie and most likley wont contain genetics that make them supceptable to hermie do to a certian kind of stress and even more agnist the odds would be for every plant in 2 differant strains to do this and with the same kind of stress at that.

If you are forcing plants to hermie with stress at home to make fem seed then the children are going to be supceptable to turning hermie if they are subjected to that same kind of stress. Your figure of 95% turning hermie I just dont agree with. If 95% of your homemade fem seed are turning hermie its more likley that 95% of them are encountering the same stress that hermied the strain in the first place.

Feminized seeds are not bad and its a misconception that properly feminized seeds are more apt to hermie.

but the way the guy is going to get hermie seeds is no where near what the seed banks do to make fem seeds.. he will be taking seeds that were created by a hermie pollinating a hermie.. that is going to give you that high ass percentage of hermies.. its kewel if you don't take my word for it. grow a ton of hermies :) i was just trying to warn the dood what is going to happen to his babies the next time around if he uses these hermie seeds.
not my wasted time or space so no skin off my back :D
but the way the guy is going to get hermie seeds is no where near what the seed banks do to make fem seeds.. he will be taking seeds that were created by a hermie pollinating a hermie.. that is going to give you that high ass percentage of hermies.. its kewel if you don't take my word for it. grow a ton of hermies :) i was just trying to warn the dood what is going to happen to his babies the next time around if he uses these hermie seeds.
not my wasted time or space so no skin off my back :D

Your just not getting it... There is not a genetic marker for a hermie plant, a plant can have the male genetics or the female one and either sex can turn hermie as a defense mechanizm.

If he were to plant the seeds produced from this crop it doesn't nessesarly mean that all or majority of the plants will be hermie. These plants could grow female without turning hermie however they have a higher chance to turn hermie if they are put through the stress its parrents were.

I am not saying this guy should plant this seed after harvest but he should atleast try to deal with cutting off the male flowers and take this crop to harvest. If he does plant those seeds and they happen to get stressed like there parrents then hell yeah there will be some hermie plants and not knowing exactly what happened to the parrents yeah this is a gamble you may not want to take. Odering new seeds for the next grow is the logical choice. Try a differant breader if you wish but dont let this experience turn you away from feminized seed.

I just get frustrated when I hear people ragging on feminized seeds there are alot of misconceptions that people seem to have.
To simpify if its the grow room making them herm than their kids will herm in the same grow room but if you take those seeds to a perfect growing enviorment they can only be male or female....
To simpify if its the grow room making them herm than their kids will herm in the same grow room but if you take those seeds to a perfect growing enviorment they can only be male or female....

Almost correct. A hermie plant only has the female gene so it wont make a male plant.

The kids would be all female however if they are subjected to whatever made the parrents hermie they will also be very likley to hermie.

info about fem seeds written by the vancouver island seed co.. they have great genetics and some very unique strains..
on the page, they have a pic of a rooted leaf also.. i know someone had talked about that experiment here in the past.. i thought he had a pic or two also. this article also has a rooted leaf :)

edit to add this- I do see your point syrius.. because bagseed had to come from a hermied plant (or so you would think, because if it was from a male there would be a shitload of seeds in the bag) and some bagseed to turn out to be female. i had read by breeding a male and female your ratio is 50/50 male female. female hermie crossed gives seeds with 50/50 hermie female traits. figured a hermie self pollinating would be hermie hermie for pretty much all hermies.. i guess i just have never seen someone grow a seed from a hermie that didnt go hermie. maybe it was something they did wrong, maybe it was the seed.
Well I have decided to let them go and test the seed out. I'm confident that they are not going to be hermie seeds because it was the stress that turned them that way and not genetics. Time will tell. I'm keeping a watch on taffo143's grow from hermie seeds. So far his are all female :) https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/173045-bigbud-seed-found-bud-grow-2.html

I received my electronic PH tester in the mail today. My tap water is 8.5! This no doubt would have stressed the plants, correct? How do I get it down to 6.5? Can I use PH Down from the pet store? Next grow I'm buying distilled water. This water is to hard and high PH. I think the PPM is around 300.