Chlorine is definitely a stress point for weed.And I am sorry for your loss after the effort.
if you are a regular grower and are growing seeds you got from a hermaphrodite plant, you will get 95+% hermies.. i have seen a shit ton of hermie seeds planted in the past and they have always hermied. sometimes right away, sometimes 5-6 weeks or later in flower but they ALWAYS seem to herm.
just wanted to warn you if you plan to grow the seeds you get off these herms.
Not nessesarly accurate.. If your growing a hermaphordite that turned hemrie because of some sort of stress then its off spring will be highly likley to turn hermie if they encounter that same kind of stress. If the plant doesnt see this stress it wont hermie simple as that. A feminized seed from a reputable breeder has been chemically treated to make it hermie and most likley wont contain genetics that make them supceptable to hermie do to a certian kind of stress and even more agnist the odds would be for every plant in 2 differant strains to do this and with the same kind of stress at that.
If you are forcing plants to hermie with stress at home to make fem seed then the children are going to be supceptable to turning hermie if they are subjected to that same kind of stress. Your figure of 95% turning hermie I just dont agree with. If 95% of your homemade fem seed are turning hermie its more likley that 95% of them are encountering the same stress that hermied the strain in the first place.
Feminized seeds are not bad and its a misconception that properly feminized seeds are more apt to hermie.
but the way the guy is going to get hermie seeds is no where near what the seed banks do to make fem seeds.. he will be taking seeds that were created by a hermie pollinating a hermie.. that is going to give you that high ass percentage of hermies.. its kewel if you don't take my word for it. grow a ton of hermiesi was just trying to warn the dood what is going to happen to his babies the next time around if he uses these hermie seeds.
not my wasted time or space so no skin off my back![]()
To simpify if its the grow room making them herm than their kids will herm in the same grow room but if you take those seeds to a perfect growing enviorment they can only be male or female....