150w CMH Scrog

Some more photos today.


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So guys I need some advice. I am debating when I should chop them down? I was thinking of using shooting powder weeks 6,7 and 8 of flowering and then flushing week 9. Should I take them longer than that or should I chop them earlier? For instance shooting powder weeks 5, 6 and 7 then flushing week 8? GHSC says they are ready after 8 weeks of flowering. Not sure which way to go thought can anyone help? Thanks.
You should be fine starting it week 5 if they're supposed to be done by week 8. Besides, if you really need to you can keep them on just water for more than a week since you'll be chopping them anyway.
You should be fine starting it week 5 if they're supposed to be done by week 8. Besides, if you really need to you can keep them on just water for more than a week since you'll be chopping them anyway.

That's true I think I will end up doing it that way. Thanks. What's your views on the whole trichome gland colour, what percentage cloudy/amber? 50/50?
It really depends on the type of high you want from it. I think it was UncleBen who had a really good thread about it can't remember, but basically as they turn amber the thc is starting to break down is how it goes I'm pretty sure. I chopped my last one at around 25% amber and was pretty happy with it.
It really depends on the type of high you want from it. I think it was UncleBen who had a really good thread about it can't remember, but basically as they turn amber the thc is starting to break down is how it goes I'm pretty sure. I chopped my last one at around 25% amber and was pretty happy with it.

From what I've read on RIU, 25% amber, 75% cloudy is pretty common and/or sought after, though it seems not all growers have the patience. Also, I've read that clear-to-cloudy trichromes are going to result in a more cereberal/head high, while a higher-proportion of amber trichromes are going to result in a heavier body high/couch-lock. I can't back any of this up with personal experience or links. Go me!
Thanks for the advice bro. Will go for 25/75. Can anyone give me a rough estimate of how much I might get off these two? Here are some photos taken today :)


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Hmmm I'd say 100000000000000 of some sort of yet undefined unit. Haha sorry man, but that's anyone's guess right now. The last few weeks of flowering is going to be when it puts on a bunch of weight. Try to include a pic each time comparing a single cola to a bic lighter or something. If you use the same top each time you'll be able to track/compare its growth better and might help you estimate weight next time.
Get that light as close as possible without reducing light to the tops in the outer perimeter much. like within 1.5-2 inches of most of the nodes and to get that little light penetrating to those lower nodes. I find that the plants can take that with a 150. I keep as many tops as I can on 400W withing 3 inches of the hood always. Also foil is not that great at reflecting light. Put some mylar in there and your little box will light up like a pot of gold. Other than that your plants look healthy and nicely trimmed.
I'm subbed and along for the ride - I don't use a 150w CMH but I do use a mini-ScrOG system with a screen that is not too different in size to yours. (mines about 2 foot diameter)

My light is a LED that draws 36watts and I'm assuming that it is supposed to be comparable to a 150watt as Kessil call it a H150.

Here is a pikkie with the fan leaves removed just prior to chopping.

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Yo grumpy old dreamer nice plant. Always heard LED weren't all that good for flowering plants but this has changed my mind mate. Very nice grow. How much did you pull from her dry?
Some LEDS are basically crap but there are some nice panels out there. Kessil LEDs are dirrerent from every other light on the market - they are not LED "panels" but lights designed for horticulture.

Manicured and dried to 65% relitive humidity, the buds weighed in at 40.5g.

There are actually four clones sharing the one pot.

I have 2 of the Kessil H150 Magenta LEDs, and I flower 2 screens (one light per screen) at a time with a staggered harvest, harvesting each 5 to 6 weeks. Over an ounce of a different strain every 5 weeks or so - great way to build a collection of buds to smoke.

I keep a multi-grafted mother (4 strains so far) to supply clones when needed.

My main reason for using LEDs is paranoia about the potential fire hazard using conventional bulbs - I'd hate to lose everything I own to a fire for the sake of a bit of herb.
Just had a look at the Kessil Lights bloody hell they are not cheep. Sounds like you got a nice set-up going on wouldn't mind being your flat mate :P As for the fire I've often thought about it too, even had a couple dreams about burning my flat down, but I have come to the conclusion that at the end of the day if your set-up is wired correctly and no short cuts have been taken to save a few bob, there is just as much chance that your washing machine which draws more power than a light to go up in flames. The only difference is the washing machine isn't constantly running 12 hours a day. My point is if you do your homework and double check everything is safe then its in the lap of the gods my friend.
Some photos from today. Might have a bit of nutrient lock going on fed them today before I noticed the top leaves curling in on them selves will keep an eye on them and flush if it gets worse.


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Just had another watering today the soil was bone dry from the last watering on Sunday. Feeding them 1.5 litres with 1-2ml of Bio grow and about 5-7ml of bloom. Going to start using the shooting powder on the 30th the flowers should explode when I start using that, only heard good things about it. Wish a few more people would comment on my progress, any advice/comments is welcome.


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Sorry man hard to give advice when you've got it down so well. Growth looks really good with the cmh, seems overall healthier than most I've seen with 150 hps. Have you found anything you'll do differently next time yet?

I think I see what you meant about the leaves, a couple look to be cupping slightly. Doesn't look like its anything bad at this point but would be good to catch any potential problem early. What are you pH adjusting your water to? Also do you adjust it before or after adding nutes?
Thanks bro, appreciate it. Next time I don't think I would use the screen. My plan is to have three smaller pots 10 litre if they will fit, super lemon haze, orange bud and OG kush 18. Stick a 300w red spectrum cfl in there to help out and improve the light coverage at the moment the bulb is more to the left of the cab and not in the centre. Change the tin foil I got glued to the sides and put up some proper Mylar. Veg for maybe 3-4 weeks to compensate for the extra plant.

I don't adjust my pH, its at around 5.5 - 5.4. From what I've read it should be higher, around 6.5 for soil. I don't have any pH up as this is the pH after adding the nutes. Do you think this could be a problem?
Sounds like a plan, wonder if three smaller plants would yield more or less than the two you have in the screen now? Yeah mylar would probably help a bit, though you don't seem to have any hot spots on them. That'd be my first guess, if you have a chance to stop by an aquarium/pet store you can get a pH set (test, up, down) for pretty cheap. Think I got mine for around $8 for all three and should last me at least a few more months. The pH being so low could be locking something out, not sure what it would be to cause that. I'll try to find a chart I saw before that had a bunch of the deficiency and toxicity symptoms and pH availabilities.