150W HPS Multi Strain Cab


Well-Known Member
nice dude, they go throught spurts like that... mine are going through the same thing right now :)


Well-Known Member
I swear jizzy is pissing me off. Im honestly thinking about just chopping her ass. Shes a 12 week strain. Theres a month wasted. She hasnt even put out enough pistils to really call her female. Theres another 5 weeks wasted so far.


Well-Known Member
which is jizzy? you could use some more light if you wanna have em grow faster... dont chop it, youve already spent a lot of effort growing her.. shell get there.. She might be ur favorite bud..


Well-Known Member
jizzy is the tallest one. The one with basically 0 fucking pistils. If she hasnt at least started to put on some weight by the time I chop the other 2 im tossing her into some cookies. I mean why waste a month of power on ONE plant when I have 8 week strains waiting?


Active Member
jizzy is the tallest one. The one with basically 0 fucking pistils. If she hasnt at least started to put on some weight by the time I chop the other 2 im tossing her into some cookies. I mean why waste a month of power on ONE plant when I have 8 week strains waiting?
dont chop it, you will have wasted all that power for some weak ass coockies, just throw the next plants in with her, put them up on some boxes or something to keep the tops of the plants close to even.


Well-Known Member
I plan on vegging the next batch for at least a month. So when you think about it even if I do (probably wont) thats a month of my time saved. With me theres only 3 things important 1: Time 2: Knowledge and 3: Wisdom...Aside from that I really dont give a shit...


Active Member
I plan on vegging the next batch for at least a month. So when you think about it even if I do (probably wont) thats a month of my time saved. With me theres only 3 things important 1: Time 2: Knowledge and 3: Wisdom...Aside from that I really dont give a shit...
lol, i take it you dont have a little veg setup and you need the 150, i got ya, id probly chop it too, but instead i just built a little box to veg then in.


Well-Known Member
I got a clone chamber. Next thing on my list is a 70W MH converted from fish tank use to plant use and im going to build a mother box for my feminized LA woman freebie :D


Well-Known Member
a long while, as long as they are on schedule around maybe week 7? I dont really remember but around 6-7 i think


Active Member
Damn very impressive girls. I just got a 150W HPS a few weeks ago. I am loving it so far. I can't wait to do a whole grow with HPS instead of CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Im actually wanting to add some CFLs. I think im going to go with at least 2 dual 4 foot T12's on each side of the box if I can.


Active Member
Nice i actually have 2 Led panels too. But I dunno if they are worth throwing in there. There are more rows of lights not working than that work. Check out my sig. I will be updating pics tonight. Im scribed