• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*


Well-Known Member
well, if i divide my "honey do list" into "celebs that i have permission to seduce" and "celebs i would seduce anyway", david bowie would certainly have a place on the latter of the 2.....
davis bowie? lmaoooo i think you would need a big set of balls and a dick to entice that guy


Active Member
thank you! i've been following your progress as well!
Im Flattered Kitty. Great to know some one of your caliber and medical experience is following me. Please feel free to post any advice or comments you may have. My next grow will be on the large scale like yourself. I plan on running 12 monster trees with 13 lights. Hoping to achieve 20 lbs minimum. I will be designing this room soon. I will post pics on my thread so stay tuned.

One more thing, I think its awesome your a woman grower. I am teaching my wife as well. Rock that shit!!!


Active Member
jyer: this little dude?

View attachment 1744441

if you wiki "budworm", it gives you a list as long as your forearm.... this is the first one on the list that's north american and green with stripes -- the Tobacco Budworm. if i look at it for too long (especially around the "sucker" part) it gives me the heebyjeebies.
That's the little bastard. They are a bright green that blends in so well the only way to find them is is by finding the dark pistols and rot spots and going digging in the nugs. They started an unnatural hatred in me for all insects with wings. I saw a butterfly tattoo the other day on a super pretty girl and was disgusted. Just not right :-(


Moderatrix of Journals
Im Flattered Kitty. Great to know some one of your caliber and medical experience is following me. Please feel free to post any advice or comments you may have. My next grow will be on the large scale like yourself. I plan on running 12 monster trees with 13 lights. Hoping to achieve 20 lbs minimum. I will be designing this room soon. I will post pics on my thread so stay tuned.

One more thing, I think its awesome your a woman grower. I am teaching my wife as well. Rock that shit!!!
the magic ratio for maximizing yield seems to be 1kw lamp:3 plants. and by "magic" i mean that seems to be the trial-and-error conclusion that the tree growers we know keep coming to around here anyways.
although i know a guy that does pretty well for himself off a 1 600w: 3 plants ratio as well.
food for thought at any rate.

[edit: to clarify, i mean for large-plant grows here, that number obviously doesn't mean a lot to sog/scrog.]

and yes. more women should grow. i love that you're teaching your wife. that's awesome.


Well-Known Member
Hey kitty and friends! Beautiful grow I must say, you must work hard but are great at what you do :D . Thanks for the info regarding bud worms, i haven't seen any yet but I've sprayed azamax on my outdoor plants :). Good to know what I'm looking for and just what they're capabr of before they get here (unless they're already here under my nose :o). I'm definitely subbed, looks like you're going to have great results!

PS, sorry about your helper. :(


Moderatrix of Journals
thanks for stopping in brandon! it's been years since my last outdoor grow, but one's not likely to forget the onslaught of challenges nature tosses at ya. ;) slugs are my personal nemesis. i swear they're aliens on an intergalactic imperial mission. (you should see me with the salt in the veggie garden... "holy shit it's jabba the hutt.... DIE JABBA DIE!!" *shrivel shrivel*)


Moderatrix of Journals
those are some fatass gnat larvae.... (HELLLLLL NO on the tradesies, thanks :lol: fg's are the first bug i ever fought.) do they have little black heads?


Well-Known Member
Hey kitty, I'll trade you my gnat larvae for your slugs? haha

View attachment 1754937
I saw this exact sight in my own flood tray last night. I found out they don't like bleach water at all :twisted:

Tonight is drench night, they all get an Azamax drench. If that doesn't work I'll just kill everything in my soil, including the beneficial life, with some neem. Die fuckers die! Then it is a diatomaceious earth powdering up top to keep the survivors from escaping. I've been fighting gnats since I started growing in '09, and the longest I can get rid of them is for a season or two until they go back in full force outside, and some how only hang out in my indoor crop, never the outdoor crop. Caterpillars have been my only enemy outside, and green leaf mining mini-crickets, fuckers, but Thuricide has been murder on the caterpillars, they DO NOT survive that shit.

I might even kill all the adult fungus gnats out of spite with a doctor doom bomb. Talk about "Knock-Down" power. I've been using that word a lot today... knock-down power, haha.


Well-Known Member
No kitty they are all solid white. I noticed a few of them had 6 legs and were crawling around, unlike the majority of wigglers.

I saw this exact sight in my own flood tray last night. I found out they don't like bleach water at all :twisted:

Tonight is drench night, they all get an Azamax drench. If that doesn't work I'll just kill everything in my soil, including the beneficial life, with some neem. Die fuckers die! Then it is a diatomaceious earth powdering up top to keep the survivors from escaping. I've been fighting gnats since I started growing in '09, and the longest I can get rid of them is for a season or two until they go back in full force outside, and some how only hang out in my indoor crop, never the outdoor crop. Caterpillars have been my only enemy outside, and green leaf mining mini-crickets, fuckers, but Thuricide has been murder on the caterpillars, they DO NOT survive that shit.

I might even kill all the adult fungus gnats out of spite with a doctor doom bomb. Talk about "Knock-Down" power. I've been using that word a lot today... knock-down power, haha.
I heard that hygrozyme should kill them by itself, but I ended up mixing a brew of hygrozyme, SM-90 and 29% H202. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure what I'll do being that I'm entering week 8 of flower... It might be too late to do much else. My plants are begging for nutes but I'm screwing around with these damn gnat larvae!


Well-Known Member
No kitty they are all solid white. I noticed a few of them had 6 legs and were crawling around, unlike the majority of wigglers.

I heard that hygrozyme should kill them by itself, but I ended up mixing a brew of hygrozyme, SM-90 and 29% H202. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure what I'll do being that I'm entering week 8 of flower... It might be too late to do much else. My plants are begging for nutes but I'm screwing around with these damn gnat larvae!
Diatomaceious earth will keep them at least from getting on your buds. Also, sand, try it on your next crop as a top dressing.


Well-Known Member
I saw this exact sight in my own flood tray last night. I found out they don't like bleach water at all :twisted:

Tonight is drench night, they all get an Azamax drench. If that doesn't work I'll just kill everything in my soil, including the beneficial life, with some neem. Die fuckers die! Then it is a diatomaceious earth powdering up top to keep the survivors from escaping. I've been fighting gnats since I started growing in '09, and the longest I can get rid of them is for a season or two until they go back in full force outside, and some how only hang out in my indoor crop, never the outdoor crop. Caterpillars have been my only enemy outside, and green leaf mining mini-crickets, fuckers, but Thuricide has been murder on the caterpillars, they DO NOT survive that shit.

I might even kill all the adult fungus gnats out of spite with a doctor doom bomb. Talk about "Knock-Down" power. I've been using that word a lot today... knock-down power, haha.
Neem is not a knock down killer, it will do the job over time but the key word here is time. Fungus gnats are more of a pain in the ass then destroyer of plants. You need a hell of a lot of gnats to kill a plant.

everything you need to know.


Fungus gnats love wet organic matter. They can be found in most artificial planting mixes, as well as in real soil with a high OM content. Fungus gnats are most commonly found inhabiting containers where the soil medium does not dry out.

Most commercial potting mixes contain wetting agents, which counteract the hydrophobicity of peat (most mixes are peat-based), allowing them to be more easily remoistened. Wetting agents also tend to exclude air, since they break the surface tension of water, and thus allow it to enter much smaller spaces than normal.

To be perfectly blunt, most people over-water their plants, either applying too much water too often, or too much water at any given time to compensate for not having watered frequently enough. Due to the shape and nature of most containers, a temporary ("perched") water table is created within the container after watering. This is a saturated zone, where oxygen is excluded. Re-applying water before this zone physically drops (dries out) keeps it in a saturated condition. Most plant roots will die if they remain in this zone for extended periods.

All of this (wetting agents, wet peat, container shape and over-watering) contributes to root death and better housing and chow for fungus gnat larvae (in a study, most fungus gnats surveyed preferred dining in plastic pots and eating dead and dying roots).

So, keep the soil aerated, water intelligently and fungus gnats will be discouraged.

TIP they love vinegar, I went to the dollar store and bought some vinigar bottles like in the restaurant left the tops off and filled 1/2 full placed them near the plant and watched them fill with dead gnats. The narrow top is important to trap them.


Well-Known Member
Slugs and snails can be stopped by wrapping copper around the bottom of the stems, the copper burns them so they won't cross it. I use a copper mesh on my outdoor plants and never have issues.


Copper Blocker

Placed around gardens, this pure copper wire mesh repels snails and slugs, because they don't like touching copper. It can also be cut to length to stuff in cracks, gaps or other small openings in buildings to block birds or rodents or other animals. This wire doubles as a unique accent for gift wrapping, or an eye-catching trimming for seasonal decorations.
Rolls are 5" wide and available in 25' or 100' lengths. Made in Canada.
A great non-toxic, multi-use pest-control product.

Copper Blocker, 25'

Copper Blocker, 100'



Moderatrix of Journals
that's the stuff from lee valley, right? i've seen banana slugs longer than my middle finger crawling over that shit to get to my tomatoes. i'm thinking maybe the "shock" is relative to body size... an electrified fence'd probably stop a toddler way more effectively than an adult human, for instance.

i looooooooove lee valley though. such a treasure trove for plant geeks like us. i could not live life without "the world's kindest nailbrush".

fwiw, i personally have my doubts on whether you guys are dealing with actual fg's. don't take my word for it, the last time i had an issue with fg's diazinon was still legal for household use. :lol:

No kitty they are all solid white. I noticed a few of them had 6 legs and were crawling around, unlike the majority of wigglers.
i gotta tell you dubbzy, this one has me stumped. ^^this^^ suggests to me that they aren't fg's. fg larvae have black heads, pupate (as tan or brown pupae), and emerge as (black) gnats. i've wracked my brain and google imaged various larvae until i almost made myself sick [srsly-->:cuss: fuck you google :cuss: for throwing in the odd random root weevil larvae among the flies and gnats. disgusting things. *hurl* ] and i have no suggestions for what they actually might be. i thought maybe "root aphid" but i'm pretty sure aphids don't have a wormy-looking larval stage.

i've shown your pic to one of my garden gurus who's a certified horticulturalist and we're going to consult her compendium of garden pests tonight because she's stumped too. she doesn't think they're fg's either.