16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*


Moderatrix of Journals
I want you for Christmas too kitty ;) lol
How've you been kitty kat? Did you ever find out what strain it was you were growing? How was the smoke anyways? Any new news on the nutrient challenge? Love what you girl! Keep it and happy holidays!
awwww :oops:

the strain, as far as i know, is called "tall kush".... still know nothing about its geneology. the smoke is excellent, a bit heavy on the indica side for me but the patients love it and that's still the main thing.

the nute challenge rolls on.... i'm pretty sure if we hadn't messed it up the organics would have rocked everyone else out of the water -- very promising. april and britannia WERE the frostiest of the girls.
started meh tea yesterday.... *gurgle gurgle* ewc, sea soil, black pearl and alfalfa.... for now. this is going to be a fun run.


RIU Bulldog
awwww :oops:

the strain, as far as i know, is called "tall kush".... still know nothing about its geneology. the smoke is excellent, a bit heavy on the indica side for me but the patients love it and that's still the main thing.

the nute challenge rolls on.... i'm pretty sure if we hadn't messed it up the organics would have rocked everyone else out of the water -- very promising. april and britannia WERE the frostiest of the girls.
started meh tea yesterday.... *gurgle gurgle* ewc, sea soil, black pearl and alfalfa.... for now. this is going to be a fun run.
Edit: I love what *you do...
Oh so did you read that article I put up about alfalfa pellets and triacontanol? It was interesting right?


Moderatrix of Journals
a sneak peak at the latest rockstars.....

ye ol' pantyhose tea bag: (knee highs work great.)

possible "wolverina"? :



Moderatrix of Journals
Edit: I love what *you do...
Oh so did you read that article I put up about alfalfa pellets and triacontanol? It was interesting right?
very interesting indeed. i'd read about the benefits of alfalfa tea before, but it's nice to know the actual chemistry behind things, being a nerd and all. ;)
i went through a period of severely overthinking my tea recipe, but then i had a change of heart/mind and started eliminating things i can supplement individually (ie. instead of putting them right IN meh tea i'll just use them in conjunction WITH it).... after sundry k.i.s.s.-style parings-down of the recipe i ended up going with just those 4 things.
i held off on dextrose/molasses because i want to see what the black pearl does in tea..... soluble carbon from the biochar and a polysaccharide source from the chitosan.


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at a product called Halo, which contains harpin protein. I think I'm going to order some and see how it goes. Thought you may want to check into it too, harpin elicits SAR response in plants. It's pretty pricey, but they have small "trial" packs for around $15


Moderatrix of Journals
I've been looking at a product called Halo, which contains harpin protein. I think I'm going to order some and see how it goes. Thought you may want to check into it too, harpin elicits SAR response in plants. It's pretty pricey, but they have small "trial" packs for around $15
*whines* ???? more reading????


(j/k, i've heard of harpin protein before (possibly from you), i will certainly have to look further into it.)

i think the most experimental with proteins i'm going to get this time around is maybe doing some amino experiments with some good old bragg's..... but i need joe for that. seems one of my hubbies is MIA after dropping an informational tidbit. effing tease. don't make me sic wolvie on you, joe.


Well-Known Member
Ok I did not belive in it until I read this from the university of conn. http://www.soiltest.uconn.edu/factsheets/FoliarFertilization.pdf
Note; radioactive isotopes translocation in the tissue is important it suggest assimilation !!
Side note; macros are not the best for foliar as per arcticals recc. BUT in veg state to kick start the processes of cellular division I spray three times in there lives...
Don't do what I do but here is my favorite spray;
4L h20nly:) prefer it a 0ppm and 7 ph one t.= 5milliliters for all the euros:)
1t neem oil
1t braggs
1t calcium carbonate
1/4t kelp
1t humicfulvic from bioag
finally! the site and my keyboard are both working, at the same time! (imagine that!)
be warned of some possible long-winded replies here.....

first off: joe: let's talk aminos finally, shall we? are you telling me you can foliar feed with a bragg's solution???
(muggie: here in n. america we have an edible amino product called 'bragg's' -- quite often one finds it as a soy sauce alternative in the health foods aisle.)

if i'm adding biochar to meh tea (C and O), do you think it would be more effective to add it to my feed solution, or still use it as a foliar feed?


Moderatrix of Journals
i'm sorry, upon re-reading, my stoned writing is totally muddling.... what i meant was, since i'm also adding biochar to meh tea, would it be better to add the aminos into the tea and let them assimilate (possibly utilising the available C and O from the biochar), or would you still foliar feed with it (<-bragg's)?


Moderatrix of Journals
and thank you for the recipe, i just happen to be collecting information for an early-flower foliar spray right now....xoxo


Well-Known Member
Adding braggs to your tea would provide a great source of nutes for fungal growth due to the residual sugars left from non metabolized soy in the braggs! And the biochar provides substrate for the fungal hyphe to extend http://www.nurserymanagementonline.com/nursery-0711-beneficial-soil-microorganisms.aspx
Not the best source but a cool read.
Note ; the t22 hazorium is the shit and I am working on getting the cheapest best source for that and Bt bacteria as they are the best . With good earthworm castings, compost, chitosan and biochar your tea Should be great in a short ten to twelve hour brew;)


Moderatrix of Journals
i've seen the missing missy thing before -- if it was MY cat, i'd've been in buddy's cubicle bludgeoning him with something by email #3.....

..... and udwc, i just realised i don't even want to know wtf's going on in that pic..... :lol:


Moderatrix of Journals
Adding braggs to your tea would provide a great source of nutes for fungal growth due to the residual sugars left from non metabolized soy in the braggs! And the biochar provides substrate for the fungal hyphe to extend http://www.nurserymanagementonline.com/nursery-0711-beneficial-soil-microorganisms.aspx
Not the best source but a cool read.
Note ; the t22 hazorium is the shit and I am working on getting the cheapest best source for that and Bt bacteria as they are the best . With good earthworm castings, compost, chitosan and biochar your tea Should be great in a short ten to twelve hour brew;)
thanks joe!
i'm not sure what brand the ewc i got is.... but it's black as my ace of spades and "100% african night crawler".
went with "sea soil" instead of compost this time around -- there are murmurings in my nute circles about the benefits of introducing marinic microflora into the ecosystem-at-hand (ie the ones we nurse in our basements).
the chitosan and biochar are from one product... i'll also be starting a foliar application of a chitosan additive the week before flip.
alfalfa meal from welcome harvest.

revisiting the fungal hyphe.... if the biochar acts as a substrate, do you think it would be better then, next time, if i put the biochar loose in the tea instead of putting it in the teabag? i know it's not water-soluble, but it's not like i have hydroworks that are going to get mucked up from particulates or anything......

tea is nicely bubbly..... but it's only at 200+ ppm, is this normal?


Moderatrix of Journals
yeah, the little girl peeking into it MAKES the friggin picture.... but srsly wtf?? :lol:

although that is some GENIUS design if it's a bouncy castle inside....