Well-Known Member
Wait until interest rates increase (from the massive money that has been printed in the past few years), say they increase to 8% like they were under Clinton.
That's 1.36 Trillion per year just in interest payments. I don't think Obamanuts/liberals are evil, just bad at math.
This is current budget graph
So, on that pie chart, when the 7% slice increases to 14%, 21%, how will we afford all these social programs that Uncle Buck loves?
I figure most adult humans learn this principal in their teen years when they get their first credit card, but I guess I overestimate most Americans!
Couldn't agree more! Short term "budgeting" and out of control spending is bad no matter what. Our country spends spends spends and ignores our financial problems just isn't working. Honestly, it's been progressing worse and worse every president since Reagan. Ending the federal reserve would be a nice first step towards actually getting our country on the right track!
And Buck, can I have a couple sources of the national deficit being cut within Obamas presidency?