I dont think anyone is saying debt in itself is an advantage, but rather that borrowing money and going into debt is often more advantageous in the long run than not borrowing that money.
So Bucky and Cheesy just misspoke, oh my!
I dont think anyone is saying debt in itself is an advantage, but rather that borrowing money and going into debt is often more advantageous in the long run than not borrowing that money.
It seems like people here are trying to compare private companies with the government. That is the first mistake.
any organization must follow the immutable laws of finance or suffer the consequences.
it doesnt matter if it's a private household, a business venture or a Perfumed Prince on his throne in Washington, when you borrow, you must pay it back or you will go tits up.
Let me expand upon that...
We owe the money. Hundreds of thousands of dollars for every individual in the USA. The government didnt borrow it, it just spent it on paper and is now demanding the note be paid by us.
The problem is that the government keeps spending more money. Increases are automatically added into the budget and all they argue about is reducing the increase, not decreasing anything.
It would be like you and your alcoholic brother going to your parents house and him drinking a 6 pack of their beer. And you are like.. Dude, we need to replace that. So you go to the store and buy a 6 pack of beer and return only to find out your brother drank another 12 pack...
I honestly no longer believe that either party has the fortitude to cut spending and that they are simply so weak they will allow the system to continue until it crashes to the ground. And that might not be that far away.
So when you keep saying the government needs to pay back the debt, what needs to happen is for them to stop the excessive spending. Otherwise nothing will ever be accomplished.
It seems like people here are trying to compare private companies with the government. That is the first mistake.
I see your point. However it could be said there are NO truly private businesses in the USA as everyone of them falls under some form of regulation. An actual "private business" in the truest sense of the word would involve two parties in it's transactions, service provider and customer. In everyone of the so called private business today there is some kind of intervention from an unnecessary third party. That intervention dilutes the meaning enough to change it.
Notice how you have to adjust for inflation to get the graph to look like that. A shady statistician using phony data from a shady accountant did that one...
Congrats for buying into it dumbass...
We owe the money. Hundreds of thousands of dollars for every individual in the USA.
Yet almost all Business small and large uses debt in their day to day business dealings
If you have a job (doubt it) your employer has a line of credit with the bank and pays most of his suppliers net 90.
If you make a 15% profit on your sales and the interest rates on your borrowings is 5%, you always make a profit, even if you're entirely debt financed. The government doesn't offer services to earn a profit, so the comparison to private businesses is irrelevant.
When the government borrows and spends $1 trillion, it does so without any thought of earning a return on that spending. Look at the big spending items: social security, Medicare/Medicaid, defense--these don't return much to the treasury.
that is literally retarded.
Totally agree and you fell for it, that's why you should stick to spell checking and feline sitting!
apparently you reading compensation has failed you? (<---not actually a question)
tell me again how a surplus can vanish based on inflation adjustment.
go on, don't be shy.
i'll wait here for the answer.
the "Clinton Surplus" does not vanish based on inflation...
the rest of your rant which attempts to characterize the clinton surpluses as imaginary was not read or even skimmed by me. sorry.
So you know the contents of the post you claim not to have read? LOL!!! Typical lying liberal bullshit...
this country will get back on its feet... but we need to kill the sick, old, and homeless..... kick out all the illeagle Mexicans... stop backing up the jews..... and kill every last existing manatee,whale, or any other endangerd species.......![]()