Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
how does that not follow?
you say you support three strike laws, i snip a little tidbit (with alphanumeric citation, no less) about the problems associated with them, and you devolve into hysterics under the mighty weight of mundane facts.
maybe after a year or two of living among all these minorities, i will discover the need, as you have, to defend against this impending threat of multiculturalism and give my support to horrible laws.
hell, maybe i might even take a liking to mandatory minimums while i'm at it.
yes. when you get robbed at gunpoint, the perp is arrested, then theres NO TRIAL, as the perp plea bargains to misdemeanor petty theft, and is back on the street getting busted for armed robber AGAIN in less than 6 months, yeah youll start to like 3 strikes too dumbass.
i dont even hear your shrill cries of "THAT'S RACIST!!" anymore, i guess you have damaged my hearing in the Leftist Squealing range.
soon youll be one of those New Conservatives, which is a Liberal after his first armed robbery.
if 3 strikes laws had been passed sooner, Polly Klaas would still be alive, and probably would be a Good Democrat of whom you would approve.
how unfortunate that calculating, remorseless actual evil persons like Richard Alan Davis have been allowed to wander the streets exterminating children before they can become leftist morons like yourself, before they can register on the forum and call me a racist.
if only there were some way to keep worthless creatures like Davis off the street so Polly could grow up to be a good little liberal and "Like" your mindless posts.
Perhaps The Brahmin In Chief will use his Healthcare Time Machine to fix the Richard Alan Davis problem at it's source, by giving poor little Dickie Davis a cookie and a hug, thus negating his "SES" driven compulsion to rape and kill children in the future...
after all, Richard Alan Davis was FORCED to become a child murdering serial rapist by his "SES".
ohh wait I forgot, Davis was proved to NOT be Chicano or Native American, in court, so he doesnt qualify for the Racially Selective "SES" Defense...
I guess there's nothing The Immaculate One can do, even with his Healthcare Time Machine.
He may be a Magic Negro but he's not Harry Potter.