177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

So I've decided to veg her another 2 weeks at the least so I can get some LST going before flower.
I'll gt some pics tonight, but she looks beautiful again. All new growth is gorgeous. :)
Glad to hear she's looking better! Can't wait to see how see looks.
I always do a bit of LST to my plants.
Did you cut you the miracle grow with anything? I've read of some people getting N tox in flower from miracle grow from the time released nutes. You've probably heard that too though. Shouldn't be an issue if you cut it down with some perlite.
Yeah, she's 45-50% perlite/MG. And here's the pics, as promised. The camera still sucks, but it's easy to see that her new growth looks great.
And here's the pics;

Picture 018.jpgPicture 019.jpgPicture 020.jpgPicture 021.jpg
You can see where she was burned, but you can also clearly see her new growth is back to normal.

I've also revised the lighting AGAIN in order to take your advice and cut back on the lights a bit to save power.
Here's a pic. I'm down to 9x 26W 6500K, and 1x 42W 2300K all running through a single reflector. and a shitload of Y adapters! (it's rated to handle that much power) For a total of 276W of CFL power.
Picture 047.jpg = 276W of CFL's; 234W = 6500°K + 42W = 2300°K

And here's a couple shot of the inside of the box. I added some white paper instead of mylar. It's damn near impossible to iron out all the winkles in those emergency blankets!

Picture 048.jpgPicture 049.jpgPicture 050.jpg
It's nice just having the ONE light socket/cord running into the box. I might actually be able to cover it in clothes and stealth it a little better. :P

Thanks for your interest Cereal. You've easily become my new best RIU friend since i've come back!! ^_^
OH YEAH, I almost forgot, I ordered some FFOF at the hydro shop I frequent. They already had the 1.5 cubic ft back, but that was about $22. So I was browsing the catalog and found some Fox Farms: Ocean Forest in a 12qt bag, only like 12-13$ or so. So I called the shop, and asked them to order a bag whenever they put an order in. :D
They called me this morning and let me know it came in. (they said it would take like 2-3 weeks, it only took about 3-4 days. :P) Aaaand i just got paid tonight, soooooo I'll be transplanting my baby into some REAL soil. I'm debating though if I should wait and save it for my spouting sativa plant. I'm gonna have to LST that thing like CRAZY! I'll give my OG another month of veg or so until it shows it's sex. If it's a female, i'll possibly clone it. I'm really not sure what i'm going to be doing. >_<
So many possibilities. I mean... if my OG is a she, and she turns out great, i'd HATE to lose the strain just because I didn't bother to clone it. I'm thinking I might just take a single clone and keep it around in veg after my main plant is flowering. If it's a female, then the clone will make a good mother, or even just the next plant, with a clone to be taken from it as well. Else if it's a male, i'll just scrap the whole thing. Unless you (Cereal) are interested in some Platinum OG pollen. ;)
I hope for you it's a female but, if it's not I'd be more than happy to have some Platinum OG pollen :)

She is looking a lot better though! I'd definitely recommend cloning also. The last plant I harvested in my avatar pic was such a keeper! But I didn't get to clone her and now she's forever gone :( she's like my one that got away. So sad about it still haha. So definitely do some cloning! You won't regret it, you'll just regret not doing it!
And that is one hell of a bulb fixture you got there! I could never put something like that together haha.
I'm glad everything's looking up again!
You could easily make something like that! It's just a reflector from Lowes, and a bunch of Y adapters. Nothing more.
But yeah, when she has some more growth on her, i'll be sure to clone her, just to be safe.
And on my way to the Hyrdo shop to get my FFOF today, I stopped at the STAR Nursery not far from my house so I could apply for a job. (I love gardening, so... why not??) And boom, right there, in the right size (no special order or anything) The 12qt bag of FFOF, and only 8$! Since I saved so much on it, i was able to get some new pots for my new sprouts, new peat pellets, some soil test kits, a little stress reducing solution, some working gloves, another bag of perlite, and another bag of Miracle Grow (for my outside garden).
My outside garden has;
Radishes, Pumpkins, Peas, Spinach, Watermelon and my new sproutlings include Cucumber, Peas (sugar snap), cantaloupe, Zinna flowers, Moon flowers, and cardinal climber vines. And the rest that i've planted and i'm waiting to sprout is; Mint, Oregeno, Sage, Cilantro, Basil and Parsley. (I think that's it, since my carrots died)
Pics as promised:
Here's a couple of before the transplant, the LST was going well.

Picture 023.jpgPicture 024.jpg

Here's some shots of after the transplant, a couple of the shots are crap, but after I turned the flash off, and put a couple of my CFL's (I have like 40 of them...) in my room sockets, it gave the lighting I needed for a decent shot.

Picture 025.jpgPicture 026.jpgPicture 027.jpg

And here's without the flash, you can REALLY see how pretty the green is on her with it like this. NO MORE FLASH IN MY PICS, SHOULD HELP A LOT!

Picture 028.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 030.jpg

The lower leaves are all burned off, and one of the budsites shut down at the very bottom node. No real loss there. Her growth is starting to take off again, and now that she's in the Fox farms ocean forest....
I think she'll really improve once she gets used to the new soil I discontinued the LST since I didn't want to add anymore stress during her transplant, but i'll restart it soon, I still have time. Not much, but a little.

And lastly, my mexican ditch weed sativa has sprouted. I'm mostly just curious what I can do with her. Traditionally they grow insanely tall, and it's just as likely to be male. But, i'll let it hang around and see where it takes me with a little proper love as opposed to my last sativa.

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Why are you using so many lights to veg? A little plant only needs one or two bulbs to get started. I grow in a big tent but for fun I thought is try a closet grow and I had two 6500k cfl's going 18/6 and that little plant grew so quickly and I'm flowering now with only 4 23 watt cfl's and the plant is growing nicely. Just was curious and thought I'd share my insight.
Everyone keeps asking about the lights.
A: Heat. My ventilation system is adjustable, but even on it's lowest setting, keeps the box pretty cold at night.
B: I'm trying to find, and test a final design that I will most likely stick with through the rest of the grow. I tend to unscrew a few bulbs here and there as I feel needed.
C: Half the day, she gets direct sunlight, the other half, she's under CFL's. I'm giving her as much as I can without going (in my opinion) way overboard.

I (at one point) was running 420W of CFL's in there as part of the testing light setups.
Now that I have her in some proper fox farms, i'm giving her all the light I feel comfortable giving.
The other reason in a power consumption amount reason, in that when I DO up it, I don't want the power consumption to spike as hard as it would then if I gradually work my way up to it.
I have like 30 CFL's just lying around total. So really... I'm only using a fraction of what I have.

Oh, and lastly. Thanks for your interest, even if it was to ask a question.
Good news everybody!! The "STAR Nursery" i mentioned in a previous post, as having both Fox Farms nutes, and soils for really inexpensive is within my gasp to work at. I turned in an application and the manager said, and I quote "Yeah, I think we have something for you here. Working with plants in the back." Which is exactly the job I was looking for. I love working with plants. All kinds. Cannabis especially, but the chance to work at a place that specializes in growing things and having all the things needed to do so... Fucking dream come true! ^_^
Congrats man! That's really cool. Hopefully you'll get discount gear too! :) haha. I've been trying to get a job like that but my local nursery doesn't get much business, I'm their most loyal customer haha. That's really cool man!

The girls looking a lot better too! She definitely took to the transplant. Nice and green again :).
Mhm! After sitting in the sun for about 6 hours, she started looking a little droopy in her leaves again. Not sure why, but i'll give it a day or 2 before I take an action to determine why. She's resting comfortably in the box right now for her down time.
My sativa sprouted and geez does it look different. Thin tiny little blade leaves. to start. I'll get a pic in a bit.
Anyway, I wanna make sure that the sativa stretches as LITTLE as possible, they're meant to be big and tall, but I wanna keep it as short as I can.

Congrats man! That's really cool. Hopefully you'll get discount gear too! :) haha. I've been trying to get a job like that but my local nursery doesn't get much business, I'm their most loyal customer haha. That's really cool man!

The girls looking a lot better too! She definitely took to the transplant. Nice and green again :).

And thanks!! I have my interview on Monday, but as long as I don't blow that big time, I think i'll be all set to get the job! :) And i'm REALLY looking forward to the employee discount on grow equipment and soils. Just makes me sad that they don't carry lights and stuff like that there, lol. Maybe i'll convince the manager to stock HID's and ballasts to take advantage of the shift in laws in the state. ;) We have a vote in Nov to legalize it overall, as in Colorado. I think within 5-10 years, cannabis will have a totally new lease on life. And it will begin to be readily available to anyone who wishes to use it '18+ with ID of course! ;) '
So upon turning the lights on, she's looking a little less great, some yellowing on a lower leaf, and she's a little less dark green then she was yesterday. I'm sure she's just adapting to the Fox Farms soil, it's way more nutrient rich then she's used to, she it's prob just a little nitrogen abundance.
No worries, she'll work it out in her due time. Shame i've had so many issues with her though.
Oh well, life goes on. Plants will always come and go. :D

Anyway, here's some pics.
The yellowing doesn't look so bad close up, and she almost looks as if she's over watered. But i'm sure it's nothing she can't correct on her own given time. Nothing to fret over. ;)

Picture 034.jpgPicture 031.jpgPicture 032.jpgPicture 033.jpg

And here's the shots of her in her box. I like the way the light setup has bulbs on either side of the plant. :D

Picture 036.jpgPicture 035.jpg
She'll probably perk up in a day or so. I've had plants not re act so well when transplanted in ffof, don't know if that's the issue. It definitely doesn't look like it'll be a huge set back or anything though.
Oh, and in regards to your interview, good luck! I'm sure you'll nail it. You probably have more experience with plants than your competitors. And that has to be a good thing, to be working in a nursery with plants! Haha.
Have you been having issues with riu being blocked? I tried to upload new pics and got blocked for the site being malicious :(.
(It told me I was banned from posting when I tried to reply... let's try this again...) Yeah, she's just adapting to her new home, i'm sure she'll perk back up in a day or 2. Nothing to fret over. :P And thanks! I hope I do well too, i'll hopefully be working with the plants, as he told me that's what the job entailed. I'm excited to learn about all different kinds, since i have a pretty extensive garden outside of my closet as well. :D And yes, we've all had issues with RIU being listed as an attack site. Google has it on a list currently. You can just ignore it and lost anyway. I'm not sure how or why the bots looking for attack sites for malware from this site, but I never have. I do know that RIU is dealing with a TON of technical issues right now. Laundry list of issues they're having... Oh well, still my favorite of the cannabis sites. You on any other sites cereal?
Congrats again! I'd be so stoked if I had a nursery around me hiring! There are just so many pros to it, it's hard to count! Haha, wishing ya the best of luck. :)

Unfortunately, this is the only Mj related site I've used so far. If you got any suggestions to others I'm definitely open to them. Especially with all this stuff going on. I've never had any issues on here, besides the spam. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where the malware or whatever was coming from.
Seems like it's been one thing after another with riu lately. Might just have to change over to another site if this doesn't get fixed soon. Definite bummer though, I like riu :(
RIU has been my favorite since I joined back in 2011. I'm also registered on like 6 other sites, but never go on any of them. ICmag isn't bad, but it's hard to get enough rep to even post or message people there. They have a very seemingly strict rule set which says that if you aren't an established member of THEIR community, you can't post, msg or do anything besides read. Grasscity is just filled with immature children who know as much about growing as they don't know. That site is all rumors and bad idea's if you ask me. That's the site I go to ask questions at when I don't care about feeling embarrassed. I'm established with a good rep on this site, grasscity is a joke, so I treat it like one. Riddlem3 was a good site. An RIU user made it, but I haven't been on in years, and I think my account was deleted. But yeah, i'd just stick to RIU, and hopefully they'll have their issues dealt with soon enough. It still is, and hopefully always will be, my home site for growing information. [br][br][br] And regarding the nursery, i'm really excited. Shame you don't live in the north west where I live, else I could give you my discount. :P In any case though, it might help me meet other growers here in the valley.