1BMM's 2012 SOG

Small Teany Tiny Update:

Nothing to brag of yet. Just getting everything all dialed in where i like it again. I used this stuff called orca film on the walls this time instead of mylar and boy i like it so much better. Its really thick stuff and washing it down looks like its going to be a breeze compared to mylar. Mylar is a bitch to get spotless IMO.

Finally got time to mount up my custom cool hood. Currently running only 1 600 watt MH for veg. Room temps are staying pretty stable at around 78 degrees. Humidity is low @ 27% so im going to be adding in a humidifier try to get up around 45%.

Heres the current lineup just starting to dig in to the new soil and larger pots. Sadly i did wind up loosing my DNA Lemon Skunk BUT... The good ole seeds fairy has located a replacement :) Gotta love the fairies.

Whats left out of the lot here is Salmon Creek BB/Kush Not real sure yet on that one, Mango, Dog Kush, Island Sweet Skunk, Blackberry Kush, And the Cali mystery bean. I have them labeled but at this point there is really no noticeable diffrence from one another.

And last is the 2 JDB Romulan clones rooting that i kept alive from this past 2011 outdoor season. They where just god awful massive plants outdoors with large colas and an excellent calyx to leaf ratio even outdoor so im stoked to see how they behave in the indoor grow.

Through out my time here on riu ive been asked many times to do a tutorial of growing out mother and producing clones so i guess this will be my definative guide to just that. I have made a few short tutorials on the subject after the fact but this time around ill be showing it step by step. I know most of you seasoned fellas sub'd here already know this knowledge. Maybe it will help an up and coming lad feel his or her way throught the process. It is a long one lol.

Thats all i have for now. Going to go tear up the gulfcoast for a few days with some friends and likely shread Bourbon St and get me a handgrenade or horny gator haha. 2 of the Tropical Isle's strongest coctails in all of Nola. Wish i could catch a Saints game... Peace 1BMM
Well get on it G haha just kidding bro. I thought you had a room cracking or did you take a break in the action? Ohh yeah 2 truckloads of steaming shizznit should make for a large fertile plot :)

oh im on it,just in this new placenew dew 009.jpg,hope you dont mind the pic.
its takeing some getting use to,i want to build a room,or just a floor,or just put up panda film.
ill only have 7'ht to work with,but oh'well.i was going to wait and ask for help a lil later in to your
thread,but im slacking,and need the motivation.
I dont mind at all G. Your space looks very similar to mine before i started building it out. LOL It looks damn near like your standing in my basement haha. Really its not as much work as you think if your handy with power tools and measuring. One thing i gotta ask though G is have you ever had water come through your walls down there during heavy rains? Mine Has and its flooded me out a few times mid grow and also the mildew and mold started growing on my walls {framed out walls}. I actually cut down huge fungus shrooms growing right out of the plywood. That is why i ask because if your getting water in its almost a waste of time framing out in which case a tent would be a better option.

I had to actually gut the entire room out, waterproof, then rebuilt this time around and it was a pain. At any rate my man i will coach you along anyway i can :)
thanks 1bmm,we have had a few good rains,and this house has no gutters,but no watwer leaks as of now.
but i do see that the previous owners,started to put some kind of water proof paste up,i was going to do that
to,shrooms right out the plywood,dam.

i hear ya on the tent,but im going to be here,in this house for a long time,so building a cave,is a must.

Island sweet skunk,is that from hemp depot?
Nope its from a single bean i found in an oz of indoor colorado medi bud and its some chronic. I usally get to sample a good bit of the strains that run through the denver med dispensaries as i have friends that grow out there and we are always having bud wars lol. I also found a bean in an oz of a strain called Black Diamond. Never heard of it before but it too is some nice smoke. And then tonight breaking up some grape ape plink dropped a bean :clap: i love finding beans here and there in other peoples weed :)

As for your cave G your probably ok to build it out. It looks like in your pic you have a limestone foundation and it is common to "parge", {thats a masons term for smearing concrete or mortar over a wall}, as a water proofing agent. Most likely youll never see the rains that flooded me out. We had some 12" in less than 3 hrs now that im thinking back.
How long do you expect your indoor grow to last?

For this first round of flower im thinking i should be getting close to finished by end of April. But i think im going to keep on rocking so long as im feeling good vibes.

looking real good man !! I'm subbed !!

Hey thanks Boyz N a Hood. Off to a slow start but things should get interesting here real soon.

:peace: Off to the BIG EASY Whooo Hooooo!!!!! 1BMM
Awww Damn i knew i was going to miss something lol. I would loved to have chilled wit ya Whodat but ive already made it back up north. Man what a blast that was. Im still just regrouping from the trip lol. ill be back with an update here soon. Peace 1BMM
Awww Damn i knew i was going to miss something lol. I would loved to have chilled wit ya Whodat but ive already made it back up north. Man what a blast that was. Im still just regrouping from the trip lol. ill be back with an update here soon. Peace 1BMM

Its okay, I didnt make it out there anyway, Im glad I wasnt in town for that 49ers game :-( I would have been double sad. No bullshit we should have won that game, we are a better team but we killed ourselves with those turnovers... Next year, superbowl will be in the dome and I hope we will be there!

Hope the garden is doing well. :peace:
Yeah that game was a real bummer Whodat. I thought for sure our Saints would whoop the 9er's with ease!!. Brees just wasn't on his A game for some reason. Aww well Saints still had one hell of a season overall. Would have been nice to see them in the superbowl again though.

The garden is doing quite well. One thing about leaving for a few days you really notice just how fast the plants grow :lol: sheesh. Bbbefore i left i topped them all at the 3rd node to start promoting the bushy mother structure im after. Ive gotta go water here so ill take some pics. Brb.
Sorry for the delay in the update here. My damn wireless keyboard took a shit on me sos i had to run out to bestbuy and pic up a new one lol.

A few pics of the trip to Nawlins

The view of Canal street from our 32nd floor pimp ass hotel room about 2 blocks from Bourbon st.

Down in the French Quarter Bourbon St. Getting Fucked up of course :)

Hey its Captain Jack Sparrow!!! hahaha

A few Street Entertainers

This guy sat in the same pose for hours lol. We gave him a genorous tip for his effort lol.

After grabbing some hand grenades we ran into this guy right across the street from the Krazy Korner where a biker brawl broke out. It was priceless lol. Some drunk ass dude went to mount his harley and tipped over on his bike knocking over a high end custom chopper next to him. The owner of the chopper come out swinging and whooped the poor drunks ass to a pulp. Me and my bros sat on the corner smoking a joint and watched the whole thing go down lol. Next thing i know this guy here in the picture breaks his pose and gets in on the brawl. He pulls off his shirt and demands the drunk biker to get the fuck off bourbon street in 2 minutes or hes in for another ass whoopin lol. The mime i guess you'd call him took a stance as if he wash going to dead smoke the biker in his face. hahaha. Dude it was so fucking funny. The drunk biker fired up his bike and took off nearly dumping it over several times down the block before the NOPD picked him up. What a riot hahaha.

After that we proceeded to get hammered {fubared} more like it. I forgot how strong them hand grenades really are :lol:

I have partied on bourbon several times and this was by far one of the best times ive had in the NO.

Soon as the sun set we were getting bombarded with street hustlers trying to push weed, blow you name it on us. I brought along my own weed and shared a doob with the street hustler put his shit to shame haha. I dont fuck with the powder so mr dreads got told to kick rocks. After a good ole smoke out we went and got some cajun/seafood. If there is one thing i miss about living down here it was the food. God i just love it.

The last couple days we went over to Mississippi to where my home away from home is. Waveland Bay st.louis MS. I lived over there for about 6 years and got alot of homies that i hadn't seen in a few years. It was nice to catch up on old times and chill down by the gulf.

Man i dont know why i ever left this place. :wall:

Coleman Pier was the place to be in the summer.

Really miss the Gulf Coast. Might be moving back someday lol.

And of last pic we had to go hit up the Hard Rock for some drinks down in Biloxi another kick ass town down the coast where i worked for years.

Cant wait for summer and im going back believe that :)

In my absence the seedlings have grown quickly. Before i left to the New Orleans i topped all the plants at the 3rd node on the main stalk with the exception of the Island Sweet Skunk as it is lagging behind by about a week from the rest. As expected the secondary branching is now filling in and as soon as they get to the second node they to will get topped. The idea is to create a small bush from which i can take about 30-50 cuts from at a time when its time to get clones ready for the outdoor season. Most of this is basic knowledge, but for those of you who read this thread and are unfamiliar with the mother/cloning process, this is going to be valuable information for you. Each time you top a branch or shoot, it will form 2 new shoots. If you top those 2 new shoots when they have grown a bit, usally to 2 nodes, you will now have 4 tops. Every time you top you are in essence multiplying your shoots or tops or bud sites on that branch. For a clone mother i top the main stalk at 3 nodes. then all other branches at the second node as the secondary growth progresses. It does take a bit of maintainance to keep the bush at a managable size when your not in need of clones. We are not going to get into that just yet. I would like to show the process as its happening in the grow room. So let me introduce you to this years clone mothers. These 3 are Salmon Creek either big bud or kush. Im going to make an educated guess that they are the big bud as the buds i got the seeds from where large. A few of the buds weighed up to an ounce and a few where 1.5 oz. That is not unheard of in other strains but these buds where all that big which leads me to believe these are the BB variety. Hopefully. They are bag seed afterall so its a toss up really. DOG Kush Courtesy of the fairy ;)Blackberry Kush. Also a bag seed from california. Mango Kush. Cali bagseed.Island Sweet Skunk. Colorado bagseed.And last but not least is the Cali?. Its from a mixed blend of Headband,OG Kush,Green Crack,Purple Kush,& the Purps. Im liking the structure of this one so far. Be back with more in a minute. 1BMM
Well these 2 cuts have been in the cloner now for 2 weeks. I had expected there to be roots by now but i guess the stem was a bit tougher than i thought. Here they are though just getting ready to snap out with root growth. I give em 3 days and they will be ready for soil.

Ive added 2 tsp of FF tiger bloom to the res which has kept these 2 cuts from eating themselves for nutrients. Normally I would also put 2 caps full of superthrive in the res but im slap out. In my experience the superthrive speeds up the onset of root development. Especially with soft tip cuts. The softer the stem is that your cut consists of, the faster it will root.

Here you can see the initial bumps before an all out explosion of roots. These 2 JDBR will also become clone mothers.

To build a basic cloner is simple. All you need is a black/light proof tote, an aquarium pump and some sort of plug to support your cutting while rooting such as styrofoam fashioned into a root plug.

This cloner im using ive kinda made a monster machine out of. Im using a large hydrotec airpump with a 12 port manifold running 5 12" airstones. Works really really good for rooting lots of cuts at one time.

Hell of an update, thanks :-)
Sounds like you had a good time lol. Always some crazy shit goin down, the mime cracked me up lol.
I would have taken you off bourbon and taken you right down to frenchman st. to hear some music :!: thats the spot for me ;-)
Iv also spent a few years in bay st louis and been to coleman pier several times :-) I cant remember the name of the place but just a few miles east is a small restaurant that consistently had the best ribs Iv ever eaten... I havent been back to the bay since katrina so I dont know if its still there. Good times.
Im glad you had a good time and made it back safe. :peace:
subbd +rep, looks great keep it in the air

Thanks and welcome SFguy.

Hell of an update, thanks :-)
Sounds like you had a good time lol. Always some crazy shit goin down, the mime cracked me up lol.
I would have taken you off bourbon and taken you right down to frenchman st. to hear some music :!: thats the spot for me ;-)
Iv also spent a few years in bay st louis and been to coleman pier several times :-) I cant remember the name of the place but just a few miles east is a small restaurant that consistently had the best ribs Iv ever eaten... I havent been back to the bay since katrina so I dont know if its still there. Good times.
Im glad you had a good time and made it back safe. :peace:

OHH yeah goodtimes... its long gone after Katrina. Matter of fact the whole bay area is nothing like it was before Katrina, but its making a slow come back from the looks of things. Never been down Frenchman Whodat but sounds like my kinda place to hang. Ill be looking you up next time im heading down that way bro.
Since topping all the plants the first time at the 3rd node, the secondary growth really took off. Ive left the secondary growth get 2 nodes tall and then topped Them. The result after the 2 pruning sessions and about 1.5-2 weeks vegging is a small very bushy, compact plant with 16 growing tips. In 1-2 weeks i will be able to take 16 clones from each mother. The mothers then will have 32 growing tips per plant. You can see how this method quickly snowballs into massive amounts of clone stock.

For me it works well becasue i grow outdoors every year and i like to have alot of cuts on hand to replace the dead loss as animals fuck them up, or they just dont handle the transplant well. Its been said that the clones should behave like the mother but i have found this to be false. Ive had cuts from the same plant grow way diffrent from eachother. An example we had a plant last season that finished in July and a plant that didn't finish until late October. Both where clones from the same mother. Its a bit weird really but that is another reason i like to start alot of clones so we can plant only the most vigourous of them.

Just a quick pic post today. My guess as to the JDB's being rooted was way off lol. I think the water temp is a bit to cold in the res so ive propped it up on some block off of the floor so it will eventually get to room temp. There are a few tiny roots there though but they need a few more days yet.

As for the plants they all look to be indica dom with the fat ass leaves. A few of them have some super tight node spacing which is what im after for the SOG. Im going for the donkey dick on a stick :)