1g per watt?


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

I recently finished a bit of testing with a T5HO light panel and was curious about the 1g/w rule. Im really sorry if this has been answered a ton of times, but I is lazy >.>

So, with my current panel I found that the T5HO cant really penetrate further than 5-6 inches into the canopy. Its a 432W fixture, with one malfunctioning bulb, and I only pulled roughly 100-110 grams dry. Keep in mind this was only one plant under the light, so I could probably get closer to the 1g/w goal with multiple plants, I just scrogged this one out to see what I could get.

Im thinking with CFL/T5 lighting more plants with shorter grows is the way to go in terms of efficiency. I let this one go for waaaayyyy too long lol, but it turned out nice ;)

So, that brings me to my question! How do you determine time in the 1g/w equation? Is it based off a certain grow window, like a one month veg two month flower? Im just curious, I want to keep a baseline for my stuff so I know what to expect. Makes improving on my stuff a lot easier when I know what im getting exactly out of my equipment :P

Thanks in advance for replies!
There is a couple threads on hrre, and I don't think it's possible to get 1 gr/w with cfl's lol I'm sure someone has but out of all I seen no none was above .7 per watt...which is still good with cfls.....
I run around 800w of led in an area 40" x46". I grow in soil and grow just for personal use. Vegging for 1 month gives me 30 zips give or take depending on strain. And I don't know what I am doing. Chem fert. (not to much) so if you had high efficiency LEDs and were a good grower I think a gpw is easy.
gram a watt.. can't see that possible with a cfl or a led. The gavitas are throwing 1 to 1.5 a watt. I have had a friend hit 3 grams watt with a gavita and scrog. Well that's what he says never seen it with my own eyes but not too far fetched
maybe try doing a SOG and work from clones

I did some SOGs back when I first moved inside under three 400 watt lights but the high plant count scared me

all the best and be safe

gram a watt.. can't see that possible with a cfl or a led. The gavitas are throwing 1 to 1.5 a watt. I have had a friend hit 3 grams watt with a gavita and scrog. Well that's what he says never seen it with my own eyes but not too far fetched
That's over 6 pounds off one light... Cmon now.
Oh yea, im going to keep experimenting and see how far I can push it. Ideally id like to have an idea for best/worst methods (for me, anyway) with the equipment I have on hand.

I guess I was just curious what timetable people used when measuring the 1g/w outcome. By that I mean, how many months growing.

And I feel you Dequelo, plant count is why I just scrogged my girl as big as I could. >.>
Hello all!

I recently finished a bit of testing with a T5HO light panel and was curious about the 1g/w rule. Im really sorry if this has been answered a ton of times, but I is lazy >.>

So, with my current panel I found that the T5HO cant really penetrate further than 5-6 inches into the canopy. Its a 432W fixture, with one malfunctioning bulb, and I only pulled roughly 100-110 grams dry. Keep in mind this was only one plant under the light, so I could probably get closer to the 1g/w goal with multiple plants, I just scrogged this one out to see what I could get.

Im thinking with CFL/T5 lighting more plants with shorter grows is the way to go in terms of efficiency. I let this one go for waaaayyyy too long lol, but it turned out nice ;)

So, that brings me to my question! How do you determine time in the 1g/w equation? Is it based off a certain grow window, like a one month veg two month flower? Im just curious, I want to keep a baseline for my stuff so I know what to expect. Makes improving on my stuff a lot easier when I know what im getting exactly out of my equipment :P

Thanks in advance for replies!
Check around in the indoor grows. You will see some.
I pull right under a gram a watt with 1k hps. If someone is doing that with cfl I give them props

How long do you grow for when you use that as a metric?

It seems that the 1g/w metric wouldnt really make any sense if you could grow a fuckin' tree with a higher powered light :P
I dnt really care. I just see people on here using that as a guideline to how big there cocky are. I pull weight that's all I know. And I'm vegging with t5. Gotta have a cycle and the veg time doesn't matter. Is that what you meant by how long you grow?
I dnt really care. I just see people on here using that as a guideline to how big there cocky are. I pull weight that's all I know. And I'm vegging with t5. Gotta have a cycle and the veg time doesn't matter. Is that what you meant by how long you grow?

No, I guess im just looking for a good metric to grade a plants performance by. If you dont take into account the time a plant takes from start to finish, the 1w/g metric doesnt really do much for you.

Ill probably just set a time limit (rough estimate of course) for future grows. Maybe three months total, veg and flower, and tune things based on that. Ill give them whatever extra time they need, if any, in flower to get the full weight. Should give me a baseline at least.
gram a watt.. can't see that possible with a cfl or a led. The gavitas are throwing 1 to 1.5 a watt. I have had a friend hit 3 grams watt with a gavita and scrog. Well that's what he says never seen it with my own eyes but not too far fetched
It's extremely far fetched. 7 and a half pounds per light is impossible.
does anyone know how do I get rid of the powdery mildew off my plant 3 weeks 12/12
4 pounds off a 600? yeah sounds kinda out there.
I pull 1.5 off a 600 and I get called a liar for that all the time.
No, I guess im just looking for a good metric to grade a plants performance by. If you dont take into account the time a plant takes from start to finish, the 1w/g metric doesnt really do much for you.

Ill probably just set a time limit (rough estimate of course) for future grows. Maybe three months total, veg and flower, and tune things based on that. Ill give them whatever extra time they need, if any, in flower to get the full weight. Should give me a baseline at least.
The gram per watt analysis doesn't include time, nor any other electric use than the lights (we all know that isn't all the power. Most ac'a pull half the power of lights being used, then you have everything else too) It's simply how much watts you have in lights vs how many grams of bud harvested.

I'd like to see a thread on gram per dollar spent. Every single expense for the grow. Like a business would to show cost percentages.
I pull 1.5 off a 600 and I get called a liar for that all the time.

The gram per watt analysis doesn't include time, nor any other electric use than the lights (we all know that isn't all the power. Most ac'a pull half the power of lights being used, then you have everything else too) It's simply how much watts you have in lights vs how many grams of bud harvested.

I'd like to see a thread on gram per dollar spent. Every single expense for the grow. Like a business would to show cost percentages.
lol yea, this is the same friend of mine that told me his passive intake was way better than co2. I will call him a liar next time I talk to his bitch ass
I pull 1.5 off a 600 and I get called a liar for that all the time.

The gram per watt analysis doesn't include time, nor any other electric use than the lights (we all know that isn't all the power. Most ac'a pull half the power of lights being used, then you have everything else too) It's simply how much watts you have in lights vs how many grams of bud harvested.

I'd like to see a thread on gram per dollar spent. Every single expense for the grow. Like a business would to show cost percentages.
You dont pull no pound and a half off no 600. You lying... Naw im just kidding. Just wanted to fuck with you.