1lung 1000w multi strain


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest getting some CFLs or some T5 lights and get them a leaf set or two before you swap to underneath that 1000 watter. IMO you are losing a lot of energy because theres not enough "green" to soak it up! Just to save you some electric bill in the future. Its best to have the full 1000 watts the whole time, but I prefer to do my clones under a much smaller t5, get them a few leaft sets, then get em under the 1000. Looks good inside of there, nice and spacious for the root mass. You're going to have a fruitful harvest, best wishes! I'll be subbed and more then happy to help anyway I can!


Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
That's what makes it Badass. He obviously(like everyone else with 1Ks) doesnt give a Rats Dick about electricity. THATS WHAT MAKES IT INTERESTING. If he were to come in here and be like... "okay guys I got a 14w cfl on my seedlings at the moment"
We would look at this as just "another grow" we wouldn't say "Wow! That's alot of light for a couple of seedlings!" and we certainly wouldn't be lookin at it as a Learning Curve.

He's a man growing pot, let him use his manly Setup and stop giving him girly advice(LOL No Offence)

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I feel like a more accurate analogy would be 2 lungs. Yeah, you can survive on one lung, but every good athlete in the world has two...
Nada Because That Analogy Indicate's you're still claiming that you NEED extra CO2 for your plants. Otherwise their Not "Athletes" any Bone head could tell what you're insinuating.


Well-Known Member
I grew a couple thai haze x skunk under cfls then added a 100w hps to supplement. I could be wrong here
but Im finding that the 1000 is getting them through the initial baby phaze a bit quicker.

They seem to have a faster root build (had to be taken from starter pots in a couple days and put in larger containers already)

Im looking at it like the cfls are equivalent to being started in a shady area where as the HID is like good exposure to a full
day of light. To me, this initial phase is as important to the plants as any other time because right now they have to concentrate on root dev
to get the leaves to dev. I could be wrong, but that is the ideology driving my decision to run the HID.

It may seem like a waste, but it shouldn't be long (week or 2) until it would have developed to the point most people would use an HID

Im considering running a veg period and getting some clones rather than just going 12/12. What do you guys think?

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I'd rather do a 12/12 from clone with a veg area for mothers and clones.
As long as you can keep it at a "small" commercial grow. Yeahhhh!! I'd do it.

Edit: Strike that, Reverse it.

Anything above 400w is considered a small commercial grow. So if you get busted with a good plant count. You're Fucked.

Edit Again: But I'd still do it LOL


Well-Known Member
Nada Because That Analogy Indicate's you're still claiming that you NEED extra CO2 for your plants. Otherwise their Not "Athletes" any Bone head could tell what you're insinuating.
You DO NEED extra CO2 if you want to have the BEST GROWTH possible. Arguing that point is moot. You can say you don't need it, but you CLEARLY have zero experience with using it, so why give advice on it? I wasn't trying to insinuate anything.
When a plant undergoes photosynthesis it draws in the CO2 from the air. Marijuana plants are capable of harnessing approximately 1500 ppm per photosynthetic reaction. I'm not going to post a bunch of math here for you to tell me is wrong, but math doesn't lie. More CO2 = More growth given the exact same growing conditions; everytime, without fail.


Well-Known Member
100% agree that you are going to get faster, better growth out of a 1000 watt light then you will with a CFL. My recommendation with the CFLs comes from experience with time and efficiency with your money. I prefer to have my 1000 watt going on a larger plant because it will utilize more of the light, aka less is lost to reflection and travel because there is more "green" to pick up the light and stop it from colliding with the walls, where it will lose the majority of its energy. If you have the space to do it, its probably worth your time to veg your girls under the 1000, then take a few clones from them. Root those clones under a weaker CFL light, I use (2) 65 watt cfls in a 15x15x15 inch box. These lights are put off about 5000 lumens, which is enough to support root development. I only leave them in this box for a week or two while my mother plants are healing from the cloning.
I grew a couple thai haze x skunk under cfls then added a 100w hps to supplement. I could be wrong here
but Im finding that the 1000 is getting them through the initial baby phaze a bit quicker.

They seem to have a faster root build (had to be taken from starter pots in a couple days and put in larger containers already)

Im looking at it like the cfls are equivalent to being started in a shady area where as the HID is like good exposure to a full
day of light. To me, this initial phase is as important to the plants as any other time because right now they have to concentrate on root dev
to get the leaves to dev. I could be wrong, but that is the ideology driving my decision to run the HID.

It may seem like a waste, but it shouldn't be long (week or 2) until it would have developed to the point most people would use an HID

Im considering running a veg period and getting some clones rather than just going 12/12. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I don't think wattage dictates if your grow is commercial or not; I think it is the plant count. At least here, in WA, a medical state, I am limited to a 15 plant garden and 24 oz of dried, cured, ready to smoke bud, and about 70 oz of extracts. If you want to grow more then 15 plants, you have to form a collective. A collective is a group of 2-3 individual medical patients who want to grow together. We are allowed to have 45 plants maximum in our collective, and 72 oz of dried ready to smoke plant matter, etc. Here in WA it is the plant count that dictates everything, and a plant is considered ANYTHING with living roots. (including clones and seedlings) So, if you take 50 clones and only keep the best 25, be CAREFUL.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I don't think wattage dictates if your grow is commercial or not; I think it is the plant count. At least here, in WA, a medical state, I am limited to a 15 plant garden and 24 oz of dried, cured, ready to smoke bud, and about 70 oz of extracts. If you want to grow more then 15 plants, you have to form a collective. A collective is a group of 2-3 individual medical patients who want to grow together. We are allowed to have 45 plants maximum in our collective, and 72 oz of dried ready to smoke plant matter, etc. Here in WA it is the plant count that dictates everything, and a plant is considered ANYTHING with living roots. (including clones and seedlings) So, if you take 50 clones and only keep the best 25, be CAREFUL.

Yes I know. I live there..... But as long as you're a patient you only get a fine for each plant over your max. You could have 15 plants and veg for four months with 15Ks... Is that not a commercial grow? I think so!!
But if you have that 15 plants under 1K that's considered "Small" commercial. Trust me.. I know my rights


Active Member
With co2 if done right in a sealed room raised to 500-700 ppm
you will see about 10%-20% or so growth increase. Depending on strain.
You don't want to give 1300ppm all the time IMO because it would be like running for long time.
Your blood is pumping and your getting massive oxygen intake, but your exhausted.

You don't NEED co2 by any means..
and if your strapped for cash and learning the money can be better spent elsewhere.
co2 would be at the bottom of my list when learning, after I got shit handled and producing I would then think about co2

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
^^ Think about it. And probably not even for that long. Magik Words 'Think About It'
Lol. To Each There Own is what I always say.... I actually came up with that


Well-Known Member
100% agree that you are going to get faster, better growth out of a 1000 watt light then you will with a CFL. My recommendation with the CFLs comes from experience with time and efficiency with your money. I prefer to have my 1000 watt going on a larger plant because it will utilize more of the light, aka less is lost to reflection and travel because there is more "green" to pick up the light and stop it from colliding with the walls, where it will lose the majority of its energy. If you have the space to do it, its probably worth your time to veg your girls under the 1000, then take a few clones from them. Root those clones under a weaker CFL light, I use (2) 65 watt cfls in a 15x15x15 inch box. These lights are put off about 5000 lumens, which is enough to support root development. I only leave them in this box for a week or two while my mother plants are healing from the cloning.
See that is what my train of thought is, I figure the 1000 that I have will give around 15000 - 19000 lumens at my current distances. IMO that will give them a strong start
and really not waste too much if the mid and end product is quicker and better than it would be with cfl's.

Im willing to bet (just by my own observations between cfl and Hid) that you might consider switching. They just get more energy to turn into growth IMO.
I know it saves money, I already have a box full of cfl's so the cost is not a factor but the initial investment has been spent.

I find ( even though this is my first HID grow) that cfl's are slower growing, I can see that across the short time I have been growing these these strains
already. All four plants are different strains but are fairly close in size. The Afghan is smaller than the rest more in line with my cfl grow for size, but the
rest are taking off like mad. The 3 are on their second set at 4 days and the second set on the Afgan is just starting to show.

I think the lumen output of the HID is making the diff, and IMO right now it really counts to get those roots strong and large for future growth.

I could be wrong, and probably am, you are both obviously far more experienced than I am, but Im just going off my own conditions for my
results or lack there of.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
That's perfectly alright.

Sounds like you(Since you did not mention) care about the output of HID (Do mind the Heat+electric) But compared to Cfls all that is worth it because of slow growth ect. BUT, you do like how the electric is on cfls, heat, and how close you can have them on the plants. My question Is, Have you Looked into LED?


Well-Known Member
I have looked into led, but I just dont see the return in personal smoke that an HID will give.

I really dont care about elec cost, and provided I get the tent to a self sufficient temp (which I will)
I dont care about the cost/temp either.

I want some solid, hard hitting bud that will hopefully last till next crop. Unfortunately I smoke an O to an O&1/2
a week so I dont see it happening right now, but as long as it is good gens and not bunk weed I will be happy.

Im gonna supplement with an outdoor gorrila with some autos that I have so I should be ok until I get my indoor under control
and refined so I can grow more for less.

Just gotta get there, and see what this can do, but I didn't want to toss a 100 bill in the garbage by growing anymore than I have right now
in this setup and failing.


Active Member
See that is what my train of thought is, I figure the 1000 that I have will give around 15000 - 19000 lumens at my current distances. IMO that will give them a strong start
and really not waste too much if the mid and end product is quicker and better than it would be with cfl's.

Im willing to bet (just by my own observations between cfl and Hid) that you might consider switching. They just get more energy to turn into growth IMO.
I know it saves money, I already have a box full of cfl's so the cost is not a factor but the initial investment has been spent.

I find ( even though this is my first HID grow) that cfl's are slower growing, I can see that across the short time I have been growing these these strains
already. All four plants are different strains but are fairly close in size. The Afghan is smaller than the rest more in line with my cfl grow for size, but the
rest are taking off like mad. The 3 are on their second set at 4 days and the second set on the Afgan is just starting to show.

I think the lumen output of the HID is making the diff, and IMO right now it really counts to get those roots strong and large for future growth.

I could be wrong, and probably am, you are both obviously far more experienced than I am, but Im just going off my own conditions for my
results or lack there of.

Remember though that t5 lighting is considered hid.
your definitely going to get a little better growth rate with a 1000watter
but also the better growth is because the 1000 watter emits more heat keeping the area warmer.
which causes faster evaporation. That's always a plus!
i regularly get an inch of growth a day with a t5 once roots have established a bit and the temps are right


Well-Known Member
Really? You think so? LOL.

Please skim through the 600 pages in this thread

Okay, I will bite.

Im looking at the grows, but are they bigger and better yielding than a comparable grow with what I have right now?
I saw too many mixed reviews on LED's than I did with HID's so I went the way I did.

If you guys can convince me otherwise, Im open to change and try new things.