1st CFL Grow....here we go


Well-Known Member
going well. Had a plant grow more than an inch last night. I'm happy with that. About time to give them their first nutes. They're starting to have their soil dry out. It's almost time.

No other plant has shown their sex yet. Still waiting.


Well-Known Member
this was about 10 minutes ago. I took them out of the closet so they could be seen in comparison with each other.

The baby is holding steady at 2 1/8 inches. Has been for two days....

The rest are between 6" (the LST plant) and 9 3/8" inches. The shortest non-LST plant is 8.5" They need to hurry up and show sex so I can repot the females and get this show on the road.


T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
this was about 10 minutes ago. I took them out of the closet so they could be seen in comparison with each other.

The baby is holding steady at 2 1/8 inches. Has been for two days....

The rest are between 6" (the LST plant) and 9 3/8" inches. The shortest non-LST plant is 8.5" They need to hurry up and show sex so I can repot the females and get this show on the road.
not to bad there my friend


New Member
holy crap! i have 3 days on you and yours are just flourishing.. thats some strain you got there. let us know when they sex!!!


Well-Known Member
Plant 5 has grown over two inches in two days. They're really taking off.

I'm still not sure plant 2 is female. It looks like it what's about to be the cola, but I can't see preflowers at the nodes. It could be just new growth. Keep your fingers crossed.

Plant 6, the baby, is still hanging at just over 2 inches. It's getting new leaves, though. I'm not sure anything's going to come out of it, but I don't have two different setups to have some flowering and some vegging.

The waiting is the hardest part....



Oracle of Hallucinogens
So essentially you're growing 5 plants off of like ~170w? So you think I could get away with one plant at like ~80w?


Well-Known Member
I would think so...the thing with CFLs, though, is that you need to get the lights around the sides of the plants as well as over them. I'd go for a few 23w bulbs around the side.

In reality, I could stand to have some more lights on mine. I'd like to have about 4 or 5 more, and will, once I get paid again.


Well-Known Member
They're still looking super healthy so I don't want to jinx it by adding anything. I gave them some molasses when I watered them yesterday.

They're growing, but still no confirmed signs of sex.


Well-Known Member
So plant growth has slowed considerably the last two days. The seedling isn't even growing.

I just watered yesterday so I don't want to flush them again to check the ph. They finally just healed from their overwatering.

The plants, minus the seedling and the LST plant, are between 10 1/8 and 10 7/8" tall.

We're on day 6 of 12/12, and no signs of sex yet except the LST plant, which looks like it has hairs, but every time I convince myself of that, it turns out to be new growth. I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but I'm going to wait to make that call.


New Member
So plant growth has slowed considerably the last two days. The seedling isn't even growing.

I just watered yesterday so I don't want to flush them again to check the ph. They finally just healed from their overwatering.

The plants, minus the seedling and the LST plant, are between 10 1/8 and 10 7/8" tall.

We're on day 6 of 12/12, and no signs of sex yet except the LST plant, which looks like it has hairs, but every time I convince myself of that, it turns out to be new growth. I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but I'm going to wait to make that call.

im sure its just new growth. i hate waiting too! ya know, i was thinking, the slow growth could be that your plants we in shock from the overwatering. hmm. i know when i over water my jasmine they get mad and dont grow for a while. plants are weird.. and im a bit baked. doing some cleaning and smokin some herb. mmmm