Lisa2 LST has decided she just wants to be Lisa2. I had been using bent pieces of thin coat hangers as hooks driven in the soil to pull her down. Without me noticing because I was too busy pulling down her branches, she's decided she wants to grow tall, and she pulled her hooks out of the ground over time. Her main stem has started to straighten out. It's twisted, but it pulled the stakes out of the dirt and is now too think to pull down. I'll try to take a picture momentarily.
After getting half eaten by a pot-hungry, bored kitty, locked in a room overnight, Lisa2 LST has announced she's tired of this "being staked down" bullshit and without me knowing it, has decided to straighten up. My stakes weren't secure enough and her quest for light was too strong to suppress.
As she'd grow and I'd bend her over, when she got enough new growth, I'd moved the stake, instead of just adding another one to the new growth. Lesson learned. I now have a very twisted, gnarled, thick stem that I can't control. On the plus side, I have a lot of side branches already staked out that are growing independently, and quite chaotically, in every which direction! Next go-round, I'll know. Some lessons you must learn the hard way.
The kitty damage is evident. Though I trimmed most of the really bad fan leaves, there are a few that are just now showing signs of assault that I missed. Kitty loves leaf tips. Obviously. There are 3 or 4 or 5 branches that at one time were promising little bud tips, though now are sadly just long spiked branches that just grow off into nothing. The ends were eaten, but there are sprouts of green left and new growth, so I'm going to give it a chance to recover. I'm giving them their own good light exposure because they might just decide to become something. Mini-leaves may equal something if treated with care.
Her puberty hit before the others, though hard to determine what sex signs she was showing. Her buds are further along than all the others. They are plentiful, white and bushy. Some are even starting to show that sugar-coated look. yum. I expect she'll be ready for sampling first before the others.