1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about the potting up and to be honest ill probably be doing as normal potting up twice in veg then their final pot up into these airpots and on into flower so it should be a breeze i don't fancy undoing the pots with stuff in to repot. the missus aint happy as is without me chucking coco all over the gaff haha

my present lot would have been in them but for the delivery probs so i wont be able to get em going till a little before xmas...:wall:
yeah, I'm prob gonna do the same. Veg in normal pots and then pot up into the air pots for flowering. I get a really good root mass in small pots in veg anyway, then just give them all that nice airy root space to expand into for flowering. I reckon they will love it!

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
yeah, I'm prob gonna do the same. Veg in normal pots and then pot up into the air pots for flowering. I get a really good root mass in small pots in veg anyway, then just give them all that nice airy root space to expand into for flowering. I reckon they will love it!
This is going to cancel out what your trying to do!
If you start in normal pots your going to get that round root ball these air pots as I read stop this from happening so boost growth??


Well-Known Member
This is going to cancel out what your trying to do!
If you start in normal pots your going to get that round root ball these air pots as I read stop this from happening so boost growth??
yeah, I agree. But also, when you pot up a root bound plant, it becomes unbound as the roots stretch out into the new medium. I will go from a half litre size normal pot, so pretty small, into a 6L air pot, loads of room for new root growth and that new root growth will not get root bound. I may yet still get smaller air pots and start in them too, but like Don said, I think it may be messier to pot up, probably more stessful too. I have a very low stress potting up technique in normal pots which I will be able to use when potting up into the 6L air pot. But we'll just have to see how it all works out.


Well-Known Member
I use 12L orange B&Q buckets for a quid with loads of holes drilled in the bottom, cheap as chips lol and i layer my soil with hydro pebbles so its about 50-50 and the roots get quite a bit of air and they're in the dark.
Don and Fred have got great results from coco and i was gonna do coco and now there is talk of air pots, i just dunno what way to turn grrr

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah, I'm prob gonna do the same. Veg in normal pots and then pot up into the air pots for flowering. I get a really good root mass in small pots in veg anyway, then just give them all that nice airy root space to expand into for flowering. I reckon they will love it!

This is going to cancel out what your trying to do!
If you start in normal pots your going to get that round root ball these air pots as I read stop this from happening so boost growth??
yeah, I agree. But also, when you pot up a root bound plant, it becomes unbound as the roots stretch out into the new medium. I will go from a half litre size normal pot, so pretty small, into a 6L air pot, loads of room for new root growth and that new root growth will not get root bound. I may yet still get smaller air pots and start in them too, but like Don said, I think it may be messier to pot up, probably more stessful too. I have a very low stress potting up technique in normal pots which I will be able to use when potting up into the 6L air pot. But we'll just have to see how it all works out.
yeah i figure that if there's roots showing out the bottom holes its getting time to change up trick is not to let it sit like that for too long or it does get bound but a quick change should see me all right, as with owt new tho we'll see what happens eh!

you all know my penchant for disaster....:lol::wall:

I use 12L orange B&Q buckets for a quid with loads of holes drilled in the bottom, cheap as chips lol and i layer my soil with hydro pebbles so its about 50-50 and the roots get quite a bit of air and they're in the dark.
Don and Fred have got great results from coco and i was gonna do coco and now there is talk of air pots, i just dunno what way to turn grrr
hey oscar man i started out in cheapo buckets from morrisons 8 for a bin lid. n just popped some holes through with a screw driver.

seriously tho me n westy have our own paths n you should do what you feel comfortable with, I only changed when i felt id totally grasped what i was doing with soil( i copped out i was going to do hydro but coco is much easier ;) )
Id stick to wot u had planned mate, u can always look into air pots for the new year.
exactly spend the hard earned on a good time at xmas!!!


i know before you all chime in its the championshit but dont burst my bubble.


Well-Known Member
Morning Don

I throw my sprouts in 30L's of coco, what's this transplanting business! :lol:
Air pots! WTF! I gotta see this lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha :D does that 30L grow just the one plant? cus you must get thorugh one hell of a lot of coco, or do you just grow a couple of monsters?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ahahahah evenin mam!

mornin TTT!

i dunno potting on is something ive always done seems to make efficient use of the soil or now coco?!? and we all know good root structure = good buds. but then again your not exactly struggling mam!

the airpots thingies are a bit like smart pots but fancy plastic instead of mesh stuff. im hoping the increase in air will compensate for less coco being used. ill be gutted if i need to upgrade to bigger airpots to get the same results im getting in plastic buckets now lol

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I always thought starting in small pots just helps with watering, as in not too much water till you get run off in a small pot, you wouldnt want to run water till run off is acived with a big pot when plant is very young, so as I see it you would be fine to start in big pot just watch how much water you give when its just a seedling.:bigjoint:

Tryed some of my mates street weed last night it was like smoking a bonfire.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah there is that to it WW i just don't have pace in my cupboard for a dozen 11L pots haha

whats run off?!?! i never and i mean never have it. i water just what the girls need no less sometimes a little more. it just makes the tent messy lol

man last night i went down to watch the footy with the neighbour, took some cheese n psycho down and blew his fucking mind eyes like sheeps fannies talking cod shit it was priceless. i tossed the bag down n he opened it and said " woah that smells like REAL weed like you know real weed" i was kinked up laughin.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
So you dont let water run out of the bottom of the pot when watering or feeding?
I catch the run off in a tray and measure the ppm gives me an idea how much feed is in the soil.
I do you know the root will chase the water right to the bottom of the pot, also helps to stop salt biuld up as you wash a little away each time.

Cheese to me smells like medical drugs my haze smells like fuel & Afghan like cat piss.lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the guy was definitely not new to the game but i could tell he was battered. then his missus took the spliff n went oooooh.

good times man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
So you dont let water run out of the bottom of the pot when watering or feeding?
I do you know the root will chase the water right to the bottom of the pot, also helps to stop salt biuld up as you wash a little away each time.

Cheese to me smells like medical drugs my haze smells like fuel & Afghan like cat piss.lol

nope never. i water from the top and just a bit every other day as they use it and dry out some will drink more than others but usually the strains will drink the same amount or rather the same pheno's will drink about the same.

i know i should be watering from the bottom up but i just dont have the room for the saucers under each pot i've got a couple of big garland trays and im wary of filling them up with feed it will just lead to problems.

never had a salt build up that i know of ( i dont even flush half way through the grow) i guess im kinda doing my own thing but so far so good . if it aint broke n all that.

man i love that afghan hashy smell deep and thick hmmmm i never did germ the straight afghan i bought a while back. ive been thinking and next round after xmas when the dq clones are done im going to do a proper mix up clear my seed stock out and stat afresh with keeper mums.
