1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Of course u know that woolworths has shut down as a high street stoer? U can still get their pick and mix from their online store tho lol:joint::hump::joint:

woolworths...now that's a store name I haven't heard in a long while.....the original 5 and 10 store:joint:
hmm, i never came across woolworths over there - you don't mean safeway do you??

we have woolworths in aus as a chain of grocery stores, but for some reason it's still called safeway in victoria

off to work, meh
nah, woolies! they sell/sold lots and lots of crap but awesome sweets :D £3 fill a liter cup, the use brute fisting force to put more and more in, i love pick n mix :D
hubby tells me we had one in our town, and that i went to it lol i have no recollection of this - that's not like me tho i'm not too bad at remembering stuff like that lol
kmoo, 20 hours is madness, i love driving, i absolutely love driving, fast, and really fast till well i learn where the limits are, but 20 hours.

for some reason i am not quite sure of i'm thinking australia with you? in which case that seems reasonable, did a house exchange with some folks from san rafielle, just outside san diego, and they left in the house a page of places to go and see, such as places a mere 15 hours drive away, the whole family said fuck :P Two hours is my maximum limit on country roads before i get a bit bored, motorways just jive me on to testing the top speed of thhe car :(
christ i wouldnt fly 15 hours for dope let alone drive it thats just crazy talk kmoo:shock:
haha i wasn't being entirely serious lol that's how long it takes to drive to a little town that's known as our pot capital. the situation with weed in melbs is odd, i could make a phonecall and have a kilo of class a's by tonight, but i can't find anything more than a quarter at the moment, and it's bloody expensive. once the mo in law goes back to england i'll be goin perpetual lol none of this going without nonsense
rock the perpetual! mines back in full swing and i couldn't be happier to see the back of this last lot. 12 hours trimming this weekend :-|
perpetual grow is the joint....haven't been to market since end of March...no phone calls, hook ups, let downs, dry spells, shite stuff and the most important of all...tada.....cash in your pocket.....:joint:...well it does cost some to setup, but now it's only nutrients and replacement bulbs...WooHoo:joint:....hey Don GT how is it going bro?.....it's fecking cold in NYC today...brrrrrr
hey kilo dude its frickin cold here hahaha its always cold in my little part of this island but especially at this time. i care not one little bit tho ive got enough booze to drown an elephant and munchies brimming out the cupboards. i WANT to be snowed in! my girl would love to see NYC rockerfella ice rink this time of year.
yeah it's kind of disheartening!! the thing that bothers me is not people saying 'no sorry' but EVERYONE says "yeah sure, i can do that" and then it turns into a 3 day saga of them absolutely not being able to "do that" lol thats the bit that gets me. i hate lip service
this is what pisses me the most. if its on its on lets do it not 3 days down the line. if you have it in your hand i have cash in mine. done.
i bought another 800w of lighting today, will pick up the tent as soon as my mother in law is good and gone and i'll be a perpetual gal!! whoo
8000w?!?!? what size tent you got? the big top hahaha:weed:
been playing COD modern warfare 2 today, then i had a nap lol i need to get a few presents still but i can't handle the shops during the day at the moment so i'm going to kmart at 5am
today is work xmas party were off to a japanese tapanyaki (sp) restuarant to chuck eggs into chefs hats n such
I got a 24hrs tescos super store less than 2 miles away ill just wait till the dead of night and go do my shopping lol
shopping in the dead of night is the business only bit that sucks is you cant buy booze in most supermarkets, and lets face it 9/10 times thats what you want
how awesome is middle of the night shopping!! i love it. i went there at the crack this morning and it was me and the absolute dregs of society and a few medical sorts lol but it was quiet!

i miss tesco, and boots! boots and superdrug were the business, could get bloody everything in one place

Of course u know that woolworths has shut down as a high street stoer? U can still get their pick and mix from their online store tho lol:joint::hump::joint:

woolworths...now that's a store name I haven't heard in a long while.....the original 5 and 10 store:joint:

hmm, i never came across woolworths over there - you don't mean safeway do you??

we have woolworths in aus as a chain of grocery stores, but for some reason it's still called safeway in victoria

off to work, meh

nah, woolies! they sell/sold lots and lots of crap but awesome sweets :D £3 fill a liter cup, the use brute fisting force to put more and more in, i love pick n mix :D

hubby tells me we had one in our town, and that i went to it lol i have no recollection of this - that's not like me tho i'm not too bad at remembering stuff like that lol

aint seen don on his thread in a bit
Word MR West ive been so busy/drunk its been hard to do much else haha i have xmas sorted and now im enjoying it! i have a boat load of pretty pictures of dope but not the required stupid token bollocks to put them up so they will be at some point when RIU gets its self unstuck...
maybe he had a bit of a fender bender of a post-work friday night pub sesh :D

friday was epic dickheadedness on my part. tequila arguing with a taxi driver being ejected from the taxi in the snow fighting with the missus her dad coming to pick her up arriving and neither of us knowing why we were even fighting we were that pissed. she was sick down the side of the bed and i woke up feeling fine if a bit confused...

oh well.

To all that have followed this carcrash of a journal and my ranting expletives etc BAH humbug!

Merry Xmas!...

If your not drunk already you damn well should be.



look its the floor!!!!!


aint seen that in a while:weed:
looking good don. weighed in that w/rhino at 2 and half oz so you were'nt far off with your guesstimation....oh and i picked my pipe and paid for it too....yeeehaaa for christmas
lokking nice in there don m8. there realli coming along nicely

cheers, yeah and so it begins again. i just wish it wasnt with dairy queen again but shit happens i guess!

looking good don. weighed in that w/rhino at 2 and half oz so you were'nt far off with your guesstimation....oh and i picked my pipe and paid for it too....yeeehaaa for christmas
which one you picked willy???

im getting better and better at eyeballing dope

jaysus lol 12 hours trimmin is putting the work in son

got my new lights today, paid about the equiv of 10 quid a globe for 400w hps - colour me chuffed. the ladies are gonna go birko lol

it's official, i'm comin to england next year. look out ladies n gents - gonna get me a bag full o disco bickies and get lost for a couple days lol last time that happened i woke up in a caravan in scotland, the craic was mighty

that your puppy don? cute little bastard lol
bah humbug mate! LOL


Went to see Christmas Carol in 3D at the weekend actually. My first 3D film. Totally sick!! Avatar is supposed to be f*ckin' incredible, for the 3D I mean. The story line is all cheesey bollox though!

Have a goodun anyway mate!
i asked for the fourth one along right..............here\/\/\/\/
thats unkanny i looked at this very pic the other day and it was my standout choice of them too, really nice piece! good choice:weed:
jaysus lol 12 hours trimmin is putting the work in son
believe it was kmoo. i was sick as a chip by the end of it. its still not bloody dry. i want it out the house by xmas eve its going to be a push
got my new lights today, paid about the equiv of 10 quid a globe for 400w hps - colour me chuffed. the ladies are gonna go birko lol
now thats some fine deal. they will indeed love you for that!
it's official, i'm comin to england next year. look out ladies n gents - gonna get me a bag full o disco bickies and get lost for a couple days lol last time that happened i woke up in a caravan in scotland, the craic was mighty
hahahahah lost in a sea of gary's you know youll not be far from the toon! you need a hookup give me a shout ;)
that your puppy don? cute little bastard lol
I wish, too cute eh lol hed always be wanting the tail end off me jakeys tho hahaha me n the missus have been discussing it and when we get our own place were going to get a boston terrier or 2

my family bred boxer dogs which are my faves obviously but my lass wont have a big dog :evil: you could say its a bone of contention hahahahahaha
bah humbug mate! LOL

Went to see Christmas Carol in 3D at the weekend actually. My first 3D film. Totally sick!! Avatar is supposed to be f*ckin' incredible, for the 3D I mean. The story line is all cheesey bollox though!

Sweet! yeah id heard avatar was pretty poor story wise. the next 3D thing im going to see is 'cloudy with a chance of meatballs' theres a torrent dvd rip but its not 3D obv. check the trailer its MR T and bruce campbell!!!!!!!

Have a goodun anyway mate!
you too man! :joint:
meatballs is a pretty funny film :) flatmate went upto birmingham over the weekend to watch avatar at the imax, i'd like to see it in that format, but sod driving that far, especially if it's to birmingham! only reason anyone should ever be going to birmingham is if the gestapo was on their heels! :)
meatballs is a pretty funny film :) flatmate went upto birmingham over the weekend to watch avatar at the imax, i'd like to see it in that format, but sod driving that far, especially if it's to birmingham! only reason anyone should ever be going to birmingham is if the gestapo was on their heels! :)

sorry, I'm not a brummie like, but I have to speak up in defence of Birmingham! There are many reasons to go there. The NIA, The NEC, The ICC, Brindley Place, The Q Club, The Custard Factory, The Rainbow, Atomic Jam, House of God!....oh...and an imax....I don't know when you last to brum mate, but it clearly was not in the last 10 years. LOL

The only reasons to avoid it are the Bull Ring and Broad Street!! But if you like shopping and pissed up fifteen year olds, then it's great for that too! LOL

That looks like a funny film though Don man! :)
haha, the families from brum, so there's always been a bit of a thing against it :D as you say, it ent all that bad, it's just gritty and such, but as you also say, ent been there in a few years.

just remember, i'm a southern fairy, all those cities up yonder a grotty and smelly :P
sorry, I'm not a brummie like, but I have to speak up in defence of Birmingham! There are many reasons to go there. The NIA, The NEC, The ICC, Brindley Place, The Q Club, The Custard Factory, The Rainbow, Atomic Jam, House of God!....oh...and an imax....I don't know when you last to brum mate, but it clearly was not in the last 10 years. LOL

The only reasons to avoid it are the Bull Ring and Broad Street!! But if you like shopping and pissed up fifteen year olds, then it's great for that too! LOL

That looks like a funny film though Don man! :)

i olove the bullring andf the indoor market in birmingham thats if its still there. used to go everyother month to get a load of meat for the sunday dinners an stuff. aint bin in years tho