1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ive been round and checked the ducting seals and its all good. the glass sheets arent airtight but they didnt dcome with the heat resistant glue stuff the other coolshade thing does. ?!?! ALL I KNOW IS I CAN SMELL IT OUTSIDE Hhaa


Well-Known Member
hey man, how ya doin m8? got the net back :)

hope ya got smell sorted m8, ya nar wot ppl lik r up ere.

Looking gud as usual man. :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
I tried my shade with out a seal on it at first and had the same thing uve got , funky smelling house lol, I used that siver tape to tape up the edges and now its wiked cool. I hope u sort iot soon cuz u dunt need that stress brother.>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
right i have some of that stuff westy ill get on it tonight! im going to re do all the taping on the joints n make sure theres nothing leaking. its stressing me no end. feel like ive aged 10 year in a day

sup maryJ ! been a while bro, am good apart from the smell haha yaself?


Well-Known Member
If you can smell the air fresheners outside now its got to be a leak of some sort. Do what Fred has done and tape up all the joints/weak spots in your ducting. How many livers have you got in there? The uvonair will do the trick, my mate has got an 8 inch one and a ten inch large rhino filter and that works ok.
How far into flower is it?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i also had a smell coming from my air cooled lights extraction into my airing cuboard, found out it was a leak in the duckting somewhere...

i'm surprised that the rhino cant keep up, i got the smallest one and it does me proud?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
If you can smell the air fresheners outside now its got to be a leak of some sort. Do what Fred has done and tape up all the joints/weak spots in your ducting. How many livers have you got in there? The uvonair will do the trick, my mate has got an 8 inch one and a ten inch large rhino filter and that works ok.
How far into flower is it?
yeah good process of elimination im going to the plumbing center to get some proper tape n ill set about the setup. just wish the tent wasnt full it makes working on the gubbins above a real pain.
the seal round the glass in the hoods was pretty tight so i didnt bother taping it. schoolboy error lol. cheers for the advice guys! quick one osc m8 with the uvonair thing is it best in the venting or in the tent or in the room round the tent? i read up on them and found out they affect asthma really badly. im going to have to practically seal the room or my lass will die :S
ive got 2 livers in flower and a boat load of cherry cheese and bubblegum. the 2 livers one is at 6 weeks 1 is at 2-3.
i also had a smell coming from my air cooled lights extraction into my airing cuboard, found out it was a leak in the duckting somewhere...
i'm surprised that the rhino cant keep up, i got the smallest one and it does me proud?
well the rhino was doing the business when i was using the half size tent now im double that. i dunno, i got a big ass can filter now tho brand new that should cope with what ive got in there.

i look a right nutter walking about the downstairs flat sniffing about trying to be indiscreet


Well-Known Member
Leave a jar of vinegar lying around at your front door, or wherever the smell is coming from the most.....a great natural odour prevention. Hope you get it sorted bru.


Well-Known Member
My mate has his filter a short bit of ducting then the inline uvonair another bit of ducting then his fan and after that you have to have at least 4 metres of ducting for all the charged particles to do what they do and then it goes outside. I hope that helps.
Your Mrs should be fine if its being vented outside coz nowt will leak into the air you breathe it'll be contained within the ducting. Good luck man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuckin hell 4 metres?!!? well thats not happening my rooms less than that hahahah i could snake a tube round the gaff i guess but its a bit drastic.

thanks man!


Well-Known Member
i dunno if i can achieve that realisticly. my heads in bits
Try using a drum or a cylinder (you could actually use either abit of cardboard or some chicken wire and just bend it into a cicrle, then wrap the ducting up and around the cylinder...if it don't make sense let me know (kinda like a cork screw effect...)


Well-Known Member
If your tents footprint is 1m X 2m thats 6m around the bottom so you could run the ducting on the floor around your tent.
is it an inline uvonair?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no iits an in room oneim really hoping that plugging the hole, which i located incidentally, the foam strip round the edge of the glass plate had come away. will solve the prob and i can just use the uvonair when i crop. im baked to bits that took ages to type

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well acid test... 8 am this morning the fucking gas board are outside digging up me garden right to round the back of the house. brilliant. i hope to god i ve plugged the leaky seal..

wigan at home today shouldnt be an easy game with our injujries but it should be 3 points.

the 2 snips i took off the well into flower black rose pheno nhave taken! woot shes gonna finiash up a beauty. may not turn purp but theres still 3na bit weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
Good luck to the Toon today lad. Glad you pugged that hole and hope all goes well with it!!!
