1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yeah its really screwed me over good. nothing i can do about it now. just gotta hope i run into people who i can get the contacts from. man ive lost hookups for allsorts of things ;) ;) :(

hell yeah you know we grow good greens bro! my girl just came home for 'lunch' hehehe im not going to work today :) i think im due a fat bong.
I think that your due a fat bong too! And enjoy your " lunch"!!

Gotta go run my little girl up to campus, freshman are not allowed parking passes lol. She usually parks at grandmas and my mum runs her over, it's only mile and a half away haha

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
cool, you just turned me onto a new band!!!!!!
I was wondering where that image came from.
Now im going to go listen to some EXPLOITED....PUNKS not dead AT all....lol
peace, cool vibes


Well-Known Member
im so angry its not funny. i synced my phone to googlemail and the SD card in my phone before giving the old phone back to the orange guy this morning. get the new phone plugged in the sim & SD card and theres no data in the sync, its saved my calendar but wont import it back from google. ive lost 300 odd contacts both work and personal. words cant describe the rage. these new fangled smart phones are fucking wank. they have great functionality but the software support is none existant, theyll bring out a new version before fucking fixing the bugs in the original.
Don mate i did the kinda same with mine had a blackberry had over 300 pics an some vids on there what i'd had for years some of them!, kept sendin them other to new phone ya no and then i got my samsung galaxy, did the normal thing i'd usaully do maked sure everthin was save to my memory card took it out of my blackberry stuck it in my samsung and bang all pics an tunes an that stright on it so though buzzin that was easy......... then realised some of my tunes hasnt sent over so took the memory card out stuck it back in the bb saved tunes on it an stuck it back in my samsung..............Ut owww!!!!........the lot gone :(.........found out later you have to go to the options on the samsung and click on safe removel of memory card or it wipes the lot!!!!

So i was way pissed!!! most of the old pics i had backed up on the comp but all my new 1's took on the BB ive lost forever..........some of them was me my youngen on his 1st fishin trip with his 1st fish :(............and some i'd took for work for my NVQ3 so gutted but learnt my lesson................sorry for goin on abit bro but least your not the only thick twat!!! lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Don mate i did the kinda same with mine had a blackberry had over 300 pics an some vids on there what i'd had for years some of them!, kept sendin them other to new phone ya no and then i got my samsung galaxy, did the normal thing i'd usaully do maked sure everthin was save to my memory card took it out of my blackberry stuck it in my samsung and bang all pics an tunes an that stright on it so though buzzin that was easy......... then realised some of my tunes hasnt sent over so took the memory card out stuck it back in the bb saved tunes on it an stuck it back in my samsung..............Ut owww!!!!........the lot gone :(.........found out later you have to go to the options on the samsung and click on safe removel of memory card or it wipes the lot!!!!

So i was way pissed!!! most of the old pics i had backed up on the comp but all my new 1's took on the BB ive lost forever..........some of them was me my youngen on his 1st fishin trip with his 1st fish :(............and some i'd took for work for my NVQ3 so gutted but learnt my lesson................sorry for goin on abit bro but least your not the only thick twat!!! lol
the rage has passed, ive accepted the contacts are gone. im trying to leave the rage trapped in yesterday.....
Hey Don,

Damn man i had a really good day Been a while. But I hit it today
booooooom looks like you deffo did bro, all trays blazing!


Well-Known Member
Just stoppin in for a cuppa and a bowl as old HC would say. Have a great day ya'll, gonna go practice a little golf today.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
brew an a bowl, spliff n a cuppa, ive heard it can cure 99% of all of life's problems. failing that you just have to kill the bitch...

enjoy ya golf man.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Just stoppin in for a cuppa and a bowl as old HC would say. Have a great day ya'll, gonna go practice a little golf today.
Hey careful bruuuu haha. We already have an admitted old fart...cof. I don't need that for a nickname. It's not how old you feel, it's how old the hottie is that your feeling, my friend A said one time.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
IMG_2674.jpgLivers x Cherry Cheese.....

Hey let's clutter up don's thread with some L x CC talk.

Their must be close to half a dozen of us growing out this baby. Wondering if anyone has grown it to completion. Any info at all is what I'm looking for. Pictures too, I'll start. Snap a shot in a sec lol. I have 5 little xmas tree shaped plants that I could take tons of clones from. I'll look for the best pheno eventually and run with that. So whomever is growing out this cross that our buddy gifted us, lets hear about it. I want to learn about it : !)

Hash day tomorrow....my girl works thurs nights so I get to do whatever I want all day AND all night lol. Everything is seperated this time...P10, BB and Chimeras' stuff.

Thanks alot everyone for your input! I'll go take a picture of one of mine before I forget.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
View attachment 1471816Livers x Cherry Cheese.....
Hey let's clutter up don's thread with some L x CC talk.
Their must be close to half a dozen of us growing out this baby. Wondering if anyone has grown it to completion. Any info at all is what I'm looking for. Pictures too, I'll start. Snap a shot in a sec lol. I have 5 little xmas tree shaped plants that I could take tons of clones from. I'll look for the best pheno eventually and run with that. So whomever is growing out this cross that our buddy gifted us, lets hear about it. I want to learn about it : !)
Hash day tomorrow....my girl works thurs nights so I get to do whatever I want all day AND all night lol. Everything is seperated this time...P10, BB and Chimeras' stuff.
Thanks alot everyone for your input! I'll go take a picture of one of mine before I forget.
clutter away,this is just my first pollen chucking I've tried. i feeel bad giving out beans of strains ive not tried myself, but i firmly believe the galapogas theory, and i have ppped some of my own crossscreation....
Hey HC would love to hear bout this strain just popped some seeds of this my self
in all honesty i believed this would be a more cheese than anything else hybrid but either that or 100% BS or you might get the odd pheno. this is the first foray the next lot will deffo be better

sorry if im not making sense im 4 day deep