1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
just went and had a look through the loupe and what crystal there is seems to be clear as crystal :( oh well. im going to wait n see what the samples like. but at this rate at least ive got chance to give it a good couple of month cure ffs


Well-Known Member
Alright mate, is the sun shining in sunny England? Got a busy day, but try n catch up with u aroung T time. (that'll be your T time lol)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye it is actually, its brass tho haha. what else is new in the toon..... nufc are lions led by donkeys but thats nowt new either....

update inbound just fannying with the pics...

like the new avatar man


Well-Known Member
Good, Good. Aye the magpies are flying wi they'r wings being clipped eh! Sound's like you had a good weekend there man! Cant beat the old fresh air,the plant's love it too i heard ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

thanks for watching peeps



Well-Known Member
Those'll be the PK don? How are they? 2 looks like some dark dank...love the DOG reveg.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye those are the pk mate. 2 is the one with half the amount of soil as the rest lol. #4 is the one i spluffed on which is the least lemony ( hoping for more cheese/psycho coming through) #3 is lemon pledge.

dog is coming back with style popped new shoot then a normal set of serrated leaves, least fucked up reveg ive ever seen lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice peep show bru, nothing like bud porn in the morning. Ya got some fat phat buds!! Just getting going here at the cave...snowbound though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thanks man, owing to me losing the dates out of my phone ive got no idea when anythings going to be done...

damn man wrap up warm by the fire! its almost spring like here today and yest. i think its going to be a false start spring like last year tho.

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh shit don i forgot to say how awesme ur plants are lol stoned soz. One of them pk's looks to have similer bud structure to the deep purple and the querkle u grew dont ya think?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That fuked up all the lady birds didnt it? Freaky weather affects everything
aye man fucks with a lot of things the climate change, all part of life im all for conserving the planet but at the end of the day if the habitat certain shit lives in isnt there they need to evolve or die out. circle of strife...
oh shit don i forgot to say how awesme ur plants are lol stoned soz. One of them pk's looks to have similer bud structure to the deep purple and the querkle u grew dont ya think?
thanks man, but i only take part credit. its mostly yours and subcools work. deffo on the structure one looks to have that pointed spear shape bud form. its not one of the lemoniest ones either so probs will be a lean to the other side.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, owing to me losing the dates out of my phone ive got no idea when anythings going to be done...

damn man wrap up warm by the fire! its almost spring like here today and yest. i think its going to be a false start spring like last year tho.
im tellin ya, all my tree's throwin mad flowers out and some flowers are even doing it. weird. but spring is on the 21st right?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah its a way off yet. we had hard frost this morning but its beaming sunny now. im in shorts and a hawaiian shirt naturally. this is the toon :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lovely pics bro :) that panamar is slowly getting there, looks like some of the pistols are turning :) everything else looks pukka though mate :)