Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
i might not make it that far lol i had one about n hour back n its deffo starting to work... i think ill be having a quiet afternoon....
The air con was from B&Q about £150 I think.yeah ive been seriously considering it but those things are pretty expensive man, how much this one set you back? and do you use it solely for your grow?
Hey Westy, I understand what your saying with the need for different strains in ones life.Yo welshy, hows tricks man, long time no chit chat lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>morning glory bifta, rather nice change to cheese lol
lolwow wow now don't go gettin me confused with these fruity veggy types im going with the carnivorous option here i may even eat the bruce willis of the predator horde, i reckon the last mite standing might be the size of a grape!
I know how she feels though. When I lived in Texas I was running a service call to a house that had blankets all over all the windows and while I was in the attic looking at the air handler I saw some very small roaches. When I went to talk to the guy and get my money he turned on the light to see his checkbook. That's when I saw about 10,000 little roaches all over the place. They were crawling on the couch the guy was sitting on. I called in to the dispatcher and had to go home and take a shower. It creeped me out pretty bad and I felt like they were crawling up my legs and up the back of my neck.haha the gimpy ankle skin is like leather harder for them to bite through!
the missus is starting to have palpitations about getting more mites in she keeps saying her legs feel itchy but I'm just tellin' her she's being daft.