1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looks like it's going to be a sure fire winner. where ma pips at Hem? ;)

bumpin some oldschool this morning


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oh im sorry ive been away so long. ive been island hopping with the girls. i hope your doing well donnie babie.

hahahah sorry I missed this Doc! love it. i can picture ken and his harem of babes sipping cocktails out of coconuts smoking fat marley reefers.


Well-Known Member
Na den donny boy long time no speak bruva! hows it goin lad??.....toon are doin mint mate bet ya buzzin!
just seen you want the lemon just shout bro ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
eeeeee zeeee P to da B. aye been out the game far too long. but in the next couple i'm unpacking the tent. going in aaaaaard son! (all that time daaaarn saaaarf has corrupted my slang). aye toon are rocking along nicely and we've just signed demba's international striking partner papis cisse. should be a good match up front. though were banging goals in without him which is nice to see. christ we might even have a decent squad to run out into europe at this rate lmao counting chickens there.....

aye i'm after las' pheno of that SLH. seen you and others do really well with it. i need a big yielding banker and it looks the ticket. pm on its way chief


Well-Known Member
eeeeee zeeee P to da B. aye been out the game far too long. but in the next couple i'm unpacking the tent. going in aaaaaard son! (all that time daaaarn saaaarf has corrupted my slang). aye toon are rocking along nicely and we've just signed demba's international striking partner papis cisse. should be a good match up front. though were banging goals in without him which is nice to see. christ we might even have a decent squad to run out into europe at this rate lmao counting chickens there.....

aye i'm after las' pheno of that SLH. seen you and others do really well with it. i need a big yielding banker and it looks the ticket. pm on its way chief
You know Donny, whatever I got you got! Let me know

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
as she sits in a wing back chair, one hand stroking a white cat, plotting her next diabolical step toward world domination.

probably smoking a doob....


Well-Known Member
What's good Donald brova?! It's been a little while... but I've been lurking to and fro :fire:

You get back on the grow wagon again yet? I'm still shut down... maybe for another couple months at least. It sucks... I'm sitting on all sorts of seeds that I am absolutely itching to crack. Perhaps you know that feeling. . .

I'm gonna go smoke one and try to cope :( I'll be lurping around a lil more tho. . .

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet fella!?

yeah I've been out for 6 months so you could say i'm accustomed to that feeling! sucks the big one eh... i'm getting back on track ASAP should be next week or so.

wont be long fella you'll be back in the saddle!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
full of cold, i didnt go crazy drink wise. well not for me anyway. bad ref decision though it clearly wasn't a penner, good half yard out the box

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah aye that'll be two days on the wreck for ya billy...

my bird keeps forgetting to turn her phone alarm off at the weekends. 7am both days this weekend. i've told her once more it's going out the window. i wouldn't mind but he just goes back to kip while i'm up with a thumper watching saturday fucking kitchen. new gaff has a spare bedroom though ;)


Well-Known Member
hahah aye that'll be two days on the wreck for ya billy...

my bird keeps forgetting to turn her phone alarm off at the weekends. 7am both days this weekend. i've told her once more it's going out the window. i wouldn't mind but he just goes back to kip while i'm up with a thumper watching saturday fucking kitchen. new gaff has a spare bedroom though ;)

Im sure most phones you can set to weekdays only. Same here, once Im up, I'm up. Hence my kitchen drawer is a mini chemist. I nearly tried one of my m8's "pink fuckers" as he calls them. Fuck knows what they are(i reckon anti psycotics) but your out like a light within 20mins but a mongo the whole of the next day. Pros and cons eh! lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye she has a phone that does that........

i use imovane. script in the uk but available from all good canadian online pharmacies ;) only in halfs mind a full one and it's metal mouth in the morning and cloudy till mid day. ideal for 'those' nights on it though.