1st Gow 14 days Vegging/ Do they look Ok?


Well-Known Member
I wait 24 HR on mine to remove chlorine- I dont know what it will do to my plants if i do. But i'll tell you what i run about 5 gallons of tap through my humidifier per day. and It gets COATED in some nasty white film. and all i can think is... I've drank this stuff ICK.


Well-Known Member
Ok I kinda Flushed, i have a 2 gallon pot, but i only put 2 gallons of water through it, only because it did not seem like it was draining that well..And i did not have a whole lot of time before i left for work, wierd thing is the plant did not do anything, no drooping or nothing, should i flush it more or what? I am almost positive that this is a BUG problem though because its really only bad on 1 plant, and i saw a little critter crawling around on the inside of my grow tent, but my "ladies" are looking good, and they are starting to smell, lol and they are not even flowering, wow. Its gonna stink, i need to figure out a way to setup a carbon filter with the way my tent is, any sugguestions? I will post pics in a few days.

I bought some NEEM oil on ebay waiting for it to come, the ladies have not stopped growing so i am not going to FERT for at least another 2 weeks. I am gonna spray with neem oil mixture and see how that takes care of the leaves, the new growth looks good! Thanks everyone for your help! I just hope i get some BUDZ out of this growth!

Anybody ever smoke a pure SATIVA before, for that nice CELEBRAL high? MMM cant wait! Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Ok 5 days into flower, whats up with the leaves??? I dont know whats going on! The biggest plant is like 18 Inches, YAY! Anyways Let me know what you think, NO NUTRIENTS so i know its not NUTE burn its got to be a defenciency of some sort, what do you think??



Well-Known Member
kinda looks like heat burn to me? how many inches is your light from the plants? did you get any water on the leaves?


Well-Known Member
I can asure you its not heat burn as its only a 150 Watt HPS and its at least 12 inches from the tops of the plants and those leaves are near the bottom of the plant, Tops of the plants look Real Healthey not a spot on them just the lower leaves... Could it be a PH Problem?