1st Grow 416w CFLs in 13cu ft


Nice setup and plenty of Cfl's. Love it. Subbed. :D I dunno if that's a male, you should wait for some professional opinion.


Well-Known Member
Also, the supposed male is in the pot I mistakenly put 2 plants in. It's kind of getting crowed in the box. It's hard to see from the pics, but the plants are growing into each other worse every day. You guys think I should just get that entire pot out of there and make this a 2 plant operation?


Well-Known Member
Things are getting worse. I think I may have another male and the one is getting more nute burn. The 2 in one pot is male I'm pretty sure and outside now


Well-Known Member
Well, I have the one plant I did nothing to (one plant in pot, not topped). He/she is a mystery showing signs of both. I made a few executive decisions. It's too early to tell on that one. Gonna watch it over the next few days. The male I'm almost positive on got Pesci whacked about 10 min ago leaving the smaller plant in the pot, which is an ok probably female (no burn). I cut that bastard off with some stump left so the roots don't rot right away. My topped plant (think is female) is nute burned. Considering I have a maybe and a burned plant. I'm moving the one plant that was two in one pots back in just in case I have to throw out the rest (FLUCK!).
The topped plant is nute burned for sure. I know this because my dumbass was too cheap to buy fox farms for bag seed on a 1st grow and went with miracle grow 6mos feeding soil. They rocked along pretty good no prob in veg as I added nothing. I then doubled down and added MG flower bloom 15-30-15 at 1/4 recomended strength. Immediate signs! Why one plant took it so bad...i dunno, but this has ended up being a series of noob mistakes I will list at the end of this grow no matter what the outcome. My hope was to get a half decent yield to prove it could be done with the set up, then do it right all the way with better feminized seeds next time (good soil, pro nutes). I have already flushed once which was overwatering. So I am waiting for the soil to dry out before I flush again.
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Well-Known Member
I removed the really bad leaves (they were toast), but the tops and new growth seem fine. I also was pushing down the topped plant and snapped a cola (SERIOUSLY?) I rigged it back up with a twist tie and it seems to have mended. I have the turd finger this week. Part of me wants to scrap the grow and start fresh, but the other part wants to finish and get any more potential blunders out of the way on a first grow. Hopefully all girls...no more whammies. What did you think of the "male" pic? Right move to chop? More pics this week as sex develops to where my camera can catch it.


Don't be too hasty on scrapping them. I would keep on raising these to harvest, the mistakes you do now, you will not make on your next grow. It's better to learn how to nute the bagseed than buying quality femmed seeds and burning them to death.


Well-Known Member
It's great when your one healthy plant grows from 9' to 14' in one week. It's not great when that bastard flashes you his balls...I have 2 left. The burned topped plant and the 2 in 1 pot plant that I didn't chop. FEMALE please. They aren't showing sex after about a week. Hopefully, that is a good sign.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks assasin. Nice to know there is at least one person in the bleachers routing this grow on. I need all the help I can get.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the homerun, touchdowns and knockouts are what people want to see on the highlight reel. I'm getting a little nervous about these plants not showing sex. It's been over a week. A new grower can also look at a 100 pics of males and still want a 2nd opinion on chopping theirs. I'm going to order some quality seeds next grow so I'm nervous about getting in pollen in the box. How long does pollen stay potent for?


Well-Known Member
From what I have read, the females appear to be weaker next to the male and they take longer to show flowers. That being said, I wonder if the CFLs slow this down...or it could be the crappy old seed I'm using. I got these from my dad. His "techniques" are non-existant. Part of this is to show him if you actually employ a few measures you will get a much better product. He called the strain Black Mamba...hmm prob something the dealer made up.
I have been reading along silently. I will be planting my 1st ever bag seeds soon. I have created a PC Stealth grow box with 4 26watt CFL's (currently growing green peppers successfully) and a 2.5ft deep x 5 ft high x 8ft long grow box (insulated for attic use). The big box is divided into two section 2.5 feet for mothers and 5.5 feet for for vegging/flowering. The small section has four 32watt T8 fluorescent tubes while the large section has a 4 ft' 8 bulb T5 with 6-6500k and 2-3000k bulbs (40,000 lums). I am very prepared and just reading all I can so I dont screw things up. Till then just growing veggies.