1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser


Well looks good for your 1st grow. It is amazing how fast a simple grow to save some money turns into a new found hobby about plants in general. My 1st grow provided 3 males out of 3 plants, I am 1 week in my second grow. I hope that you have better luck then I did in getting a female.


Active Member
thanks trux, sorry to hear about the bad luck with the males, im crossing my fingers for better luck. I also have been hoping that calling her a girl and talking to her like a girl it gives her that little motivation to produce some beautiful buds and not balls! Still no signs of sex, usually takes 1-2 weeks right?


Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I long ago gave up worrying about male/female?? Just buy feminized seeds, Viola, all girls!
Now that's not to say always"guaranteed" females. I had a freebie from Greenhouse Seeds, The Church, feminized, came out full blown male! And I had 3 beautiful clones from it, and of course they were male too!
Compost fodder!!!! These things happen occasionally, but you can pretty much depend on getting girls.
Good luck & good grow.......BB


Active Member
thanks BB, I've started looking into different banks to get some feminized seeds so that I can stop worrying about wasting my time and efforts on male plants. Where have you had the best experiences getting seeds from?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
thanks BB, I've started looking into different banks to get some feminized seeds so that I can stop worrying about wasting my time and efforts on male plants. Where have you had the best experiences getting seeds from?
After numerous BAD experiences, with other "seed banks", I only buy from the Attitude......BB


Active Member
Still no sex, but hoping for signs any time now. She's starting to get tall so I tied her branches down and tucked her fan leaves to expose bud sites to more light.
I am going to get her a bigger space in a smaller sized grow tent, but still bigger than her box. She will go in the tent once I get it set up, then the box will be a beg box for clones and new seedlings.
I (hopefully) attached some pictures of her today after I tied her down, im on my phone because my computer needs a new battery, a little harder to upload pictures. +rep for contributions, pretty sure I've given reps to everyone on here, at least when it's let me. Next update will hopefully have a gender for you!



Active Member
btw BB, I had been looking at attitude recently, general consensus seems to be them, so I think that's where im going to next. Thanks for your input once again, +rep if im able to!


Active Member
unfortunately not yet, she seems to be taking her time showing her gender. I have spent much time the last couple days staring at her hoping those white pistils will just appear! I got some big bloom yesterday and im going to feed her that tomorrow, anyone have experience with using molasses and big bloom? or is that overkill? hopefully I should be letting you all know the gender soon.
Just as a side note, been setting up another box, a taller one that will be my flowering box once it is done, then with my future grows I will have a veg chamber, a flowering chamber, and will be able to grow more than one plant!

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hi Lost, wanted to say "kudos" for the LST, very good first effort on that! Your girl looks to be a sativa/indica cross, so it should be showing sex sign very soon now. Patience is key here, Good luck & good grow.......BB


Active Member
IT'S A GIRL! IT'S A GIRL! IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! I got up this morning, which is around the same time her lights are on, and when I did my normal checks, what do you know, I see a little white pistil sticking out! I didnt get myself too excited incase I was tricking myself so I looked around different sites on her and I saw the same little pistils. I tried taking pictures but the pistils aren't long enough for my phone to pick up. I am going to give her big bloom tomorrow when i planned on watering her anyway. Saddle up everyone, i got my first female plant! Is it time to smoke it yet?


Well-Known Member
IT'S A GIRL! IT'S A GIRL! IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! I got up this morning, which is around the same time her lights are on, and when I did my normal checks, what do you know, I see a little white pistil sticking out! I didnt get myself too excited incase I was tricking myself so I looked around different sites on her and I saw the same little pistils. I tried taking pictures but the pistils aren't long enough for my phone to pick up. I am going to give her big bloom tomorrow when i planned on watering her anyway. Saddle up everyone, i got my first female plant! Is it time to smoke it yet?
Wootwoot gonna b watchin congrats!¡!¡!¡


Active Member
well guys, I messed up. Yesterday I rotated her pot as I usually do, and I forgot that this time she was tied. As I turned her, her top two branched came off of her and her main stem split down quite far. I ended up just topping her, and taking a few clones from her branches that came off. I'm pretty upset I did this to her, could the shock of this kill her? or does anyone have personal experience with what I should do?


Well-Known Member
It'll heal itself, just grow those clones into big strong girls. I wouldn't worry TOO much, plants are pretty resiliant, and since you're still early in flowering I don't think you have too much to worry about, just don't do it late into flower cause that would be bad...lol...Naw, it'll be fine dawg, just keep an eye on her.