1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser


Active Member
Hey Lost, by golly........Feel free to feel very proud! Excellent job! If we were "Mafia", you've "made your bones"...............BB
Thanks man, good to hear from you! Glad to hear I've made my bones, now if only I was getting some "Mafia" worthy money, then I wouldn't need to be looking for a job! haha


Active Member
Holy shit, She looks great!!! Good job, I'll be subbed for sure!

Thanks man, thanks for subbing in!

Ain't that the truth. We got the same amount of time. I'm think 5/16 ish for myself. Your shit looks dank. And that stalk is HUGE!!
I'm getting so excited, gonna be a good start to the summer when we can light our girls up :)

Wow. That stem is amazing, and the knots on it! Insane. Love all the tops man looks real real good.
Yeah her stem surprised me to see how thick it got and the branches are quite strong! Been like that all her grow, I've been very fortunate with my first plant so far.


Well-Known Member
Im excited to see what the plant will produce. You did one hell of a job on her though! Good job again from me!


Active Member
Thanks man, always good to hear compliments from other growers. I am excited to show her off to you guys as she finishes up.

Quick question for anyone on here about harvesting. Though I still have a few weeks left I still like to be prepared before it gets too close to harvest and while checking out the harvest forum I haven't really found too definitive of an answer. I plan on hanging her to dry in her box she's growing in and my question is do any of you guys use your lights to dry? And if you do then how much lighting do you actually use?

All I do all day is think of random ass ideas and stuff so this is just another random thought of mine that I will be needing to put to use sooner than later, +rep for any help/advice.


Well-Known Member
darkness is key! keep them in a dark dark dark place!!!!!! Or atleast thats what I heard and do =). i hang the whole plant first then trim up and throw em in jars.


Well-Known Member
Dark room. The slower the dry the better the smoke. Don't rush it. You need to cure also. It's a process of making the nugs "sweat" the moisture out from it's inside. It's the water the hanging doesn't dry. This is done in air tight containers for at least a week. You leave the container closed for a few hours take the lid off for a couple minutes and do this until they don't get wet.


Active Member
Thanks guys, will be sure to keep her drying area nice and dark :)

Have been researching some different curing methods, which ones do you guys use? And what would be the easiest for a first timer?


Active Member
Hey Lost, quick ?, do you plan on reading the trichomes as a harvest indicator?.........BB
Yes, I do plan on reading the trichomes, as well as the hair. Read as a rule of thumb that 75% of the trichs should be cloudy and 75% of the hairs at least should be amber? Correct me if I am wrong, and I plan on picking up a magnifying glass soon so I can start looking at her trichs closely.


Active Member
Thought that I would add I am looking for a more cerebral (sp?) or head high than a couch stone, that is more clear trichs? About how long til I harvest for that?

Boy I wish I had a magnifying glass right about now...

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Yeah, me too.....looks like a lot of "sugar leaf" is forming, my best guess is you may be harvesting within the week, if your goal is the cerebral, spacey high. I don't pay much attention to the "hairs", other than they should be drying out, the colors will vary from strain to strain and would be influenced by temps. and humidity.
Good luck my friend.......BB

That's me too on the mag.....not so sure you've "past" anything......BB


Active Member
I was thinking about giving her until day 50 (12 more days) and then seeing where she is at then. Figure that if I like how she has developed by then I will chop her then, but if I think she has more filling in to do then I will just let her continue to grow until I feel she is ready. Don't mind the stoned high, just wanting to change it up as the weed i've been smoking is a couch lock high.

So, I think I will give her one more full dose of nutrients, that will be her last, and then I will flush flush flush until I decide to harvest, be it sooner or later. Question, how long do you guys recommend for a dark period before chopping her (if any) heard that this helps pump resin into her buds. This is weird talking about "last" feedings and chopping her down. Seems like just yesterday she looked like this


Her first glamour shot! ;-) Just 2 days after I put her in her paper towel!

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
With my outdoor grow, I like to harvest at first light. They've had 12 hours of dark, most of the hydration is in the lower part of the plant, leaves are a little droopy, yep, lol, it's time to chop.........BB

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
By the way...........it may sound silly but I recommend some kind of meaningful "ritual", maybe a few sincere words of praise and assurances that this is NOT punishment, but a path to it's fulfillment and communion with you................BB