1st Grow DWC 400watt growbox LST


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
i have a question.

based on the most recent pics (4days ago), and ill post some new ones once the lights come on in a while.

how long would you say i have remaining?
today is day 3 of week 7.

im going out of town for christmas (on the 23rd) and im trying to figure out when i should start my flush,
and if its possible that the plant will go longer than my vacation time (23rd-jan 3rd)
i realize i may have to harvest early and that is ok,
i just really need to know when i should start the flush.

ill post pics in a while, thanks everyone :)

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
My guess, from the pictures, is they have less than 2 weeks left. You know how to check the trichomes for peak ripeness right? If not, you should research that. So they will definitely be ready before you go out of town. My question for you is what is your plan for drying? Let's just say you harvest on Dec. 19. That gives you 4 days until you leave...and they will not be dry. But, if you leave them to dry the entire time you're away, they will get way too dry.....You might have already planned this out, but if not, it's something you need to think about.


Well-Known Member
ah, i forgot to mention in my post i have not started checking the trichs yet, but i do know how to do that, i have my 60x-100x radioshack microscope ready to go check them out as i near the end.

ah yes a problem i have thought about quite a bit, and well
i probably will take them with me (im driving) and just let them hang as i drive/in my car/ at a friends house wen i get to my destination
at least i think that will be my best option, and then have jars with me to put them in the jars as soon as they are ready for that.

and when does this mean i should start flushing? i need at least a 7day flush correct? my nute solution already towards the end starts cutting out a lot of things and cutting back on the amounts as it is.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
It is recommended by most that you flush for somewhere between 4 and 10 days so I would say that you should start flushing this week sometime. Maybe Wednesday or Saturday. Honestly, I'm not sure because I don't have the experience to back up my opinions but that is what I recommend. You can't really screw up by not flushing long enough because the fertilizer taste that you get if you don't flush is in the leaves. Roseman made a great argument saying that if you manicure very close, there is no need for a flush at all. Basically, when you think they have about a week left, start flushing. I hope I helped...maybe someone with more experience can come by and help out.


Well-Known Member
yeah that helped alot thanks man
so i think i will start flushing saturday at the latest. my last nute change was on tuesday of this last week
so i think i will do one more with a good dose of sweet in it for the finish. then start my flush.


Well-Known Member
as am i!
so glad to be done with this 1st one

it smells really awesome
and im sure its gonna be great smoke!

i hope i get at least an OZ but i dont know about that, may be a little less.

all the problems i had were tough, but ive learned a bunch!
so my next grow will start immediately after my vacation, and i will be MUCH MUCH BETTER ;)

btw im on m way to chek ur journal i havent checked it in a while but i am subscribed to it :)


Well-Known Member
OK, so here is a few pics i just took of the hindu skunk, doing really good i must say, really getting white frosty :).
i checked the trichs, and i see mostly cloudy.
theres a few clear ones here and there but that are turning cloudy already
theres very little bit of amber
but i think its more like 80%cloudy 15% clear 5% amber.

so judging by these pics and that, how long you think i have left? when should i flush?
thanks for all the help so far :)
lemme know wut u think, it has a very kushy but sweet smell. its beautiful.

yeah lots of pics kinda :) thought you all may enjoy
the help on the question above is appreciated !


New Member
looking good all. ya im bout to post some new pics cus im still wondering when i should end this...or basically when to start flushing cus i mean were 6 weeks in tomm. and they are looking awesome and HUGE lol. and when u say trichomes ur talking about the crystals right? not the hairs? or do i have this back asswards

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
You're right SyNiK4L, the thrichomes are the crystals. Have you gotten a magnifying glass, microsope, jewelers loupe, or something to look at the trichomes closely so you can tell when yo harvest?


New Member
i have a magnifying glass but it is still hard to see the crystals...ima try to look again more closesly but maybe i should jus get a stronger one? that can see more closely?


Well-Known Member
ah trichomes are the crystals
so wen they turn amber they are ready
but depends on the ratio

amber=coughlock narcotic
cloudy=cerbral high thc cotent a nice stone
and clear = a cracky upiddy high

you want mostly like a 50/50 cloudy to amber ratio.


Well-Known Member
So whats up guys?
been a few days since ive said much on here,

but, last thursday i started the flush by cutting down to only plain PHed water and Botanicare Sweet grape, as well as a really small dose of Koolbloom.
Tonight i will change to just plain PHed water, maybe some sweet again?

is that ok as long as i change to plain water a few days before harvest?

looking at harvest sometime between friday the 18th and wednesday the 23.

The buds have bulked up quite a bit since the last update and are continuing to do so as well as pack on the frost, getting really snowy !
the trichs pretty much all cloudy with still just a little bit of amber.

ill post a picture update later on today.


Well-Known Member
hey guys heres a picture update from pics i took yesterday
really swelling up now :)

bump on that questions though
should i now be going straight water
or is it ok to keep a little sweet in there and then go fresh water for the final few days.

(ugly spidermite eaten leaves)

nearing the end eh?
getting really excited! :)

its crazy how much weight its putting on all of a sudden
at the moment i have just plain PHed water and a really small dose of sweet in the res.
so just bump on that question as to how long i should keep it like that now or when i should start running straight PHed water?


Well-Known Member
anyone know anything about harvest while having spidermites?
will it effect anything?
i know they are there just not some crazy infestation
so wut happens at harvest time?


Well-Known Member
so looks like ima be dropping the hatchet here one of these days
just which day?
i started the flush last thursday the 17th with plained PHed water and botanicare sweet as well as a small amount of Bloom (5ml for 4 gallons of water)
on monday of this week (the 14th) i switched to plain PHed water and 5ml Per Gallon Of sweet, and have been topping off with plain PHed water.
am i ok to chop wenever? if not i plan on running straight RO Phed water from now till chop, tomorrow-weds? not sure of which day.

i would say im about 10% amber 88% cloudy and 2% clear. haha
lots of the hairs are making their way to orange, still a bit of white, does this matter?

i was wondering about some of you guys' harvesting/drying techniques and times. I know how to do it, and there are so many ways, just wondering what you guys do and suggest?

also, what you think about the method of putting strings in a cardboard box and hanging them in there?

if i harvest by sunday i will probably follow rumple's instructions, with the brown paper bag, for the sake of being able to take the herb with my out of town to dry/start curing.
i feel it may get to dry if i leave it hanging while i am gone. opinions? thoughts?

thanks guys, glad to have had you on this whole time. next grow should be fantastic!


Well-Known Member
so i chopped her today.

will have pics up in a while
quite a bit. more than i expected.

ill have dry weight in a few days :)


Well-Known Member
so here are the harvest pics :)

idk weight yet i will weigh before i jar them, i needa get some macro pics of them up too.

thanks for everyone whos been by and checked my grow out and helped me along the way. feel free to hang around for my next grow, may start a new journal not sure yet

Hindu Skunk harvest

got quite a few big nugs off my little plant :)
i think it will be over an OZ so i will be really happy with that despite all the problems i had had during the grow.
ill get a few more pics up soon

thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone ive been out of town for the holidays
dry weight after harvest is just over an OZ.
i smoked a little bit already just to see how it was
flavor wasnt that great and harsh, but an insane stone!
was really spacey.

i will have a smoke report at the end of the month long curing process, wont be smoking it before that.

in the meantime everyone should head over to my new grow journal for the start of my 2nd grow
thanks for hanging around
any comments or anything are still well appriciated. i will put some nug shots up soon as well!

here is the link to my new journal:
