1st Grow - Hubbabubbasmelloscope in DWC & Water Farm

Now now gents ... its all good! I keep a warm steam vaporizer in the tent otherwise I can’t get the RH near 40% ... and the vaporizer is doing great.

Last weekend when I filled the buckets, I rinsed the bucket, added the requisite amount of water, and then added the nutes in a 1/4 strength solution (that is 1/4 of what the label on the GH bottles say for a seedling). I think somewhere a few pages back I even showed where he ppm landed after each nute add as well as the final ph. I.e., the bottle says for seedling strength add 1/4 tsp each micro, grow, and bloom PER GALLON ... I only put in 1/4 tsp for FOUR GALLONS.

My suspicion is the Water Farm or the hydroton in the water farm - though I made SURE to rinse it well.
im gonna just take your word on it about his profile etc...
I mean it isnt our first rodeo...
Op isnt stupid, she follow the right ppl...
If he is, lets just let him get bored and fall off then...
Im not into the meat head shit tonight..
I just finished 10 hrs at work and transplanting 24 clones straight in the door...
Im hungry and tired....
Dude - I’m STILL working ... since 7am ... and lol I’m a bit fried and still got more work to do :wall:
Now now gents ... its all good! I keep a warm steam vaporizer in the tent otherwise I can’t get the RH near 40% ... and the vaporizer is doing great.

Last weekend when I filled the buckets, I rinsed the bucket, added the requisite amount of water, and then added the nutes in a 1/4 strength solution (that is 1/4 of what the label on the GH bottles say for a seedling). I think somewhere a few pages back I even showed where he ppm landed after each nute add as well as the final ph. I.e., the bottle says for seedling strength add 1/4 tsp each micro, grow, and bloom PER GALLON ... I only put in 1/4 tsp for FOUR GALLONS.

My suspicion is the Water Farm or the hydroton in the water farm - though I made SURE to rinse it well.
So even with it turned off it still changed..
I mean do u got another bucket?
Mix up a gal at 500 ppm and 5.8 ec.
Set a lid on it and leave your meter in it.
Do this at start of morning.
Every hr check the meter and write down what it is.. I wanna see when this change happens...
So even with it turned off it still changed..
I mean do u got another bucket?
Mix up a gal at 500 ppm and 5.8 ec.
Set a lid on it and leave your meter in it.
Do this at start of morning.
Every hr check the meter and write down what it is.. I wanna see when this change happens...
Just 1 gallon? Not in the Water Farm? Ok, I can do that ... that shouldnt change. Again, I suspect it’s somethinh with the WF.

Oh, and is there a chart anywhere that says “x amount of x nute (ml/tsp per gallon) = x ppm”?
When I get back home I am going to get some bag seed and sprout them , paper towel method , plain water from bottled water and see how long the sprout lives without food and post it .
Not to be stupid here - or maybe I’m just too tired - how do I know how much of each nute to put in in order to reach 500ppm?
to 1 gal of water
2ml Micro
3ml Grow
1ml Bloom
in this order
mix well and allow to sit for 30min
adjust ph to 5.5
then allow to ride for 24 hours and see what it does

GH is really stable for me
never jumps around so lets see what is does

if you really "need" Calmg
you can add it @ 4ml per gal
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to 1 gal of water
2ml Micro
3ml Grow
1ml Bloom
in this order
mix well and allow to sit for 30min
adjust ph to 5.5
then allow to ride for 24 hours and see what it does

GH is really stable for me
never jumps around so lets see what is does

if you really "need" Calmg
you can add it @ 4ml per gal
Very good, I wouldn't feed a seedling no where near this much of anything until it has legs under it. Just me.
Very good, I wouldn't feed a seedling no where near this much of anything until it has legs under it. Just me.
I actually hit my seed 1.5 ec directly out of the shell
I grow in coco
this is just how I have always done it
but this is for her bucket test ...no plants just a bucket test
and this should net between .8-1.0ec
these were hit 1.5ec directly from the womb
these are about 2 weeks from a popped tail
this is just how I do it
and only recommend my techniques to those who understand what I do
for the rest
I always suggest the most minimal of options.
bare basics
these were hit 1.5ec directly from the womb
these are about 2 weeks from a popped tail
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this is just how I do it
and only recommend my techniques to those who understand what I do
for the rest
I always suggest the most minimal of options.
bare basics
You just seen two seedling get smoked didn't you? Now the question is why you would feed a sprout when it doesn't need or want it? Another question is why you would direct someone to feed a seedling that does not need food to sprout? Or immediately after sprouting ? Unless you wanted them to kill a sprout?