1st Indoor Grow, New Tent,600 Watt Duel Spec.HPS, Fan&Filter AK47+more coming

you should think of bringing the ph of your water down between 6.2 and 6.5 that where plants thrive best at.. but everything else sound good with the proper care and nutrients each plant should give you about an o each:)
Looking GREAT! Keep it up Rot, btw I have a rot been around them my whole life! Uncle used to breed them, great dogs!!
Did I metchion I'm jealious of your AK CLones :) I'll tell you what I just took 3 Super Lemon Hazes, I'll trade one of those for the ak's haha lol... Looking forward to the updates and your progress, I'm not following many grows right now so don't let me down haha!
Thank you ST. There Amazing Dog's and act like they are Human lol... I Rescued my Rotti after her last owner was going to have her put down :-(
It's like we were made for each other... She Never Leaves my side ;-) You and your Uncle are Very Lucky to have been around so many ;-)
And Yes i would love to trade a Clone lol... But i don't think they would last the Journey :-(
And i Promise to not let you down Ha Ha Ha ;-)
Well it's 5.00AM here and i'm Drugged up to the Eyeballs as usual on Medication so i'm going to hit the sack. Enjoy the rest of your Evening ST and i'll do some Updated Pic's for you later on today. ;-)
Take Care...
Hello To you All ;-) Here is a couple of pic's of my New Stretched Pineapple Chunk and 3 Clones of AK47 ;-)
For some reason, whenever i put a pot in this Electric Propagator i always get the green gunk on the Perlite/Vermiculite.
Once i open the Vent in about 3/4 Days it should start to go though with a bit of Fresh Air :-)
And as i'm putting pic's up here is an update of the Fert's & Nute's that i'm using: IMGP1421.jpg
Hay ST, Thanks for the Tip's on how to make the Photo's Bigger ;-)ak-47-weed_design.png
I Forgot to ask... What can i use that i might have around the House to bring my pH UP?
My Water is pH6.8 after it has been left sitting for 24hrs but as soon as i add the BioBiz Grow it Drop's to pH5.8
I know i need to get some pH UP but money is running a little low at the moment.
I Forgot to ask... What can i use that i might have around the House to bring my pH UP?
My Water is pH6.8 after it has been left sitting for 24hrs but as soon as i add the BioBiz Grow it Drop's to pH5.8
I know i need to get some pH UP but money is running a little low at the moment.

I use baking powder, I only have to do it a few times a grow though when I go to low so I'm not sure if it has any long term effects but I can tell you that my girls havn't shown any signs of rejection :)

Everything is looking great! Maybe steak that little pineapple you have with a thin rod like a paper clip or something to help her stand up straight, oh and yea the big photos will come in handy in the future!!

Edit post 4420 lol damn I'm on here way to much lol, time to smoke a bowl of some diesel that I've been burning. Smells like straight funk and taste like armpit "assuming this is what armpit would taste like lmao.." Kind of bad in a way but shit is potent!
I was about to say "Who's Armpit have You been licking? A Russian Shot-putters?" lol... :-)
Thanks for the Baking Soda idea, I've just watered them all today so i've got a few days to try and get some pH UP ordered. I’ve got some Bamboo BBQ Skewers that are just the right size to use as Steaks as well, I got them for my Outside Grow and they work perfect ;-)
You had better have another Huge Bowl for me as i haven’t got any :-( But don't forget to Really Enjoy it like i would lol... ;-)
Oh yea lol, I'll tell you what. I'll roll a blunt and we can both lick russian armpit haha!!

Perfect on the skewers!! I'm about to put some pics up in the next 10 min if you want to come give them a peak! First harvest a couple hours ago in a while!!
I'm just going to make a Cup of Tea and let my dog go for a quick p and then i'll be back for a front row seat ;-)
Who gets the Left Armpit and who gets the Right? coz if i lay on my Right i get Cramp lol.....
My Pineapple Chunk is now starting it's 2nd set of leaves today but still a little Lanky but i'll take care of that when i Re-Pot her.IMGP1426.jpgIMGP1428.jpg
And the 3x Ak47 Clones are still Alive, It's just that Green Crap from the Humidity of the heated propagator that's P***ing me off!! I've now opened the Vents so Hopefully it will disappear soon :-)
And here is Mummy AK47 IMGP1434.jpgIMGP1436.jpgIMGP1446.jpgIMGP1445.jpg
As you can see, She is holding her own :-)
Temperature's have settled down now as well, I had to have a move around of the Filter and Fans and fingers crossed it should stay constant :-)
During Lights on it's around 80/85F and lights off 70/72F. RH is between 35/43% depending if I’ve got the door open or not ;-)
After taking my Medication Thursday morning it left me feeling Really Ill so i went to bed thinking i would be OK in an Hour or Two... I Knew i had to water my Girl as she was starting to get Light the night before.
Big Mistake !!! I fell asleep and was Out Cold for 18 Hours Straight...
And this is what i woke up to:
As you can see, She needed a drink quite badly so i made up her feed and gave her3.5 Litre's to Gulp down...
5 Hours later and this is how she looks now:
As you can also see in the last Pic. i've also Re-Potted the Pineapple Chunk and put her under the AK47 for a bit of Shade until she gets used to the Light,Heat & Fan as i don't want her to Cook and Die like the Last one did :-(
I've had Another Delivery today as well ;-) Here is some More New Toy's and Fert's to add to my Growing List ;-)
I had a Bargain with the Big Bud 50g & Carbo Load 50g packets, They only cost£4.00 ($6.00?) for Both on ebay ;-) I Might get a Few more Packs while they are still SOOOO Cheap. ;-)
DAmn its scary to see them like that isn't it! Better to under water then over though :) She will bounce right back like you already see, probably just loose a few leaves! I wouldn't let them get that dry from now on, even to the point where you fell asleep. I just figured it out recently but I used to let them dry out completely and now I kind of keep the soil moist and right when it starts to loose that moister I water again. Best way i can describe it but its been working great for me! Anyway I wanted to add, be carefull venting the clones to early because I've had them dry up on me quick before. Chances are if they made it this long your doing something right though!!
Here's a better picture of my Pineapple Chunk ;-)
Although a little Blurred lol...
Temp's were a little better today due to not having the Heating on and me Not waking up till Lunchtime.
After 18 Hours Sleep WHY do still feel Tired? i'm ready for bed again lol...
Hi ST, the clones are still in the propagator and it's still Very Humid in there even with the vent open ;-) They are looking Good Still ;-)
I've picked a few leaves off the AK already that were like paper, might be 2/3 more tomorrow when i check on them :-(
I've got a Temp/Moisture Gauge in the pot that is Very Accurate and it said it needed watering but i couldn't do Anything about it at the time coz of the side affects from the Tablets i have to take. I felt that bad i was thinking about phoning for an Ambulance :-(
Hello All ;-) Here is a Quick Picture Update of my AK47 after she went without water for 24hrs. As you can see She looks so much better now:
This is how she looked on Saturday (pic. no 2)

(Pic no 3 back to Sunday again)
My Barneys Farm-Pineapple Chunk is also Acclimatising to her new home but still can't handle the Full Strength of the 600 Watt HPS yet so will stay in the Shadow of the AK47.
On a side note, The Golden Virginia Tobacco in the pots on the left are Growing Quicker than the MJ :-) At no point did i think that would happen lol...
Hello Guy's & Girl's ;-) I Hope your All feeling Fat from too much Food & Drink lol...
Here's an Update about my Girls. I was Rushed into Hospital a few weeks ago after my Doc. Upped the Strength of my Medication and caused me to have an Overdose and they kept me in for 2 weeks.
I Don't remember a thing about what happened and Don't know who called the Ambulance but i'm Sooo Glad they did.:hug:
When they let me out on Christmas Eve i was still feeling like a Bag of Sh1t but all i could think about was my Dog and my MJ that was Left Without Any TLC :sad:
It turns out that the Paramedic that found me was an Old Mate from Years ago from London ;-) He took my Dog to my Mum's and was looking after my MJ while i was in Hospital :hug::cool:
And this is how my Girls look now :mrgreen: he did a Great Job i think :clap:
In the Little Pots in Pic. number 2 from the Left are (1)Barneys Farm- Pineapple Chunk. (2) Barneys Farm- Pineapple Chunk. (3)AK47 Clone.
The other plants you can see are Golden Virginia Tobacco Plants.
Tonight is their last late night as Tomorrow they go on 12/12 :bigjoint::clap: