1st Indoor Grow, New Tent,600 Watt Duel Spec.HPS, Fan&Filter AK47+more coming

Thanks ST. and yes, he did a Fantastic job :grin: But saying that... when i used to know him 20 odd years ago back in the day lol... He used to grow on a Huge Scale, he used to rent Warehouse's and have a few thousand plants growing then when they were finished he would organise a Huge Rave (Warehouse Party) that lasted a few days & nights :bigjoint:until the po po came with a warrant of eviction lol...
He used to Supply about a 1/4 of London every year :weed::bigjoint: and he got away with it :clap::cool:
It looks like your grow is coming along nicely, I'll be over soon to catch up on reading ;-)
Hi All :bigjoint:
Does anyone know how to use Advanced Nutrients CarboLoad?
I'm using BioBiz Grow & Bloom at the moment and want to know do i use this CarboLoad at the same time as Grow & Bloom or do i use it on it's own and how often?
I've also got Advanced Nutrients Big Bud to use as well. I read your meant to use this every watering from week 2 to 5 in Flowering and i think that’s without using other fert's as it's NPK is 0,15,40.
Can anyone Please Shed some light on this for me as the Information on the packets are very Vague to say the least :confused:
Many Thanks Guys :hug::bigjoint:
I don't know about those nutes but I would imagine you use it at the same time, don't they have some type of chart to go off of or something? I'll bump it anyway so someone might be able to help lol.. Edit I would think the Big bud would be more like week 3-8 or something like that if I had to guess.
Thank you ST. I mixed up my normal Fert's and Added the CarboLoad to it. Will have to keep my fingers crossed now and hope my girls will be OK :hug:
I've just taken a few Pic's of my Girls and this is how they look as of a Couple of Hours ago:
The Small 3 Litre pots from the left are Pineapple Chunk, AK47 (Clone) & Pineapple Chunk.
This is Day 70 for the Big AK47 and Day 4 of Flowering for all 4 Girls. (Can't wait to see how much i get off the Big AK? How much do you think?). She is aprox 1/2 meter across and aproxx 1 meter high
(How do i get these pictures to go BIG again? i'm not getting the little pencil in the left corner anymore?).
Happy New Year to you All !!! :hug:
Day 8 of Flowering and i have 4 Girls Showing Their Bits :weed::clap:. I Knew they would though as they were Female Seeds lol...
Back Left & Middle are Barneys Farm- Pineapple Chunk Females and Back Right (Clone) & Foreground (Mum) are Serious Seeds- AK47 Females :hump:
Sorry about the last pic. being sideways :oops:
Since i've taken the 3 Huge Golden Virginia Tobacco Plants out of the Tent the Humidity has gone up to around 63% which seems strange :confused: as there is Still another 20+ in there.
I'll have to keep an eye on that and get it back down to around 40% again if possible.
I also Measured Mummy AK47 today and She is 66cm Wide x 1 Meter 20cm High and getting Bigger :o:shock::mrgreen: I'm going to need a Bigger Tent at this rate :shock::bigjoint::blsmoke:
Does ANYONE know the Average of what an AK47 can Produce on an indoor grow???

Take Care & Happy Growing :hug: Rotti.
Very pretty looking girls you have there! The Ak is the monster right? What size pot again?

Oh yea more rep for ya, look you have to bars now:clap:
im growin an Ak47 myself doesnt look as big as urs!! mines 1 month old tho... only 20 cm tall... how tall was urs at 1 month old?
Thank you ST.:hug::cool:
Your right about being a Monster :lol: She is on Another Growth Spert since i flipped the lights and started the CarboLoad :bigjoint:
I looked in on them before the lights went out just now (9pm) just to say Goodnight :lol: and can't beleave how Quickly they are changing Every day :shock:
It's such a Huge Differance compaired to my Outside grow last year. I have So much more Controll over what is going on with them being in the room next door to me.

She is Still in a 7.5 Litre pot, I was going to re pot her into one of the New 10 Litre pots but run out of soil. The Garden Centers around here havn't got anything in untill they restock their shelves in the next month or two the lazy Shits...:cuss:
Thank's for the +Rep ;-) Here is one for you for being so nice :bigjoint:
Hello TB. Thanks for dropping by ;-)
This is my AK47 at 31 Days Old and i'll have to have a Guess at around 25/30cm Tall.
If Your Girl is like mine? She'll have a Growth Spert any day soon and start to Shoot Up & Out Every Where. :shock::clap::bigjoint:
I Hope your having as much fun as i'm having watching my Girls grow up ;-)
ATB Rotti.
AK47 Is on Day 78 from Seed and 12 of those are in Flower. She has been Topped & Super Cropped as well as a little Bondage LSTing :hump: and is now looking and Smelling SOooo GOoood :weed:
And here is the AK Clone on the Left and 2 Pineapple Chunks.
It's time to get some Ona Gel or Something as when the lights & Fans go off, An Hour or so later the Bedroom is Stinking Quite Strong. It's going to get a lot worse as well :shock::lol:
Or i'll have to run the Fan & Filter every so often and risk the Temp's dropping a little...?
Who's going to have a Guess on my AK47 Yield Now? :lol:
To early to tell yield but about the smell, you haven't smelt nothing yet!! ;) If your worried about the smell you need to seriously consider a nice carbon filter to either push or pull your stinky air and scrub it with carbon! Is your room sealed? Your whole house and more will smell depending on where your exhausting your air when it starts putting on nice flowers:o

Looking gorgeous though, are you going to put steaks in the AK to hold the buds up? Cause if shes under the 600hps shes going to need it :hump:
I've already got a Carbon Filter Sucking the air out of the tent and it does a Great job when the light is on :cool: IMGP1378.jpg
It's when i shut Everything down for 12hrs night that the smell kicks in :shock: lol... After an hour or so of being in darkness the Smell is coming out of the tent & Bedroom door, unless i shut the bedroom and have less air circulation running through the room?
As i said, I might have to start running the Carbon Filter for 1/2 Hour every 2 Hours or so just to keep the Smell down a bit :oops::lol:
I've been looking for an AK47 in Flower to see what they look like but havn't come accross one yet? Du you really think that they will need steaking up?
Ooop's, Back to the Research :lol: Again lol...
OH yea steaks will help your yield on that monster for sure, let me dig up my first big 5 gal kandy kush that I steaked you will be sold lol..

I see what you mean about the fan, I leave mine on 24/7 to filter the smell. fan is only around 100 watts so its no biggie and my fan is a monster lol
going to flower soon, those are perfect colas for those size plants.... man to get yields that big do you keep the light in general really closer or kinda far to let em stretch? (using 1k) going to steak them tho as said

with a 1k you want to keep them a good distance away, play with it. Start them far away in veg and let them stretch in flowering but give yourself plenty of room to work with.
Well here is my Girls after their 2nd week in Flower and like you say ST, I've Got to Steak them up lol... They are getting BIG :weed:
I'm starting to get a few Yellow leaves on the AK47 Mum but have also given them their First Dose of Big Bud along with the CarboLoad and BioBizz Grow/Bloom, So i'm hopeing that should sort it out if not i've got some Epsom Salts here and can give them a Teaspoon full on their next feed. :blsmoke:

I sound like i know what i'm doing !!! Whats going on ???
ARrrrrGH. I went and fed my Girls this morning and everything was looking Nice & Normal, I pulled them out of the grow tent to do the weekly clean down from top to bottom then put them back in, adjusted the HPS Light and Oscillating fan, stood back to admire their beauty then closed the door.
3 Hours later i thought to myself "i can't hear the carbon filter Fan running"? I opened the door again to be met with a Fog and 93% RH & 93 f. Ooop's.
I plugged the Fan & Filter back in and watched the Temp's & RH drop back to normal in about 3 min. I shut the door Again and thought Job Done...
2 Hours later something was playing on the back of my mind calling my name over & over... I opened the door yet again only to see 1 Stem Covered in Male Pollen, 3 of which had just burst open :cuss::cuss::cuss:
Here is the 12" Offender below. I spent 45 min's going over all 4 girls with a magnifying glass to make sure i didn't miss any more... I'll have to keep checking them now for any damage :cuss: But if i do get any seeds at least it will save me a few £££/$$$
All my seed's are meant to be Feminised ???
As i had the Camera out i thought i'd take a few of the girls...