1st Practice grow Journal (using bag seeds)

DAY 14

Well as I said here are some piccy's of my only gal and some adjustments made to my set-up...


Kinda got baked and in my stoned logic brought a 400w dual spectrum light majig as I'm still waiting for my LED panel to be delivered.... subsequently, had to completely change my set-up and get some extractor fans and stuff. generally a complete rebuild... my bad.


I have also decided that LED's are atm too expensive to be worth the hassle so other than my UFO I will not be getting any more and switching to LED's from my dual spec lamp for veg only.

I tink I'm declaring Claire dead as she is Still only on her water leaves and showing no signs of growth and is slowly but surely drying up, I think I disturbed her while she was young and that upset her roots or summin.

I also threw away my bag seeds... into the greenhouse of course and a couple of them have started sprouting, but I'm just gonna let nature sort them out and only water them when I water my tomatoes and peppers :)
DAY 17

Quick Update

After a few days in my new grow box I found that the temperatures were ridiculous, and impossible to control they were hovering in at a solid 110*F +
so very bad for poor Cassie, I was also feeding her CO2 using yeast and sugar water, but alas the temps were still too high...

I have now transplanted her into a 3 gallon hempy bucket with a mixture of rockwool and perlite, and moved her into the greenhouse to recover from her heat ordeal.
I think I'll be using hempy buckets from now on as they are so easy to set up and maintain if I wanted I could attach a drip system to it as well.

Will be posting weekly updates from now I think :)

And I love how this grow isn't interesting enough for people to comment (thanks to those that have, helpful information) XD it will be soon, hopefully, gonna try and get some bud for reading festival!

Yeah i know I've changed my mind about what I'm using, my methods etc about a million times but at the moment I have no idea whats working for me due to space/landlord visits/heat etc. Damn I need a new place, but hey it's my 1st time I'm supposed to be learning all this stuff right?

Happy growing!
DAY 19

I said Weekly updates... i lied! XD

White Widow seeds arrived yesterday, so I went out and brought some proper medium for my Hempy buckets, went with 45/45/10 perlite/vermiculite/rockwool, the rockwool is just for the reservoir as it holds a shit load of water and gives the roots something to attach themselves to...

I'll be planting my WW seeds when I get back from work tonight.

I also re-potted my Critical Mass, poor things roots weren't able to grow through the original rockwool cube I started her in (too tightly packed), so i very very fucking gently removed the rockwool from around her and re-planted her in the proper hempy buckets so fingers crossed the poor girl will pull through. I'm feeling marginally hopeful.

Been spending a lot of time with her talking to her, she gets a daily dose of classical music, bit of Dvorak, shcumman etc :)

But anyway, will update next time Cassie starts to look any better. Can anyone think of any good girls names beginning with 'W' for my white widow, one will be called Willow, how about the other? suggestions?

Feel free to post in this thread btw any comments/criticisms etc, though I've managed to fuck everything up so far anything you criticise I already know lol.
Day 24

Critical Mass is looking a bit more healthy now she's in her new home, still very small for her age but sprouting new growth and what not.

Smoked this beast the other day:

Sick spliffage.jpg

Then planted the White Widows into their hempy buckets after germing them waiting for baby WW's about thursday latest :)
DUde me and my friend have been cracking up on your grow, no offense but dude, take that moldy ass paper towel off your plants and maybe it would be perfectly healthy, looks like moss is starting to grow on that paper LOL.
hehe fair enough, none taken, it's my 1st go round so still much to learn, btw thats the rockwool they were growing in not a mouldy towel and a bit of algae growing on the top :)

My plants are suffering I think cos of lack of light as they only have 1 fluorescent tube until my Veg LED's come.

I think my impatience has fucked my critical mass, starting everything before the proper equipment had arrived, CM is still growing but I think I've set her back about 2 weeks of growth the amount of stress I've put her thru.

the 2 under the cups are White Widow seeds sprouting cups are for humidity XD


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when you were using fluro's, you had them WAY to far away, you want them an inch away from the top of your plants if you can manage it...so you have to keep it adjustable. I'm using 4 32w t8 3000k 4ft. bulbs and I'm getting the same results on my shortrider as another grower got with a 400w HPS on half as many plants...I'm now realizing, while hps is convenient in that you don't have to adjust them, they're not even close to necessary, especially if your planning a scrog. Soon I'm changing mine to a scrog after my babies get some of the new branches that just started.
interesting, can you actually flower with fluoros well and get decent bud? seein as they aint got much or any red spectrum in them.

But yeah I've got my fluoros pretty much touching the top of the plants now and I think the CM has fully recovered from repotting her, shes growing like a bitch now XD
interesting, can you actually flower with fluoros well and get decent bud? seein as they aint got much or any red spectrum in them.

But yeah I've got my fluoros pretty much touching the top of the plants now and I think the CM has fully recovered from repotting her, shes growing like a bitch now XD
who's been lying to you?! You can get any spectrum you need in fluro, right now I'm using 3000k lights which have red in them....6500k are the ones people use for veg
try to keep them from actually touching the bulbs...not that a brush against a fluro will harm it, they're really not that hot, but over a period of time against it I've had one show a little damage... (part of the leaf that was touching the bulb got dark green around the edges, and was BARELY curling, but still good to avoid.

Understand this, despite what people say, the only real advantage I've noticed with hps growers is they don't have to concern themselves with adjusting their light, and they can have tall plants. But if your using sog, fluro will give you good results. Case in point, I was reading through a short rider journal from a guy who was using a 400W HPS over 4 plants, and when I compare mine to his on the same time stamp (ie, comparing both at 3 week mark, etc, ) I'm getting the same results he got, and I've got twice as many plants under my lights, and am using 128w. And even if you want to keep a tall baby girl like a mother you don't need hps, I've seen EXCELLENT results in such cases using cfl's hanging at different spots around the plant.

With that said, since you've already spent the money on them, make the most use out of them as you can...since you are going to have an hps, I'd suggest taking advantage of the extra money you spent and keep tall plants and multiple. That way you get the full worth out of your money...than it will prob be worth it. Regardless, you will have the knowledge that your babies aren't lacking in light, which when your trying to troubleshoot problems, its always nice to have factors you don't have to worry about...

Hope that helped :)
lol no-ones been lying, jus I didn't realise you could get the correct red'ish fluoros is all.
I may look into that down the line as I'm going for a scrog once I can take cuttings. I could save my HPS for when I get more space as heat is painful which is why I'm not using it yet.

and I'm probably gonna keep a mother under a bunch of fluoro's when I get there.

and it was helpful :)
hehe, dunno about a bowl :weed: but you can have some rep and a blessing from the Metal Gods!

Just an unimportant update,

Critical Mass has recovered beautifully, I have been told my LED's will be arriving at the end of this week hopefully but the company I got them from are full of shit so I'm not hopeful maybe another 2 weeks, piss takers really :|

Will be taking cuttings from Cassie in 2 weeks and starting up a ScrOG under my LED's (if they arrive) whilst I switch Cassie to flower!

Both my white widows are dead lol, my bad..... but I now have a skunk #1 un-feminized growing so heres hoping she lives AND is a she XD
I'm told 12/12 from seed gives it a higher chance of being girls... :) I'm doing that with some unfemed bubblegum in an outdoor stealth, if it works out then I'm going to reveg the pheno I like the most and use it as a mother for a scrog...you know, a month later after its branched out... I hate being patient... my tears for the white widow's, they would have been beautiful...

its funny, I thought I would want to create a new strain, but now that I'm growing I just want to stabalize certain pheno's...
i wish you the best of luck. ill check it out again a little further on. keep it up.

Thanx Sirwolf XD hopefully in a week or so I'll have a bit more to show for myself.

matchbox, check this out


Now I know why most of my babies came out female...

Was an interesting read, I've only been using feminised seeds so far, but after reading that I may consider regulars once I got my setup perfect or as near as I can, plus they're cheaper, only issue I have is I don't really have space to grow 10 seeds to the point of determining their sex although even 80% females would be sick not enough space.

I'm looking to grow my CM into a tree and keep her as a mother, they look awesome when they get the thick stems and bush up at the top.
Day 33

In the past week or so theres been a lot of growth which I'm helluva happy about, shes well over all the shock and trooping on XD


And heres my new veg cab ready to take some clones (minus the lights that are all ordered t5's) in 2-3 weeks :) thought I'll actually be prepared this time and those tubs are huge I could quite happily veg 12 - 16 lovely girls in there.


by the way its under an Ikea sofa so its all hollow XD

And just a quick question, When would be a good time to FIM?
hey my plants popped from the ground on 7/7/2010 so they around the same age as yours nah..so anyways yeah keep on growing and hopefully u get a female
ill be back to see wassup with that so keep on posting shit..