1st Practice grow Journal (using bag seeds)

Skunk Plant had a whole bunch of bollocks hangin off of it yesterday, needless to say, it's on the bonfire now!

Replaced the bastard with a couple female CM clones. job done!
DAY 83
WEEK 3 DAY 4 of Flower

Same as usual, taking care of em, currently no defficiencies or discrepancies. so far so good :)

Added a dehumidifier today £30 from argos boom XD lol dunno if its doing any good though, it's been very warm and humid in the cab so I thought it a nescesity.

ordered some airpots brought some soil because its so cheap I couldn't afford to go hydro with a bag of perlite big enough.

basically thats it for now!

Pineapple Expresses, unfortunately i think the lemon haze's are dead I threw one out for not growing, and the other is stunted and not growing at all so that sucked but i think they were just duds or strain related they had the exact same conditions as the PE's :/


Some buddage!

yeah it was a shame, but just means more space for my PE's which is always a win XD

It seems both of my pineapple express plants are mutants, like really fucked up lol topped them both the other night and from the looks of it the bushy one should 'theoretically' come out with 8 tops because the usual 4 main growth stems somehow, have 2 'tops' on the ends and not separate, kinda fused. The taller one is growing a bit mental as well twisting all over the place and general weirdness.

Carbon and Air pots arrived today, so hopefully the really bad smell issue will be solved and I can finally make up my Airpot Hempy's which hopefully will work wonders :) doing a side by side grow with regular hempy's vs regular airpot vs hempy airpot.. XD

Just brought 6 10l Airpots... and my got they're muuch bigger than I thought :| was kinda hoping to fit 6 in my veg cab but fuck that aint happening, only managed to fit 4 :(
Well Balls to that.. got busted today... sooooo that brings this thread to a sad conclusion, I must say its been a good journey learning from scratch with a really relaxing hobby with added benefits. and though I didn't have many followers thanks for dropping by, and all the useful help and tips you all provided!

I have a week to dismantle and such so I'm going to chop, dry and cure and hopefully have some half smokeable bud.

Until next time peace and happy growing to you all!

Over and most Definately Out
completely forgot to put up here what I pulled off of my ladies! My bad

After drying and curing I got 3oz, which is an awesome result for my 1st grow I think specially considering they were between 50% and 80% ready :)

Smoke was good only disappointment was it smelt very hay like until you broke it open and boom was beautiful.
Had a very strong couch lock stone after about an hour of energy, tasted slightly fruity with a nice skunky aftertaste.

Next grow 3-4 Plant ScrOG PE and Super Lemon Haze 2 of each XD
keeping it low key this time.