ahhhhaaa, so you're the twat running a white van up my arse at 80 in a 40

number one reason for driving test fails, white van drivers haha.
during the day i drive very responibly, not ur standard white van man belive it or not. dont sit up peoples arses in fact it pisses me off lol
baath is a shit city, never found it to be interesting or enjoyable to walk around in the slightest. brothers loved it and all went to school there for decades, i flat refused. shit hole
my friends, well i use the rul of thumb as opposed to 5 fingers, and fail at even that so yeah, keep him close

i know the feeling of being put on the spot, when totally inapropriately. i'm frequently made to work for a completely different business, and quote prices from nothing more than what i think it should be, because they refuse to keep an upto date product sheet etc, so i often find myself selling something on for £200 when it could be costing the company £500, it's fucking stupid.
i like how fussy people get over temp and humidity

i plain don't moniter humidity and gave up giving a damn about the temperature shortly after i started growing