Thanking you kindly sir lol, hope ur cool bro, was wondering where u'd been since ur vodka session, was hoping it was nothing serious?
getting the canna bio vega 2day, if i can make it. might get my mate 2 go lol. might have 2 chuck a bit in if there going for a few more weeks
i did get chance 2 pop in and see my friends in Torquay, traffic was sweet all the way so got chance for a vanilla cappuccino, the guys that showed me how to make it lol. Unfortunatly "X" was at the hospital as he always is every day, not gonna go into things but he's not a well man. Thing is u would never know unless u got 2 know him. they are the nicest people that i know and i know a few lol, got really nice apartments there lush, have stayed in the guest one felt like a king getting up in the morning with a coffee and zoot on the balcony

sea view. torquay. says it all really lol. was wicked when they had the reggata, was high just watching em go back and forth lol.
Go on the little HB wooo woooo lol, getting tired now but drunk a red bull on the way home so aint sleeping lol.