yes chaps

1st up, thanks for the good vibes
looks damn close to chop time there fingerez. looks well tasty
that was 8 weeks thinking of taking em to 10? well to late now gave em there last feed today, gonna be flushing the slags 2moro 30L canna flush through each pot. gonna feed em plain water 2 test the autopots
i ALWAYS stick my fingers and hands into fans. i always figure yeah, why not! especially computer fans. maybe i'm simple, one minute it's a seethrough whirlythingymajig, the next minute you've transformed it into a solid pointy thing. fucking magic!
hmmm i love ur comments tt, saying that i have stopped a fan or 2 by accident and it dont really hurt. more shocked than anything 2 start with!
edit - pc fans
Why did you stick your fingers in the fan?????? My worst grow room incident was when my ph dropped to 3 (fuck knows why) and i had to flush the soil in my autopots but the plants were all tangled around each other (fucking viney cheese) so i couldn't move em and i had to suck up 40 litres of water with a 50ml syringe while lying on my stomach so i could reach the ones at the back, not painfull but a HUGE pain the arse and i stupidly did it when the lights were on so i was sweating like a whore in church.
Anyways looking forward to your next pics mate
love it osc

was in beween my mates 600's the other day kinda crouched down, gets so hot
edit - was trying to put the ducting on with the fan at full speed, did really well got one side on then BAM... finger dont hurt any more but if i aply pressure it does, even typing if i hit it to hard lol. will post a pic when i take pics next, its not that bad just hurt like hell.
How many fingers have you got TTT? lmao

pain has never been too much of an issue with me, you get over it so stop worrying about if something will hurt. that's my mantra. i am determined to try jumping off my roof and stroll into the pub beneath one day. make a real entrance. every time i'm out on ym balcony i size up whether it's doable or not i think i'd probably break and arm or a leg but it will be doable
u've seriously thought that through aint ya? fooookin love it mate
make sure u video tape it when u do to show all of us that would be some funny shit
could imagine it now mcP
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to las fingerez again.
Too bad, cause that bud deserves some repping bro, it looks very very nice man!!!
haha thanks bro, so u lot can see the pics yeah? i cant see em and when i go to my album its just small white squares
betcha your looking at it with anticipation niow arent ya bro

.. almost there id say too, not quite though
if it wasnt for sophie (random indica pheno clone) i'd be picking bits of 2 smoke. smoked some lemon at 7 weeks, was tasting lemony and hazey already. got me a little high 2
Hey Bud, how you been mate? Hope you are doing well.
Great fucking shot man. Cheers.
bender man glad ur ok brother, u've been missing for a few days

thanks for the love dude, take it easy my brother from another mother lol
will be back on later and posting on ur threads, had a good day at work and will promoted back up to an A grade Team Leader. (more cash, same job lol)
the thai haze aint showin sex yet, but its really only had 2 12 hour sleeps. come on boy lol
so can u see my pics then? the new one of the lemon haze bud? any of the rest. can some one else have a look in my albums and let me know. thanks
catch u's later, off for a nap