1st sign of orange pistils is it time to flush

This is my current feed

Canna a/b 3ml per 1000

Canna boost 3ml per 1000

Canna Pk 13/14 dropped to 1ml per 1000 as it stated only use for 1 week on my chart
There is pretty heavy foxtailing, and the upper sugar leaves are that loaded with nitrogen it borderline looks like it's going into reveg.

A flush would be in order if nitrogen toxicity is an issue. If your in Coco, check your pH, if it's off it will effect the nutrient uptake.

I had a plant that was showing nitrogen toxicity around 4 weeks into flower, and a flush with pH balanced until two gallons of runoff have settled, followed by a day to dry out, and another flush with pk only seemed to do the trick to get rid of the odd sugar leaf pattern, and lessen the foxtailing in new flower production from there on. I stopped Canna terra Flores a week afterwards and the darkness disappeared. Continued to use Cannazym, molasses spray as boost and a half does of pk instead of bloom nutes and it fixed the problem.
Just checked my feed chart and now i realise i fed too much this week as i was supposed to reduce at week 6 the canna a/b from 3 - 3.5 down to 2 - 2.5 per litre so ive reduced to 1ml per litre so its not such a drastic reduce. Hopefully this will work it out.