1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

you don't even have any details on the quality of his tap. Mine comes in at 40 ppm, tell me that makes a difference,
The only things that need filtered out a hydrologic small boy will handle with 0 waste, try that with RO.
oh guy
if u got the room aye go for a tent

the size of space yes .........u will need to do the plant in a a row
2 plants large ones

I'd love to use a tent. Growlabs look cool. My problem with tents is my closet is only 2' 3" deep and I haven't come across any that narrow. Maybe I need to try harder.

(1) Know any models that have width or length less than 2' 3"?
(2) Would you say that multiple small plants are safer than two large ones because if a large plant is adversely affected you are potentially out half your yield, or do most plants in a tent usually meet the same fate?

I'd love to use a tent. Growlabs look cool. My problem with tents is my closet is only 2' 3" deep and I haven't come across any that narrow. Maybe I need to try harder.

(1) Know any models that have width or length less than 2' 3"?
(2) Would you say that multiple small plants are safer than two large ones because if a large plant is adversely affected you are potentially out half your yield, or do most plants in a tent usually meet the same fate?

hey man ....i do know that they sell 4x2x6 tents......u would lose a foot and something in area but it can be used for your fan area
(just to help) gorilla tents and secret jardin are the 2 best tents on the market they are well designed and built ........gorilla tents are designed to hold 300 lbs on the frame they are the number 1 on the market ....secret jardin tents use to be the number 1 they hold about 75 lbs of gear on the frame( i own this one dr90 dr120 dr150)

if u go cheap tent just make sure the passive intakes are not a flap opening (these are hard to keep open u tape it up to hold open the tape comes off in 3 days)

1 yes they sell a 4x2x6 models ...........both tent makers

2the small plants would be your safer choice .........as u can run more of them if something mess up u are not totally crippled
look for strains around 120 150 grams .........at that point u are looking at a QP per plant in about 78 days 4 plants u should be at your Pound goal if not u have time still to get tha last few OZ

i know a trick to make the plant do better ...........basically u use a mash bucket from brewing moonshine/beer/wine .....it brews turns sugar into drink and burps off CO2 ....if u add the bucket into the tent or in front of the intake .....it goes into the tent and the plants suck it .....more power for them they do even better........at the end of 5 days u run the mash off and u have 1 gallon of 140% shine for under 40 bucks ( 5 days of boom growth and 140% gallon of moonshine to trade sell off) gallon here was going for 80 bucks
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but to make sure u get to your goal this first time off

USE that soil i linked u ........this removes alot of feeding variables .........with u feeding on top of that your only issue should be red vein ( red vein is a sign from the plant telling u it is lacking in power it wants more of N P or K ) normally only shows up during flowering so it is P or K needed

the go box will do u good and add on ...............for the power pushing u need this
this is chemical feed it has alot of power behind it ( get yourself a set of measuring spoons for this)

Open Seame .........this is red powder this make the plant open up bud sites ......more buds....use this about week 3/4 until u see it stretching is over

Beastie Bloom.........this is a green powder this is a weight builder ( all P and K ).......this is what u use after the stretching has stopped ......use this one for 2 to 3 weeks then change over

Cha Ching ............this is a yellow powder this is a resin builder ....makes it gooier.....this is the last of it u want to use it maybe 4/7 times then stop so the roots use it up ....u want atleast a week of no chemical feed before u harvest .....removes the bad taste (u can flush if u want )

this stuff is great but strong .............u can mix it into the feed it with the go box about 2 times a week (u can more but this stuff can cause a salt build up in the soil requiring flushing now and then to remove excess) .............u mix this in and u are trying to get Nutrient Burn on the tips of the plant ( the very ends of the tips of leaves get fried ........this means the plant is getting to much food ) at this point u back the feeding down 10% or so and hold it .........u are at the maximum the plant can handle

the only thing else i can share ...........when the plants flip into flowering i like to take the planter out and soak it (meaning i water the soil so it just starts to drip out ....not flushing it but wetting all the soil so the plant roots expand out into any of the dry zones )....bigger roots more feed/water more buds
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I found that exact same Gorrilla tent Googling around. Good to know it has the weight of your reco behind it. In my book, this is the model to beat for my needs.

look for strains around 120 150 grams

That's 120g-150g per plant? Still shaky on the yield units of measure. I took up your recommendation of Herbie's and found this strain, it says 600-800g/m2, is that more?

QP per plant in about 78 days
So that's ~113g per plant. Makes sense since you were recommending 120g-150g strain ratings.
The 78 days, that's just grow right, not anything post-harvest? The Heavyweight 2fast linked above claims a 7-8 week grow time, which would be 56 days max, is that realistic or is the 2fast a particularly fast grow?

i know a trick to make the plant do better ...........basically u use a mash bucket from brewing moonshine/beer/wine
This is incredibly awesome. Definitely going in my notebook thank you.

USE that soil i linked u ........this removes alot of feeding variables
I saw that, definitely looks good, thanks.

the go box will do u good and add on ...............for the power pushing u need this
Not familiar with power pushing.. this goes on during flowering I assume?

when the plants flip into flowering i like to take the planter out and soak it...bigger roots more feed/water more buds
Cool makes total sense.

I found that exact same Gorrilla tent Googling around. Good to know it has the weight of your reco behind it. In my book, this is the model to beat for my needs.

That's 120g-150g per plant? Still shaky on the yield units of measure. I took up your recommendation of Herbie's and found this strain, it says 600-800g/m2, is that more?

So that's ~113g per plant. Makes sense since you were recommending 120g-150g strain ratings.
The 78 days, that's just grow right, not anything post-harvest? The Heavyweight 2fast linked above claims a 7-8 week grow time, which would be 56 days max, is that realistic or is the 2fast a particularly fast grow?

This is incredibly awesome. Definitely going in my notebook thank you.

I saw that, definitely looks good, thanks.

Not familiar with power pushing.. this goes on during flowering I assume?

Cool makes total sense.


the plant u linked is what i call a large plant ........u will only get 2 of those in the tent .........u being new do not except to get the max out of the plant frist time out (took me 3 grows to learn the plant well enough to max it out using feed before ideal420soil.....i was fox farms ocean forest )

realistically u are looking at maybe 8 to 10 oz off the plant using the soil and the feed .......first time out (but that is nearly 1/2 your goal on one plant messes up u only get 6 oz the other has to make it up)
hence why i said the smaller strains ........if u tried u could fit 5 in there with some overlapping (they would grow a set way u would not be able to move around once into flowering ....like a puzzle but they grow in to fit it) ....that would give u a little more of a break on what u need to pull per plant .....this gives u 5 plants

as power pushing it is a redneck term where i am it is just that pushing as much power as u can down the throat of something to max it out ( engines plants body builders )
chemical feed is like steroids to plants ...........like i said they leave a taste in the plant and stuff in the soil so has to be flushed out regularly if that is all u use .........organics u do not have that issue

seeds ........2 off the top of my head that i know are good plants .........not big flowers

if u want to go hand with big flowering ones ...........upgrade the tent to a 4X4 so u can get 4 plants in there and i would say go these

higher THC and they have CBDs....the Narcotherapy one is a personal fav ...........u are parting with your stuff to a shop this would fall under medical weed so might get a higher price
the plant u linked is what i call a large plant ...seeds ........
2 off the top of my head that i know are good plants .........not big flowers
  • Perfect, thanks for the recos. Just realized I can search on Herbie's for strains filtered by height, this should make it easier for me.
  • I do notice that these plants take up to 70 days to grow, more or less what you're advising. This is a good bit longer than the 7-8 week claim of the Heavyweight autos I linked to. Trying to shop around: Herbie's has a "flowering time" search filter, is flowering time analogous to "time to harvest"? I think it's likely that if it were possible to harvest in under 60 days you'd already be doing that, so are there faster short strains around and you prefer these, or is there something else going on?
as power pushing it is a redneck term where i am it is just that pushing as much power as u can down the throat of something to max it out ( engines plants body builders )
Hell yes. I'm a city boy but come from a long line of country engineers. Loving this.

chemical feed is like steroids to plants ... they leave a taste in the plant and stuff ... organics u do not have that issue
I put chemical feed out of my mind immediately once your first post taught me there is effective organic feed on the market. I'm a huge fan of organic agri/horticulture. Maybe I should add that to my guiding principles.

if u tried u could fit 5 in there with some overlapping
Cool, is there any trick to this or do the plants generally take care of themselves?

higher THC and they have CBDs....the Narcotherapy one is a personal fav ...........u are parting with your stuff to a shop this fall under medical weed so might get a higher price
are u DC if so need a partner i want to go legal
Completely for home use at this time and not in DC, though I'm somewhere you're likely to be interested in unless you already know someone here. I'd private message you but I can't find the "start conversation" button (do I have to "earn" that right on the forum?).
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  • Perfect, thanks for the recos. Just realized I can search on Herbie's for strains filtered by height, this should make it easier for me.
  • I do notice that these plants take up to 70 days to grow, more or less what you're advising. This is a good bit longer than the 7-8 week claim of the Heavyweight autos I linked to. Trying to shop around: Herbie's has a "flowering time" search filter, is flowering time analogous to "time to harvest"? I think it's likely that if it were possible to harvest in under 60 days you'd already be doing that, so are there faster short strains around and you prefer these, or is there something else going on?
Hell yes. I'm a city boy but come from a long line of country engineers. Loving this.

I put chemical feed out of my mind immediately once your first post taught me there is effective organic feed on the market. I'm a huge fan of organic agri/horticulture. Maybe I should add that to my guiding principles.

Cool, is there any trick to this or do the plants generally take care of themselves?

Completely for home use at this time and not in DC, though I'm somewhere you're likely to be interested in unless you already know someone here. I'd private message you but I can't find the "start conversation" button (do I have to "earn" that right on the forum?).

hey man

the times they post on the plants are for the pro growers that know the strain and what to do to it ..........the 78 days i told u is just what it is for me (spourts with in 3 days first true leaf with in 5 days veggie for about 30 days flower for about30/35 days then 7 days to dry it .........it is smoke-able after 5 days drying but 7 days burns and tastes right)

your time table is going to be off any ways .........that soil along with feeding i was able to push a yumbolt 3 weeks longer in growth the plant should only be 48/56 grams ...i am loooking at a good 3/4 oz worth of bud sites
here is the yumbolt
https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/cbd-seeds-auto-yumbolt/prod_3966.html this went 3 weeks longer in veggie do to feeding/soil
this is my narco .......this one did 3 weeks more too due to feeding

u said can not fail...and u needed a pound with in 4 months ...........i am giving u what i know about auto plants ......only thing i grown for last 3 years ( my tent is a 5x5x6 and the planters they are in are 7 gallons ) yumbolt is a mix of ideal420 and sunshine mix #4 ...narco is a mix of ideal420 and fox farms ocean forest

u need those powdered feeds to push the power and get what u want out of them

as for the puzzle they grow into .........u do nothing just let them grow they will fill out the space (when u water the plant u turn it 1/4 a turn when the plant goes into flowering and streching u stop ) .......if u get a massive canopy and makes it hard to water the plants i found this
u can hook onto the back with a some tubing put a funnel in the top and pour the feed down it waters the soil (when u are done pour clean water tho it to flush out the drip ring)

ok man i will open it up
the times they post on the plants are for the pro growers that know the strain and what to do to it ..........the 78 days i told u is just what it is for me (spourts with in 3 days first true leaf with in 5 days veggie for about 30 days flower for about30/35 days then 7 days to dry it .........it is smoke-able after 5 days drying but 7 days burns and tastes right)
I didn't understand that your 78 day number meant seed to smoke. That should do nicely, thanks for clearing that up.

7 days to dry it .........it is smoke-able after 5 days drying but 7 days burns and tastes right
Thanks for bringing up the drying process, I was about to ask about that. This article (link) says to dry for 5-9d, press, dry 2d more, press, then dry 2d more and optionally repeat. Also, I don't see you mention curing, which this article (link) says can take up to three months if one chooses to go to the extreme. I know this is like cheese/winemaking and it is up to personal preference, so I'd just like to get your view from your experience and taste. Is an approx 7 day dry the standard in the day-to-day, on the ground market? I'm looking for "good stuff", but not necessarily top-shelf, artisanal grade, so if the "good stuff" on the underground market is typically a <9d dry with no cure, I'm on board. Put another way, is anybody in the underground market crazy enough to cure their stuff for months?

u said can not fail...and u needed a pound with in 4 months ...........i am giving u what i know about auto plants ......only thing i grown for last 3 years ... u need those powdered feeds to push the power and get what u want out of them
Cool. Thanks again @justugh, you're really saving my bacon here. I'm hanging off of every detail and everything is falling into place so far relative to my requirements.

as for the puzzle they grow into .........u do nothing just let them grow they will fill out the space (when u water the plant u turn it 1/4 a turn when the plant goes into flowering and streching u stop ) .......if u get a massive canopy and makes it hard to water the plants i found this
u can hook onto the back with a some tubing put a funnel in the top and pour the feed down it waters the soil (when u are done pour clean water tho it to flush out the drip ring)
Awesome reco, seems very convenient.
Hempy Buckets :clap:
I've already clipped the hempy buckets process into my notebook, but nobody has given much detail on how they compare to soil and when and why one might prefer them to soil + organics.

@justugh, as a soil user, do you have any opinion on hempy buckets?
spourts with in 3 days first true leaf with in 5 days veggie for about 30 days flower for about30/35 days then 7 days to dry it .........it is smoke-able after 5 days drying but 7 days burns and tastes right)

@justugh, to summarize for my understanding, can you please confirm this is roughly the routine you follow?

Day: Event
0: Seed
3: Sprout
5: 1st true leaf
36: Flower
71: Harvest & dry
78: Smoke

I didn't understand that your 78 day number meant seed to smoke. That should do nicely, thanks for clearing that up.

Thanks for bringing up the drying process, I was about to ask about that. This article (link) says to dry for 5-9d, press, dry 2d more, press, then dry 2d more and optionally repeat. Also, I don't see you mention curing, which this article (link) says can take up to three months if one chooses to go to the extreme. I know this is like cheese/winemaking and it is up to personal preference, so I'd just like to get your view from your experience and taste. Is an approx 7 day dry the standard in the day-to-day, on the ground market? I'm looking for "good stuff", but not necessarily top-shelf, artisanal grade, so if the "good stuff" on the underground market is typically a <9d dry with no cure, I'm on board. Put another way, is anybody in the underground market crazy enough to cure their stuff for months?

Cool. Thanks again @justugh, you're really saving my bacon here. I'm hanging off of every detail and everything is falling into place so far relative to my requirements.

Awesome reco, seems very convenient.

drying is something different then curing
drying crash course
1 the temps need to be below 80 but above 65f.......80f thc degrades faster and to cold longer to dry
2 as little light as possible .........direct light degrades thc faster
3 Air movement need to always have air movement .........u need this to move the wet air away from the plant to allow it to release more water into air
4 RH in the area u are shooting for 50% that is the golden zone 40 to 60% is the safe area 40% and under u get a hay smell 60% and up mold can attach and wreck harvest
here is my equipment

all that stuff is in my dry tent the dr 90 with a carbon filter from the ppl i linked u too ......running on a 100 cfm 4 inch booster fan
the fan i linked moves in 2 directions up and down and left to right (the air currents are always changing)
that humidifier i linked is digital .......i can set it to a RH of 35% and it keeps the trays in the upper lvls near 50% (dehumidifier is just for over 60%)
the rack is the trick for u u cut the branches leaving about 2 inches on the end and lay it out on the tray (laying it flat gets a more even dry compared to hanging it upside down)

now to cure that is done once u have jarred up the weed .........i use wide mouth quart mason jars (they hold a OZ nicely)
ok u have jarred the stuff ....this is called burping the jars (curing it )
week 1 u open the jars once every 2/3 days and allow the air to exchange out for 20 mins
week 3 u open the jars up and let them air out for 20 mins about 2 times a week
week 5 u open the jars up for for 20 mins 1 time a week
week 6/7 u are done and have cured weed (strongest it can get with the best taste)

now if u can keep the tent at 50% u can leave the weed in there for 8 weeks and cure it ( the dry room is basically a weed humidor )
Those fucking red lights. I can not stand those fucking red lights.
Op you completely fucked off my suggestion of LEC. Buy some of those fucking ugly red lights instead, The lec and dwc are too difficult for you .
@justugh, to summarize for my understanding, can you please confirm this is roughly the routine you follow?

Day: Event
0: Seed
3: Sprout
5: 1st true leaf
36: Flower
71: Harvest & dry
78: Smoke


yes that is my normal pattern ........but please understand i done this for a while so i got feeding down .........your could be longer or shorter after u do these first ones u will have a Base nnumber from your skills as u get better the number changes
some plants are shorter timing due to feed being off
some plants are longer timing due to the feeding be right and the genetics (some autos are 90 110 days to get full power out of them)

a auto plant u have 2 types of cutting ..........1 is when the plant is yellowing up from the bottom to the top ......it is done and dying off (isn't going to do anymore) ...2 type is u checked the resin glands on the plant and see that 70% of them are milky (but the plant is still green) at 70% milk u cut becuase during the drying and curing those last 30% mature and turn milkly u end up with about 90% milky and 10% amber

gland info about power ....the little drops of resin on the plant
Clear .............is premature (not all that much THC or other chemicals)
Milky..............is done ripe ar peak of power strongest the plant will give u
Amber...........is over done the THC is degrading into other chemicals .........couch locking

last part is i use a trick for my seeds .........i have man hands so little tiny things get crushed
i use the jiffy plug method .. combined with the warmth from a T5 light and i use a laundry soap cap filled with seltzer

take the plug out soak it in some water with Rooting (1/2 ml) 30 mins or so the plug is puffy ........squeeze it 3 times to get out some of the water .......use a bic pen cap to make a hole in the plug (the cap can only go so deep so u are at a set depth every time)...............put the seed in bulb end down point end up ........put the plugs in the middle of the tray........add some of the extra water into the corners of the tray ...........take the cap and fill with seltzer water put it in one of the corners of the tray (leave it in the cap ) now the tray lid on one side take a cig and make a hole just little round one ....now put the lid on top of the tray have the hole as far away from the cap as u can.........move the whole thing to a warm place

the warm place will make the seltzer water release the Co2 .....the little hole u made will allow it to force out the Oxygen ....this is how i get 1/2 inch sprouts in 3 days

the warm place is the hardest part to hot and the seeds cook too cold and it takes a few days longer
Those fucking red lights. I can not stand those fucking red lights.
Op you completely fucked off my suggestion of LEC. Buy some of those fucking ugly red lights instead, The lec and dwc are too difficult for you .

do u want a pic using CFL daylight bright ...........i have LED with programmable choices i love that red gets deep and flowers them well