1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

You successfully talked the guy out of the highest yielding form of hydro because you don't think he can handle it and then those red fucking lights!
My first grow I did dwc. I knew absolutely jack shit about growing in anything and that includes soil. I had one plant go 12 ounces alone.The other 5 were average at 6-8 ounces.
The biggest yield from one plant in dwc for me is 17 zips dried and cured.
I find growing in soil more difficult than dwc or any form of hydro for that matter.
You successfully talked the guy out of the highest yielding form of hydro because you don't think he can handle it and then those red fucking lights!
My first grow I did dwc. I knew absolutely jack shit about growing in anything and that includes soil. I had one plant go 12 ounces alone.The other 5 were average at 6-8 ounces.
The biggest yield from one plant in dwc for me is 17 zips dried and cured.
I find growing in soil more difficult than dwc or any form of hydro for that matter.

i gave the guy the simple facts ........hydro is not something to mess with when u are a can not fail choice (first timers on hydro are going to freak out becuase it is all new to them and more complex then soil grow)

i can show u pics of Hydro
that was going great untill root slime hit the roots and it got to warm
this was the good one it sent me to denver last year
i gave the guy the simple facts ........hydro is not something to mess with when u are a can not fail choice (first timers on hydro are going to freak out becuase it is all new to them and more complex then soil grow)

i can show u pics of Hydro
that was going great untill root slime hit the roots and it got to warm
this was the good one it sent me to denver last year
Same chance if not more of failure in soil . DWC couldn't be more simple.
Same chance if not more of failure in soil . DWC couldn't be more simple.
your messed up if u think hydro is simpler then soil

the sheer man hours on just checking the PH and adjusting it is more work in a week then u do for all the for soil .........and as the plant gets larger and uses more food and water u are phing the water 2 to 4 times a day unless u have a auto pher

soil as long as it is organic feed .......the PH is covered by the micros and fungi in the soil
and sorry to say i have not had a bad soil plaint since i moved away from T5 and Cfls ........my avg on soil is 6 oz
your messed up if u think hydro is simpler then soil

the sheer man hours on just checking the PH and adjusting it is more work in a week then u do for all the for soil .........and as the plant gets larger and uses more food and water u are phing the water 2 to 4 times a day unless u have a auto pher

soil as long as it is organic feed .......the PH is covered by the micros and fungi in the soil
and sorry to say i have not had a bad soil plaint since i moved away from T5 and Cfls ........my avg on soil is 6 oz
Some of us run what you call rdwc. I walk by my guardians glance at them and can tell if something is up and needs my attention in one second. If it does I stop and put a couple drops of ph adjuster in , simple. I'm not messed up, I'm fucked up more than you would believe but on this subject I'm right.
your messed up if u think hydro is simpler then soil

the sheer man hours on just checking the PH and adjusting it is more work in a week then u do for all the for soil .........and as the plant gets larger and uses more food and water u are phing the water 2 to 4 times a day unless u have a auto pher

soil as long as it is organic feed .......the PH is covered by the micros and fungi in the soil
and sorry to say i have not had a bad soil plaint since i moved away from T5 and Cfls ........my avg on soil is 6 oz
lighting is another thing. I'm not messed up , Hydro is simple. and dwc is the simplest form of all.
Odd how you're talking how much work it is, I've said it before, while you're carrying heavy bags of dirt (possibly with bugs already included) I'm turning a valve. Who put more effort ?
lighting is another thing. I'm not messed up , Hydro is simple. and dwc is the simplest form of all.
Odd how you're talking how much work it is, I've said it before, while you're carrying heavy bags of dirt (possibly with bugs already included) I'm turning a valve. Who put more effort ?
dirt only comes in 4 times a year .........i get it out of the car take into the room cut it open and dump into trashcans so it can cook ( u know cooking soil get the micros and fungi going )
once i used the dirt i wait until about 2 am since i have a state trooper next door to me go outside and spread the used dirt around the flowering beds in the yard....so i get 2 uses out of it

it is alot of work moving the 6 gallons out of the 2 trashcans 1 time .......compared to topping off the DWC each day with water and PH

i am sorry the simple fact is Hydro is more work ( u need more gear for hydro then u do soil ) hydro has more variables then soil .......and as all growers know Hydro is less forgiven u mess up u messed up nothing going to fix it under yield
dirt only comes in 4 times a year .........i get it out of the car take into the room cut it open and dump into trashcans so it can cook ( u know cooking soil get the micros and fungi going )
once i used the dirt i wait until about 2 am since i have a state trooper next door to me go outside and spread the used dirt around the flowering beds in the yard....so i get 2 uses out of it

it is alot of work moving the 6 gallons out of the 2 trashcans 1 time .......compared to topping off the DWC each day with water and PH

i am sorry the simple fact is Hydro is more work ( u need more gear for hydro then u do soil ) hydro has more variables then soil .......and as all growers know Hydro is less forgiven u mess up u messed up nothing going to fix it under yield
yeah ok. I'm done.
If you're a complete moron you probably shouldn't be doing hydro, do soil, it's easier(which it isn't really).
And that's not aimed at anyone in particular, just everyone.
If you lack the ability to read and understand then hydro isn't for you.
You win, op loses.
Good luck.
yeah ok. I'm done.
If you're a complete moron you probably shouldn't be doing hydro, do soil, it's easier(which it isn't really).
And that's not aimed at anyone in particular, just everyone.
If you lack the ability to read and understand then hydro isn't for you.
You win, op loses.
Good luck.

thank u for leaving ...........my points are on and u have nothing to rebut them .......good argument
@dbkick My response to your suggestion was a bit curt, but in truth I responded with "justugh and weedenhanced have made a good case for soil" not to shut you down, but because I was and still am eager for you and/or others to describe or link to a hydro system and grow process that would fit my requirements.

You answered my broad question in the affirmative for hydro (thank you) but didn't provide many details. To make an appropriate decision I'd have to compare soil to hydro apples-to-apples: best-fitting hydro system and process vs. best-fitting soil system and process. I am a very good reader/listener and am eager to take notes on any and all systems that could be a fit for my needs. I've been taking notes on the points you've been making in your discussion with @justugh.

Thanks for following,
You wanna grow big plants? go hydro.
Justugh you've proven nothing. And the photos of those plants , I just don't know.
You wanna grow big plants? go hydro.
Thanks, but @justugh is the only one giving detailed advice at this time. I can Google hydro all I want but I'm risk-averse so I'm not building a system unless an experienced grower co-signs on the setup and process. That's why I'm on a forum: I'm looking for personalized advice beyond the sea of published articles and posts that optimize for other people's requirements, not mine. I'm keeping an open mind, so feel free.

but to make sure u get to your goal this first time off
the go box will do u good and add on ...............for the power pushing u need this
this is chemical feed it has alot of power behind it ( get yourself a set of measuring spoons for this)

Open Seame .........this is red powder this make the plant open up bud sites ......more buds....use this about week 3/4 until u see it stretching is over

Beastie Bloom.........this is a green powder this is a weight builder ( all P and K ).......this is what u use after the stretching has stopped ......use this one for 2 to 3 weeks then change over

Cha Ching ............this is a yellow powder this is a resin builder ....makes it gooier.....this is the last of it u want to use it maybe 4/7 times then stop so the roots use it up ....u want atleast a week of no chemical feed before u harvest .....removes the bad taste (u can flush if u want )

this stuff is great but strong .............u can mix it into the feed it with the go box about 2 times a week (u can more but this stuff can cause a salt build up in the soil requiring flushing now and then to remove excess) .............u mix this in and u are trying to get Nutrient Burn on the tips of the plant ( the very ends of the tips of leaves get fried ........this means the plant is getting to much food ) at this point u back the feeding down 10% or so and hold it .........u are at the maximum the plant can handle
I'd like to avoid chemical fertilizer in favor of an all-organic grow if I can, especially since the soil and feed are already organic, but if you say it's required with the no-fail option, forever or at least while getting started, I'm on board.
You wanna grow big plants? go hydro.
Justugh you've proven nothing. And the photos of those plants , I just don't know.

well sorry u do not like me ..........the info i am given is what i collected from here for the last 2 1/2 years .............if u do not like the photos sorry i am not going poking in the tent right now to try to get better ones .......when the narco kush comes out i will take more pics(with a scale marker)

check my name i been posting here for 2 years ...........helping other ppl with their troubles and researching mine ( decreasing the learn curve for me ) .........hell i gotten gifts from some of them one nice lady her last name was Furr so she told me everyone calls her Mama Furr (she sent me a bottle of drink that her family makes pretty good stuff i save it for x-mas shot ) ....i am the amish fucker i play it strait up

if u want me to tell u about RDWC i can man
current culture system ........a water chiller......a auto pher
(db kick will say u do not need a water chiller or a auto pher ) i will say no u don't but it makes the work easier and removes the chance of roots getting cooked or the ph lvls are off for no longer then 1
personally i increase the air pump and change out the air stones for micro pore defusers

the last part would be a RO water filter 100 or 200 gallons a day one ( why clean water less chance of anything going wrong ) i am pretty sure them drilling up stream of my well is what caused me to get my root slime issue

finally Organics in a hydro system is not the smartest choice they can clog up the system ..........it is better to us Chemical with some micros to add to water to keep things in balance
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well sorry u do not like me ..........the info i am given is what i collected from here for the last 2 1/2 years .............if u do not like the photos sorry i am not going poking in the tent right now to try to get better ones .......when the narco kush comes out i will take more pics(with a scale marker)

check my name i been posting here for 2 years ...........helping other ppl with their troubles and researching mine ( decreasing the learn curve for me ) .........hell i gotten gifts from some of them one nice lady her last name was Furr so she told me everyone calls her Mama Furr (she sent me a bottle of drink that her family makes pretty good stuff i save it for x-mas shot ) ....i am the amish fucker i play it strait up

if u want me to tell u about RDWC i can man
current culture system ........a water chiller......a auto pher
(db kick will say u do not need a water chiller or a auto pher ) i will say no u don't but it makes the work easier and removes the chance of roots getting cooked or the ph lvls are off for no longer then 1
personally i increase the air pump and change out the air stones for micro pore defusers

the last part would be a RO water filter 100 or 200 gallons a day one ( why clean water less chance of anything going wrong ) i am pretty sure them drilling up stream of my well is what caused me to get my root slime issue

finally Organics in a hydro system is not the smartest choice they can clog up the system ..........it is better to us Chemical with some micros to add to water to keep things in balance

You've got it all wrong, I have no bad feelings towards you personally, I just don't like how everyone tries to discourage new growers from hydro because they think a new grower can't handle it. I say bullshit to this. It does all depend on the individual and how badly they want to succeed.
Push your dirt but don't discourage someone from doing hydro if that's what they want.
It's really not that difficult.
You don't need a doser but you do need a chiller, that's why I own two.
If I wanna do hydro I'll do hydro and there's nothing anyone can say to change that.
I started in dro and I'll die in dro .
Doser, lazy .
You've got it all wrong, I have no bad feelings towards you personally, I just don't like how everyone tries to discourage new growers from hydro because they think a new grower can't handle it. I say bullshit to this. It does all depend on the individual and how badly they want to succeed.
Push your dirt but don't discourage someone from doing hydro if that's what they want.
It's really not that difficult.
You don't need a doser but you do need a chiller, that's why I own two.
If I wanna do hydro I'll do hydro and there's nothing anyone can say to change that.
I started in dro and I'll die in dro .
Doser, lazy .
it is not hard but it is more complex

he is a can not fail and odds are thatthe first few hydros will be off due to new at it and learning to read the plant

soil is just the safer choice once the person can read the strains they like moving to hydro to max out the plant is the next logical step ......but before he does can stock pile some so if the plant does come off still has what he needs from the soil
it is not hard but it is more complex

he is a can not fail and odds are thatthe first few hydros will be off due to new at it and learning to read the plant

soil is just the safer choice once the person can read the strains they like moving to hydro to max out the plant is the next logical step ......but before he does can stock pile some so if the plant does come off still has what he needs from the soil
So what you're saying is that soil is failsafe, do wtf you want and you'll still get about a pound.
That's what I'm talking about.

So what you're saying is that soil is failsafe, do wtf you want and you'll still get about a pound.
That's what I'm talking about.
soil is more fail safe then anything else .....soil has less variables

just the right soil no feeding u get a good plant .........with feeding u get a great plant

So what you're saying is that soil is failsafe, do wtf you want and you'll still get about a pound.
That's what I'm talking about.

@dbkick, I appreciate your point that it's perfectly reasonable for a first-time grower to do well with hydro out the gate. I believe that and I don't think @justugh is refuting that, I think you two just differ in a matter of degree regarding how safe hydro is vs soil as a fail-safe option.

Since I believe we all fundamentally agree there's a good chance a first-timer can use either a basic hydro or soil setup to get yield within the ballpark I'm shooting for, the truth is after a certain point this question comes down to personal preference. I have to decide this question: assuming risk of failure for both options being equal, whether or not I want to learn soil.

I think the answer is yes. In my opening post I said I didn't care about doing it the "old-fashioned" way, but after sleeping on it, I'd like to opt for learning the soil grow before getting more space-aged. If soil can definitely produce my yield, I'll start with that out of preference.

Thanks again,