1st time white widow grower

my plants are in their last stages of flowering, they have like 2 weeks left from what i seen on here and other blogs, they been flowering on 12/12 for 8 or 9 weeks and i juss wanted to change my clock back one hour this week comin to 11/13 and maybe 10/14 the week after just to make sure they finish by the end fo the month. Im gonna do what i can to get a camera soon to take some pics for yall
Whats up guys? I havent been online in a week and last time i updated i was just days away from harvest. But on oct 22 6 Metro Narcotic Agents showed up at my door at 8:00 pm saying they got a tip that we 'had agrowing operation" going on and asked to search the premises. At first i told them no; but after one of them left to get a search warrant and left the others behind i knew that it would be juss a matter of time before they got their singed warrant. So after thinking of my options i decided to give concent for the search and of course surrendered my girls. I was charged wit one count of cultivation under 5 plants. The better part of it was as said by them: Since i maned up and didnt make their night any harder they let me stay at home with my girlfriend insted of taking me to jail and friday the 23rd i had to turn myself inn to get a bon. I know some of you may say im an idiot for handling it the way i did, but if you feel that way u werent there and never been in that situation. So for everybody that was looking forward to my harvest, im sorry u dont get to see it but im even more sorry that beautiful white widow buds will be sitting in an evidence locker lol and i can say thats what feels the worst! having all my reward taken away from me right wen it was ready for harvest. But luckly those bastards left my seeds in the fridge after i told them about them lol so at least im glad i live to grow another day, and that now im that much knowledgeable on the subject and will be MUCH MUCH careful and stealthy my next time around. You got to remeber, this was my 1st time growing and i was growing in the walk inn closet of a one bedroom aptmnt and even tho i didnt think so, i let to many people find out, and someone snitched on me. My question to anybody thats had this happen is: How long should i refrain from growing again? What are the chances ill get busted again? i know nobody can tell me the exact answers to my questions; id juss like to hear what other people that been in my shoes have done.

And always remember: Fuk the police!
Keep growing
real crystals (not trichomes)?

Has anyone heard of anyone smoking ground up glass because it was used to make the bud you just bought all nice and sparkly?

edit: Frank asked me to take this elsewhere.
real crystals (not trichomes)?

Has anyone heard of anyone smoking ground up glass because it was used to make the bud you just bought all nice and sparkly?

i have no idea what ur askin but no ive never smoked ground up glass lol. Maybe u should try startin ur own threat insted of tryin to highjack mine, and ull prolly get the answer to ur question...
dude the guy got caught with seedlings? how did 6 agents come for seedlings, i mean if i was the narc's id be pissed i wasted my time
and no they deff wherent seedlings, it was a 5ft white widow, my Carolina Donky dick (mystery strain) that was bout 2 or 3 ft tall, and a afghan kush x skunk that had a couple weeks left still. So no it wasent no grow op, it was 3 plants for personal use. But even tho they where desilusioned on that part, they where blown away by my green thumb and admited to bein the prettyest plants they ever seen!! lol. One pig couldnt belive i had juss started growin in july and it was my 1st grow lol.
For u out there take this as a reminder of rule #1, DONT LET NOBODY KNOW OF UR GROW
I'm sorry for your loss, and yes the less people that know about it the better. The only people in my life that know about it is my girlfriend and a couple other dudes that also grow herb. so yea. Better luck next time i guess. there is a few more people that know I grow than I would like but Im relocating a few states over so I'm really not worried about anything. Only thing I can say is you can never be too careful at all times, even when you think your clear don't let your guard down at all.:peace:
ur right about that volcom. This time around the only person that will know of my grow is my gf cuz she lives with me and will be involved inn it. I wish i could relocate states, wouldnt it be nice to move to Cali?. But i did move out of the county to a neighboring one into a house witch i plan on growin in after we get settled inn and i kinda get to know my landloards a bit witch brings me to ask this, how do u (anybody for that) feel about having a small grow in rented property? i deffinetely dont want to take a stupid risk. My other new plan is to grow at my co-workers house that lives out in the country that has a lil plant goin but no real experience so i would wanna make sure i can keep tabs on it before i contribute my beens.
Dude..my condolence to you..that fucking sucks heavy..Do you suspect someone in particular...?

I say, that making a lil pause off the growing is good when these types of shit happens...But, if you got a secluded place somewhere else, and You feel that growing the magical herb is your passion, then do it, but not in your busted spot...

Good luck mann....
oh no deff wouldnt try it in the same spot. i moved to a diff county but even so ima gonna wait a lil wile and let shit cool off. But i do have a friend that lives in the country that wants to grow so i might start a gurl there soon. But yea fuk the police! anybody in Cali wanna take inn a out of state grower? lol
still watin for a cali connect lol, or colorado fuk it, Denver has started to sound very nice lately 2 lol. Will work for room n board n 3 daily meals lol and a closet to grow some dank lol
Growin season is about to be here!! Any Cali or Colorado growers that need an extra hand for the summer?! i swear im up for a road trip lol