1st timer. CFL/Soil/Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Well I have been growing these things for what seems like eternity and I FINALLY found my camera so it's time for some pics.


30 Seeds (from a nasty bag)
17 Germ
11 Keepers (so far)

Grown in Soil (duh)
Under CFLs (I might go and get some real flouros today)
For nutes I just picked up some 24-8-16 that I am giving 1/2 strength.
They seem to be taking it well.
Thats it for now I guess..... I'll have my pics up in about an hour, unless I forget. Ha

I cant wait to hear feedback and suggestions. I am really excited about everything i will learn from my first grow.



Well-Known Member
lookin good bro, you'll need more lights eventually, but im sure you know that. goodluck!


Well-Known Member
Well i went out last night and bought some flouros. 2- 2 tube fixtures. They are not nearly as bright as the CFLs i was using. I hope they do allright. I got 2 different kinds of bulbs too. (see pics). I also bought another fan that blows a bit harder so my stems will firm up. I'm inching closer to buying either 1 1000w setup or 2 600's. Thats a little while down the road when I am closer to flowering. I havent even built my first aero setup yet but i did order the 360 spray nozzles last night.
I have some concerns about my plant growth. They have been growing for over 2 weeks and I think they should be bigger.

Possible reasons:
Over watering
Wrong lighting (Most of my CFLs were like 3300K)

Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure:
As always any comments and suggestions are much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Just give it time. People always think their plants are really far behind. With the amount of light your using they aren't going to grow at an insane rate.


Well-Known Member
It would be so fucking funny if you really were tom from myspace, rocking a cfl/flouro grow.....hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
"Dis" = this one leaf has been curled all weird for like, ever. is it just how it is forming or could it result from some kind of problem?

P.s. i wish i was tom from myspace



Well-Known Member
Well, not that anybody reads this anyway but I have some news and another question (surprise surprise)
Here goes...
This morning around 11:30 after getting wasted last night I awoke and went to check on my planty plants. Upon inspection of the wonderful little things I noticed a BUG!
So here are a few pics. Is it dangerous to my plants? I know these bugs are around here in the fall by the millions but it's like -30 outside. Not that that matters cuz the ol growroom is about 82. Upon further inspection I found a second little orange and black critter as well. I am hoping that this is a friendly kind of bug that eats non friendly bugs. But seriously WTF!? My grow room in 100% concrete on all sides and underground. Darn bugs!




Well-Known Member
dont know what type of bug that is but i'd treat it as bad and kill its ass!!!


Well-Known Member
I caught the bugs, took a few more shots. Found what I thought was a potato bug on the floor but it doesn't roll up when it's threatened so I dont know what that is. I wish I could remember the name of these things!



Well-Known Member
Its a box elder bug....it wont really harm your plants but kill the fucker just in case....;) He might want some green cruncheis....and we cant have that...
or throw him outside...they normally land on your clothes and shit...you could of got wasted and let some in...lol


Well-Known Member
and the other is a rolley polley...wont hurt either...they just like moist dark places...you normally get them in soil....or under bricks and shit..


Well-Known Member
Well for those that read this thread (Yes, I'm talking about all 3 of you) I have an update. I have been saving up my allowance and I am about to buy All the junk I need to start my 4 tub SOG aero set up.

I just ordered 1 400w MH and 1 400w hps setup on friday or saturday just to get me through my current grow.

Let's take a look at my shopping list for next week or so. Keep in mind that it's not complete yet.

T5 4x4 Flouro for veg
Nutes (havent decided on a specific brand yet)
600w digi hps/mh lights x2 (I might go 1000w actually...)
Easycool reflectors x 2
Cloning hot house
Carbon filter (I forget the dimensions)
6" inline fan x 2 (one for lights one for filter)
16" oscilating fan
100' panda film
Co2 reg. tank and accessories
4 pumps (already ordered)
Net pots x 30
Clay pellets
ph tester
ppm tester
all the tubs, pipe, fittings, nozzles and things I bought today (see pics)

Well that's the plan kids.
I am sure I'm missing some odds and ends but It'll eventually piece together. In the mean time enjoy the pics of me building the aero tubs based on FilthyFletch's 30 minute 6 Plant Aero Build I think it's gonna work out really nifty. I threw in a pic or 2 of the grow progress as well.

Peace and apple trees.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Well when you dont have a job you get bored easily, so after i got done paying for the 99 eclipse i bought today I WAS bored cuz I cant pick it up til saturday. So i went to the store. 109.00 later i had a new recip saw, some vent plates, a 250 cfm inline fan, and some other misc stuff. Oh and the idea of cutting giant holes in my house.... HA!
1 vent for the lights, and one vent for the carbon air scrubber, both dumping right into my computer room (i chose this room because it was an addition and has no actual heat) and it's like -30 degrees outside!

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the storytelling:



Well-Known Member
im watching this one :)

I did the similar aero setup :)

one tip i can give u is that to make those tubs as light proof as possible... specially the lids.. :)

i added a valve and a line running out of the tub/res and then into another valve outside the tub so i can just train without having to move the lid :)



Well-Known Member
hey man i had the same curling of just ONE leaf, but worse, it was because of heta for me, the grow room wasnt hot but it was too warm right under the lights. and bugs SUCK. kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill them