$2.00 per Gram coming soon

they burned millions of gallons of gasoline back in the dawn of oil distilling, because they didn't have a use for it. it was the by product of making kerosene, which was a cheaper, relatively safe alternative to whale lamp oil. more than 50 years worth of "waste" gas was burned, or just "disposed" of, dumped into rivers, swamps, fields.... the market will rebound, and good growers will always have an edge over moneygrubbers
Everyone got distallate and pens now, its crazy. I want thc chrystals though!!
I almost never use concentrates, but I wouldn't mind if I had a guy who could make crystals. Really though, I don't care as long as I can turn my trim into treasure instead of composting it. Pre-rolls would even be better than compost which I hear the pre-rolls are pretty popular too. I should probably get one of those cone shaker things just to diversify, ha ha!
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My friend out in Oregon sent me a newspaper clipping. The headline was Marijuana is the new Zucchini. You can't give it away.
Yup, that's the real reality of the legal market. The whole "boutique cannabis" pulling traditional numbers is an ignorant dream for the more liberal states and all of this is still just in the birthing process; this sector of legal business hasn't even hit its stride yet. California doesn't even have 1% of its growers licensed yet (because the state is too slow in the process) so the legal market is still pulling more money than is realistic in the long run. When even 50% of those guys are licesned there's going to be more weed on the legal market than can be consumed just like Oregon and Colorado is pretty close too.

I'm expecting $25 lbs wholesale for top-shelf greenhouse. My buddy in Oregon who had some the highest tested weed in the state got rid of his whole last indoor crop for $350/lb on the legal market. I saw some super fire looking GG#4 and WiFi in Colorado going for $450/lb on the legal market. These are wholsale numbers though, not retail. Just some stuff to think about for the guys thinking that their garage/bedroom/closet "boutique cannabis" is still going to make them a living when this sector gets into full swing, in the more liberal states anyway.
Yup, that's the real reality of the legal market. The whole "boutique cannabis" pulling traditional numbers is an ignorant dream for the more liberal states and all of this is still just in the birthing process; this sector of legal business hasn't even hit its stride yet. California doesn't even have 1% of its growers licensed yet (because the state is too slow in the process) so the legal market is still pulling more money than is realistic in the long run. When even 50% of those guys are licesned there's going to be more weed on the legal market than can be consumed just like Oregon and Colorado is pretty close too.

I'm expecting $25 lbs wholesale for top-shelf greenhouse. My buddy in Oregon who had some the highest tested weed in the state got rid of his whole last indoor crop for $350/lb on the legal market. I saw some super fire looking GG#4 and WiFi in Colorado going for $450/lb on the legal market. These are wholsale numbers though, not retail. Just some stuff to think about for the guys thinking that their garage/bedroom/closet "boutique cannabis" is still going to make them a living when this sector gets into full swing, in the more liberal states anyway.
Complete truth right there. Time to look for a new gig. Maybe use ganja for a little side money. But it aint paying mortgages much longer.. maybe 5 to ten years max till its ruined nationwide for everyone.
they don't have licenses yet, and by the time they get them, they'll already be going out of business. people have dreams of getting rich, they don't want to be farmers for the rest of their lives. they don't want to be farmers at all. 25 dollars a pound for an agricultural crop is pretty damn good money. 25 dollars a pound when you're pulling a couple of pounds a month won't cover the light bill. it will be a bubble, and it will eventually burst. the shit they're sitting on will get turned into concentrates and sold cheap, then it will go out of date and have to be disposed of. that's one of the things about government getting involved in shit, expiration dates, or at least best by dates.
it's a slightly more civilized gold rush. and just like the gold rush, a few already wealthy people will corner the market, and a lot of people will go broke. but a few smart fellers will stake their claims, and hold out. and when the dust settles, we'll still be there.
they don't have licenses yet, and by the time they get them, they'll already be going out of business. people have dreams of getting rich, they don't want to be farmers for the rest of their lives. they don't want to be farmers at all. 25 dollars a pound for an agricultural crop is pretty damn good money. 25 dollars a pound when you're pulling a couple of pounds a month won't cover the light bill. it will be a bubble, and it will eventually burst. the shit they're sitting on will get turned into concentrates and sold cheap, then it will go out of date and have to be disposed of. that's one of the things about government getting involved in shit, expiration dates, or at least best by dates.
it's a slightly more civilized gold rush. and just like the gold rush, a few already wealthy people will corner the market, and a lot of people will go broke. but a few smart fellers will stake their claims, and hold out. and when the dust settles, we'll still be there.
Its better reading to to listen to these people say its over though.
@Roger A. Shrubber said:
you want the refugees? they're our weaklings, the rest of us can take the shit storm and deal with it. we don't like it, but you roll the dice, and take the consequences. only the weak run out.

The smart ones get out of the way of the avalanche and live to fight another day. ;)

It's sad for me to see what's going on in the states now. I was a frequent traveler back in the day. Go visit my cousin in Belmont, CA. Aunts and uncles in Hood, OR, fishing buddy moved to the the Klamath falls area and I spent two weeks down there after catching a family wedding on the Oregon coast. Met a hot little single mom while there and had her up to my place in the Fraser Valley over the Xmas holidays. Her first time in Canada and she kept tripping out that she'd get grabbed up and deported back to the states. :) Almost married her and moved down to southern OR. Really liked it down there and so did my boys. Too hot just jump in a river and go for swim. Met her while floating around in my belly boat at a little beach on the Rogue River the locals called Bikini Beach.

Now I'm supposed to get a freakin' passport to trip across the line? My security coded driver's license should be good enough. I'm white, male and over 21. X3 over 21. :) I should still be in their data bases even tho I haven't been down since '99 when I moved way up north. Never once had a problem crossing or coming back. Speeding ticket in Santa Rosa in '75 but nothing else. No drug charges or convictions in Canada other than a DUI in '93.

This f'n trade war BS is not gonna be helpful and hurt the yanks more than anybody else. Pulling up the drawbridges and isolating the country can't but hurt in the long run.

I'm looking forward to the primaries in Nov. and Bernie making a big comeback in 2020!

I thought Bush Jr. was a dumbass but he was sly like a fox. Trump is just an ignoramus and shows it every day.

Making all Americans look bad when most of the ones I've met are really decent people. Met a few not so decent ones too but they're family so I have to cut them a little slack. ;)

@Roger A. Shrubber said:
you want the refugees? they're our weaklings, the rest of us can take the shit storm and deal with it. we don't like it, but you roll the dice, and take the consequences. only the weak run out.

The smart ones get out of the way of the avalanche and live to fight another day. ;)

It's sad for me to see what's going on in the states now. I was a frequent traveler back in the day. Go visit my cousin in Belmont, CA. Aunts and uncles in Hood, OR, fishing buddy moved to the the Klamath falls area and I spent two weeks down there after catching a family wedding on the Oregon coast. Met a hot little single mom while there and had her up to my place in the Fraser Valley over the Xmas holidays. Her first time in Canada and she kept tripping out that she'd get grabbed up and deported back to the states. :) Almost married her and moved down to southern OR. Really liked it down there and so did my boys. Too hot just jump in a river and go for swim. Met her while floating around in my belly boat at a little beach on the Rogue River the locals called Bikini Beach.

Now I'm supposed to get a freakin' passport to trip across the line? My security coded driver's license should be good enough. I'm white, male and over 21. X3 over 21. :) I should still be in their data bases even tho I haven't been down since '99 when I moved way up north. Never once had a problem crossing or coming back. Speeding ticket in Santa Rosa in '75 but nothing else. No drug charges or convictions in Canada other than a DUI in '93.

This f'n trade war BS is not gonna be helpful and hurt the yanks more than anybody else. Pulling up the drawbridges and isolating the country can't but hurt in the long run.

I'm looking forward to the primaries in Nov. and Bernie making a big comeback in 2020!

I thought Bush Jr. was a dumbass but he was sly like a fox. Trump is just an ignoramus and shows it every day.

Making all Americans look bad when most of the ones I've met are really decent people. Met a few not so decent ones too but they're family so I have to cut them a little slack. ;)

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I can only guess that we have to relearn the lessons our grandparents learned. One century is apparently enough to forget everything, so it's right back to the stupidity that led directly to the Great Depression.

It all happened in the '20s and '30s; Fascism- multiple large corporations plotted to overthrow the country, excessive and abusive wealth and income inequality, trade wars, failing banks, all of it. Well, they had more primitive pyramid schemes than Bitcoin but that's a minor detail lol

The only thing we're missing is a world war... Oh, wait.
The only thing we're missing is a world war... Oh, wait.

Times like this makes me glad to be older. If shit goes sideways I've had my kick at the can already. Just feel bad for all those that may never get a chance.

Well, the Dumpster sure stirred up the hornet's nest moving the embassy to Jerusalem just as planned. Lets see what kind of mess he can make out of the N. Korean summit. Kim's getting all chummy with the Russians now too that ought to toss a wrench into the works.

Interesting times indeed. pass.gif

Yup, that's the real reality of the legal market. The whole "boutique cannabis" pulling traditional numbers is an ignorant dream for the more liberal states and all of this is still just in the birthing process; this sector of legal business hasn't even hit its stride yet. California doesn't even have 1% of its growers licensed yet (because the state is too slow in the process) so the legal market is still pulling more money than is realistic in the long run. When even 50% of those guys are licesned there's going to be more weed on the legal market than can be consumed just like Oregon and Colorado is pretty close too.

I'm expecting $25 lbs wholesale for top-shelf greenhouse. My buddy in Oregon who had some the highest tested weed in the state got rid of his whole last indoor crop for $350/lb on the legal market. I saw some super fire looking GG#4 and WiFi in Colorado going for $450/lb on the legal market. These are wholsale numbers though, not retail. Just some stuff to think about for the guys thinking that their garage/bedroom/closet "boutique cannabis" is still going to make them a living when this sector gets into full swing, in the more liberal states anyway.

You guys must have some maintenance free weed that us hicks don't know about yet. Who would grow and trim a lb of weed for $25? This miracle weed must grow from seeds you throw on the ground and grows pretty buds that don't need to be trimmed. I can't wait until that shit gets to my neck of the woods. I'm tired of lugging water and balancing nutes and watching triches and gently handling those delicate flowers. Bring on the lazy mans maintenance free miracle weed.
Complete truth right there. Time to look for a new gig. Maybe use ganja for a little side money. But it aint paying mortgages much longer.. maybe 5 to ten years max till its ruined nationwide for everyone.
Or just go bigger if you can afford to stay in the game and hold out for during the "weeding" period. If possible I'll try to go bigger; if not, I'll switch to vanilla. It's a really profitable crop already. We're already planning on doing an acre of vanilla, but we could do a lot more if desired. And maybe some organic heirloom tomatoes on the side; also a pretty lucrative crop and pretty much exactly the same to grow as cannabis without the drying and trimming.
You guys must have some maintenance free weed that us hicks don't know about yet. Who would grow and trim a lb of weed for $25? This miracle weed must grow from seeds you throw on the ground and grows pretty buds that don't need to be trimmed. I can't wait until that shit gets to my neck of the woods. I'm tired of lugging water and balancing nutes and watching triches and gently handling those delicate flowers. Bring on the lazy mans maintenance free miracle weed.
That would be a controlled indoor automated grow. Even with me moving indoors it cut my workload many times over, being where I live the expenses went up but so did the numbers so it was more than a wash. I don’t think I’ll ever see the prices drop here to the point of no profit for illegals. The government is dictating pricing, and at the proposed, 7-10 a gram it will be a bonanza lol. Calling it a commodity is right but all consumables are. To think it will become like corn or soybean will not happen IMO, even at $350 a pound it’s still a hugely profitable crop, just need to up the game a bit lol. Yes the days of $1600 pounds (here) are over but really I have to ask. Is that a bad thing? I’m retired so to me it’s a mute point but the profits back in the day were stupid high, but then again so were the risks, more so south of the border, that was scary shit lol. I fear that the war on illegal drugs is going to go ape shit crazy now that the government has their cock in the pussy jar, even my now 20 plants I need to grow for me will become a major crime. This so-called legalization is a farce and turned out federal government into the worlds biggest cartel :(.
You guys must have some maintenance free weed that us hicks don't know about yet. Who would grow and trim a lb of weed for $25? This miracle weed must grow from seeds you throw on the ground and grows pretty buds that don't need to be trimmed. I can't wait until that shit gets to my neck of the woods. I'm tired of lugging water and balancing nutes and watching triches and gently handling those delicate flowers. Bring on the lazy mans maintenance free miracle weed.
Okay, let's say $35/lb to be safe. Honestly, give me 4 acres of cover (or 5 acres to be extra safe), a tarping system for different greenhouse sections (preferably auto-tarping), a tractor, a tiller, a lime spreader, an electrostatic sprayer, irrigation, a good sized climate controlled building for drying, processing and storage, a handful of Greenbroz trimming machines and about 50-65 guys making decent pay and I could kill it at $25/lb ($35/lb to be safe). And it would be good weed, not B grade. And if I could get a retail store or get a partner with a retail store it would be even better.

How much do you think outdoor and greenhouse is going to go for wholesale when top-shelf indoor is already going for $350/lb in the legal market? Even if you take extra special care of it. Do you think retailers are going to buy your extra special cared for weed for $200/lb when it's maybe a notch better than mine (maybe not?) when they could buy mine for $35/lb? Or get some top-shelf indoor for less than $350/lb (I doubt the market has bottomed out yet so prices will most likely continue to drop). Especially when there's 1000's of acres of greenhouse and outdoor being produced when this whole sector goes into full swing. On an agricultural scale it's not going to take a lot of acres to supply this whole country. Maybe 100,000 (at least that's what some experts estimate). That's a drop in the bucket as far as ag is concerned. Wheat takes up 50-60 million acres in the US. Corn takes up almost 14 million acres. It's not going to take many multi-acre farms to supply this country and it's all going to come down to who can produce the best for the cheapest and on a larger scale you don't need to make a lot per pound, you just need to produce a lot of pounds. That's how all other ag crops work. I'm curious what you think your lbs will go for.
Okay, let's say $35/lb to be safe. Honestly, give me 4 acres of cover (or 5 acres to be extra safe), a tarping system for different greenhouse sections (preferably auto-tarping), a tractor, a tiller, a lime spreader, an electrostatic sprayer, irrigation, a good sized climate controlled building for drying, processing and storage, a handful of Greenbroz trimming machines and about 50-65 guys making decent pay and I could kill it at $25/lb ($35/lb to be safe). And it would be good weed, not B grade. And if I could get a retail store or get a partner with a retail store it would be even better.

How much do you think outdoor and greenhouse is going to go for wholesale when top-shelf indoor is already going for $350/lb in the legal market? Even if you take extra special care of it. Do you think retailers are going to buy your extra special cared for weed for $200/lb when it's maybe a notch better than mine (maybe not?) when they could buy mine for $35/lb? Or get some top-shelf indoor for less than $350/lb (I doubt the market has bottomed out yet so prices will most likely continue to drop). Especially when there's 1000's of acres of greenhouse and outdoor being produced when this whole sector goes into full swing. On an agricultural scale it's not going to take a lot of acres to supply this whole country. Maybe 100,000 (at least that's what some experts estimate). That's a drop in the bucket as far as ag is concerned. Wheat takes up 50-60 million acres in the US. Corn takes up almost 14 million acres. It's not going to take many multi-acre farms to supply this country and it's all going to come down to who can produce the best for the cheapest and on a larger scale you don't need to make a lot per pound, you just need to produce a lot of pounds. That's how all other ag crops work. I'm curious what you think your lbs will go for.
Thats wild. Its almost 9000.00 a pound for legal here in California at the stores unless you go to a medical shop. Fuck the clones are now 28.00 in those same shops that were once 12.00.
If you can do us a solid and show us a pic of your friends highest testing indoor crop top shelf. What strain? Have you guys coveted any elite genetics over the years?
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Okay, let's say $35/lb to be safe. Honestly, give me 4 acres of cover (or 5 acres to be extra safe), a tarping system for different greenhouse sections (preferably auto-tarping), a tractor, a tiller, a lime spreader, an electrostatic sprayer, irrigation, a good sized climate controlled building for drying, processing and storage, a handful of Greenbroz trimming machines and about 50-65 guys making decent pay and I could kill it at $25/lb ($35/lb to be safe). And it would be good weed, not B grade. And if I could get a retail store or get a partner with a retail store it would be even better.

How much do you think outdoor and greenhouse is going to go for wholesale when top-shelf indoor is already going for $350/lb in the legal market? Even if you take extra special care of it. Do you think retailers are going to buy your extra special cared for weed for $200/lb when it's maybe a notch better than mine (maybe not?) when they could buy mine for $35/lb? Or get some top-shelf indoor for less than $350/lb (I doubt the market has bottomed out yet so prices will most likely continue to drop). Especially when there's 1000's of acres of greenhouse and outdoor being produced when this whole sector goes into full swing. On an agricultural scale it's not going to take a lot of acres to supply this whole country. Maybe 100,000 (at least that's what some experts estimate). That's a drop in the bucket as far as ag is concerned. Wheat takes up 50-60 million acres in the US. Corn takes up almost 14 million acres. It's not going to take many multi-acre farms to supply this country and it's all going to come down to who can produce the best for the cheapest and on a larger scale you don't need to make a lot per pound, you just need to produce a lot of pounds. That's how all other ag crops work. I'm curious what you think your lbs will go for.
In 25 years there will be an international market for weed. We will be exporting cheap weed all over the world.