$2.00 per Gram coming soon

that be Africa? about the same as Europe $us20-10 per gram
An obvious conclusion would be once the US is saturated with commercial crap weed, of good genetics then the greed would flood Europe Sth Africa, Australia etc

like with many backdoor meetings leaders would be persuaded to co operate in letting US weed be sold in their countries as do MacDonald's,KFC, and other shit stuff does now tho it would take say 10 years..by that time the local trade war would be over with prices returning to normal???

say $us8.00 per gram-ish by 2028 ..??
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$40/28g an Oz=$1.42 per gram plus say .50c for tax and shipping lol

that .50c same return for grower rough average

maybe time to sell via other options, the brits are yet to legalize ...lol


Im not sure we will ever legalize, all drugs get a bad rap here and after cheese and legal high weed the goverment and country are unimpressed. Uk not like USA, we love our black market far too.much.
Where I live in Washington State, prices seem to be falling all the time.

A couple of years ago people were paying $25 a gram and up from the legal shops. Now a gram of of Jack like this one from Phat Panda is $9.


Picked up some THCa on sale the other day for $30 per gram. Last year it was over $100.

With taxes over 30%, I have no fucking idea how growers make any money. Maybe this ends with all but the largest companies going out of business and prices start skyrocketing back up. I'd be nervous as shit trying to make a living on black market sales.

Here's the menu of the store I shopped at.

If you didn't care about quality you could buy cannabis at $4 per gram and dabs for $12.
I have friends who make a living off it.
They get greedy and have to work themselves to death to maintain the income they are used to.
I'm happy just having access t good clean weed. When I need to move some to patch a gap, mine goes without a problem.
I don't know anybody that can produce up to my quality around here.
This idea is total BS!

The FED will tax it heavy (IF it ever goes to national legal) just like the states. In fact, in Michigan. The tax rate is going to be dictating high, high prices for over the heavily regulated counter.

20.00 per, will be cheap!

Grower - taxed, pass on the cost.
transport - taxed again, pass on the cost.
Concentrate processor - taxed again, pass on the cost. (if being processed)
Seller will now increase cost to cover the other 2 or 3 increase's to his cost, and we didn't even add on the state's special high rate for final consumer sale's tax!

Honest estimates of as high as $30 a gram are being thrown around..
Medical users (honest medical users) will go right back to caregivers and their lower rates over the inflated med disp. pricing......
Our provinces are just now debating a per gram price and it’s hovering around the $10 range, about $7 more than I buy indoor mids to top, when I run out. Not hard to compete with that lol.
Where I live in Washington State, prices seem to be falling all the time.

A couple of years ago people were paying $25 a gram and up from the legal shops. Now a gram of of Jack like this one from Phat Panda is $9.


Picked up some THCa on sale the other day for $30 per gram. Last year it was over $100.

With taxes over 30%, I have no fucking idea how growers make any money. Maybe this ends with all but the largest companies going out of business and prices start skyrocketing back up. I'd be nervous as shit trying to make a living on black market sales.

Here's the menu of the store I shopped at.

If you didn't care about quality you could buy cannabis at $4 per gram and dabs for $12.
Now that looks tasty ;).
yeah, but thats crap trim.....i wouldn't give you that much for it, used to get grocery bags of it to make hash with for 20 bucks

A young man was shot and killed over a couple of pounds of trim last week here in our little town, you'd think after legalization here in NV that shit would end but guess not. High retail prices fuel the dark market.
Most of those resilient to everything will go the way of craft beer. While you may be able to get regular ole coors at 711 but there are those that go and get those 11 dollar craft beers with goofy names lol.

There is still a big difference between cannabis and brewing beer.

I used to brew my own beer. I did whole grain, specialty yeast, custom batches; both lagered and ales. It was very, very, good.

But when I started, the most exotic beer you could find was heineken or labatts. But now, that 7-11 will have trappist beers imported directly from belgium.

And what they sell it for is less than it costs me to make myself. Brewing beer is labot intensive. Sanitation is key. Equipment is specialized. Batches are small (less than 7 gallons unless you really invest in big SS containers). Raw materials are expensive. And you occasionally need to throw out a batch.

So nowadays I just buy what I want to drink. With beer, you don't have to worry a lot about contaminants.

But cannabis is still different. It's easy to grow once you dial in a setup. The raw materials aren't super expensive. The results are rewarding. And in a lot of ways, you can't trust independent producers, especially if you don't know them well.

If it gets to the point where you can buy strains you just can't grow for less than you can grow them, people will stop growing. Once the scientists start speeding up the strain development cycles, they will develop strain profiles you won't have genetics for. Nor will anyone else but them have it.
once they develop strain profiles i don't have genetics for, my stored genetics will be worth more.
and, i can make seeds from their weed with colloidal silver, and breed them with themselves, or any other strain i want. there goes their patent. if they want to chase down 5000 pollen chuckers, good luck to them.

and it's easy to grow for some people. a lot of people not only don't have a green thumb, they have 5 black fingers. some people are prevented from growing by the insurance required for their mortgage.
some people don't have room. some people just don't want to....there will always be a grey market, i'm not worried about having to start a new career.