$2.00 per Gram coming soon


Story on AP news site.

“Now we’re starting to look at drastic means, like destroying product. At some point, there’s no more storage for it,” Trey Willison said, who switched his operation from marijuana to hemp this season. “Whoever would have thought we’d get to the point of destroying pounds of marijuana?”

Yes the medicine that people fought for, lost their property and freedom for, some even died waiting for is to be destroyed because there just isn't enough profit in it. Is this what anyone really wanted?
It reminds me of films I've seen of the depression where milk was dumped on the ground while people went hungry.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

“We have always known that heedless self interest was bad morals, we now know that it is bad economics.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

“It didn´t occur to me until later that there´s another truth, very simple: greed in a good cause is still greed.”
-Stephen King

Yeah, they let the land lie fallow and killed farm animals without using them back in the Great Depression to get their value back up. It was very wasteful but in the end it worked.
Coffee is priced as it is because it's a bean from a tree that produces only 1-2 kilos of coffee cherries annually. It takes 16 trees to supply one regular coffee drinker. There's also the processing. Neither of these limitations applies to cannabis.

Of course we can definitively say, why would you think it's any mystery?

To me coffee is pretty cheap and affordable. I am claiming it is more expensive than veggies because it isn't a necessity. I'm not sure but I think you thought that I was saying the opposite? I dunno.
This idea is total BS!

The FED will tax it heavy (IF it ever goes to national legal) just like the states. In fact, in Michigan. The tax rate is going to be dictating high, high prices for over the heavily regulated counter.

20.00 per, will be cheap!

Grower - taxed, pass on the cost.
transport - taxed again, pass on the cost.
Concentrate processor - taxed again, pass on the cost. (if being processed)
Seller will now increase cost to cover the other 2 or 3 increase's to his cost, and we didn't even add on the state's special high rate for final consumer sale's tax!

Honest estimates of as high as $30 a gram are being thrown around..
Medical users (honest medical users) will go right back to caregivers and their lower rates over the inflated med disp. pricing......
Santa Ana California tax at retail level is 30%
I have to say. Id even smoke the shit out of that trim! bongsmiliebongsmilie

Thats the shit i smoke, if i have to wait on drying plants.

Dealers put shit like that, as weight in the bag, here in Australia.

I swear we're still 20yrs off the States.

I'm not interested in going down Americas path.

At 18.2% why wouldn't you?
Perfect for joints or to make hash from.
I'm not interested in going down Americas path.

At 18.2% why wouldn't you?
Perfect for joints or to make hash from.
Me neither.
But general quality here needs to be better. For sure.
"Mids" in the States is better, than most smoke considered primo here.

Aussie recreational smokers just dont know any better.
Hell if i was selling, id be adding it to bags as well. For the people that dont know.

I totally agree too. Smoke the hell out of that trim :peace:
Great butter too. Or extract.
Me neither.
But general quality here needs to be better. For sure.
"Mids" in the States is better, than most smoke considered primo here.

Aussie recreational smokers just dont know any better.
Hell if i was selling, id be adding it to bags as well. For the people that dont know.

I totally agree too. Smoke the hell out of that trim :peace:
Great butter too. Or extract.
I only smoke my own or what a couple friends grow. Ones decent bush bud (proven genetics) and the other has been growing indoor for 30 plus years. So the stuff I smoke is as good as what I smoked in Amsterdam and Spain. Maybe better.

Mids are considered better by a lot of growers such as Dr. Who.

Best bits of an ounce bag are what's crumbled and fallen off in the bottom. Anything left in the bottom of the curing jars goes strait into my personal.

Ounces are cheap where I am (by aussie standards) and I'm lucky to get $250 a bag. I aint guna spend time doing a perfect manicured trim at that. Time is money and trimming is hell.
the whole 2$ a gram thing has never worried me. i knew there would be a ton of growers trying to get rich in legal states, and that 99% of them would fail. any time you get the government involved in anything, they favor big business. its easier for them, less individual people to deal with, the ones they do have to deal with already know the rules and the game. they'll always tilt the field in big businesses favor.
all they have to do is make licenses prohibitively expensive, and there's 90% of your small growers, out the door before the process even begins.
but big business doesn't care about quality, or your safety. they'll use chemicals to get rid of pests, and to get bigger yields, and if the government doesn't like it, they'll either get the law changed, or pay the fines, and keep on poisoning people with "medicine".
some people will buy their nasty shit weed, and some people won't. they'll buy from me. because i don't poison anyone. and i grow top shelf.

In my (legal) state, a medical grower can sell a limited amount to rec dispensaries every year.

Prices continue to plummet and it is exactly what I expected...
So what am I to do?

Serve my patients, refine my processes, and keep my farm name in front of a handful of people at the boutique-y dispensaries. And wait.

The market will level out- it is the law of business. And the vacuum created behind the collapse of the mid size commercial grower will open the door for the specialty farms.

I'll be ready.
And, if I'm wrong?
There are some patients that will reap the rewards!
No loss!
$ 8+ gram here right now . :bigjoint: i have to wonder where it will be after a year of legalization and big biz growing crap.

Yes, but $8 CAD = $6.21 USD so we're already not far from Oregon prices - and the dispensaries around here (interior BC) typically have specials where you can get it as low as $5.71 CAD (Yep, $40 CAD per 1/4 - that's $31 USD per 1/4 ounce, for you yanks) and we can just walk into a brick & mortar shop, show ID, and buy whatever the fuck we want.

Will legalization even make things better in Canada? Already damn fine IMO. Prices are going to need to stay where they are or drop, otherwise it leaves room for the black market.

I'll still grow my own though, because it is a very enjoyable hobby. This is where legalization makes the difference for me. I can enjoy my hobby without threat of criminal charges.
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Most of those resilient to everything will go the way of craft beer. While you may be able to get regular ole coors at 711 but there are those that go and get those 11 dollar craft beers with goofy names lol.
Go first class and grow connoisseur quality. Explore heated presses for rosin. Here retail bud sucks. Drier than hay. Prices retail down to $10 gram on sale. Cheaper and better on the streets. Fairbanks Alaska
Shit i charge 10 a gram and only if they are buying an oz or more. single grams i sell for 20

That's not far off what I just paid here in Belgium, €8 per g when buying 30g and getting it delivered to your front door, those that do sell lower amounts (guy I see does minimum of 25g) tend to start at €10-15 per g with you picking it up.

I prefer "Deliverreefer" myself, much easier than risking being caught in public when you ain't able to drive any more, the market here is flooded with people doing similar, same day delivery, courier to your door, plenty rippers out there so doing your research is critical.
Go first class and grow connoisseur quality. Explore heated presses for rosin. Here retail bud sucks. Drier than hay. Prices retail down to $10 gram on sale. Cheaper and better on the streets. Fairbanks Alaska
All my stuff is first class and connoisseur quality. I have a rosin press however I rarely use it most guys want just good bud. I’m never worried about my stock.
Government is putting a 20% cap on thc thats there first mistake second we have lots of good genetics but shitty growers there chemicals dont support long term use thats a benefit nobodys getting hooked on one brand yet third governments going to shut down all the competition so those who grow high thc pot without nasty chems will always have a market and it will be much higher than 2 per gram. Downside your a bootlegger if you keep large sums of money your screwed so it stays in the hands of low income quality growers whats the problem?
the government (doesn't matter which one, they all have the same internal workings) is a committee.
when you ask a committee to design a camel, this is what you get
Mutant-Camel-Giraffe--45271.jpg no one is happy, including the camel.....but the politicians feel like they've done a good days work, and achieved something.
maybe we should let the camels make some decisions, and put the politicians in zoos
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