$2.00 per Gram coming soon

Eventually, almost all the growing will be done outdoors or greenhouses using light deprivation tech as it requires the least input costs.
Just like farming, some regions will be more suitable for certain crops than others. You don't see large tropical fish farms in Alaska.
Anybody can grow grapes and make wine.... The market only cares about it being a better deal than what they are currently getting.
You don't see grape farmers moaning about how there are too many grape farmers.
Eventually, almost all the growing will be done outdoors or greenhouses using light deprivation tech as it requires the least input costs.
Just like farming, some regions will be more suitable for certain crops than others. You don't see large tropical fish farms in Alaska.
Anybody can grow grapes and make wine.... The market only cares about it being a better deal than what they are currently getting.
You don't see grape farmers moaning about how there are too many grape farmers.

Little wonder you don't hear grape farmers whining because they know they can sell everything for either wine or, in your country's case, to Europe to help satisfy our desire to have certain fruits, etc, all year round. Gone are the days of "seasonal" fruit and veg in the "West", this country will take as many SA grapes as you can throw at it.

Now, if all those grape farmers could only sell within their own county, not even to another part of SA and never mind overseas, how long would they be quiet?

That's the problem the weed farmers have, they can only sell in a very distinct area, they cannot "export" it legally, their market is too small for the level of production and the bubble can only burst.
Wine has become pretty damn cheap to. What was once a $40 wine can be had for $12.
Cask wine is again a pretty damn good everyday drink to. 4L cask of decent stuff is only $10.

Australian prices, and alcohol isn't as cheap as the states. But wine is WAY cheaper than it was 10 years ago. Surplus is fairly common.
Wine has become pretty damn cheap to. What was once a $40 wine can be had for $12.
Cask wine is again a pretty damn good everyday drink to. 4L cask of decent stuff is only $10.

Australian prices, and alcohol isn't as cheap as the states. But wine is WAY cheaper than it was 10 years ago. Surplus is fairly common.

Same up here in Euroland, especially the UK where wine was a rare thing or was like vinegar, now you get decent wines at ridiculously low prices. No need to buy woobler any more, the choice in just the average supermarket can overwhelm and you're pretty much at the point of "pick a country" first when deciding what to buy.
Was just visiting a friend. He had just purchased an ounce that cost $54. He said they had stuff for $36 as well. He admitted that it's been bounced but was still satisfied with his $54 oz. This is what it looked like. I had to take a picture.

Was just visiting a friend. He had just purchased an ounce that cost $54. He said they had stuff for $36 as well. He admitted that it's been bounced but was still satisfied with his $54 oz. This is what it looked like. I had to take a picture.

Looks a bit beat up doesn't it? But the price is insane.
Was just visiting a friend. He had just purchased an ounce that cost $54. He said they had stuff for $36 as well. He admitted that it's been bounced but was still satisfied with his $54 oz. This is what it looked like. I had to take a picture.


Looks a lot like brick weed. There will always be people that will buy cheap Miller beer over full flavor Sam Adams. Nothing new here.
Not sure if it has been mentioned in this thread but there is a Dispensary in Brookings Oregon advertising $1.50 grams
Of course everything in that shop is Bobby Brown but still :confused: