$2.00 per Gram coming soon

I sold to mutch last run. 200 per oz ran out last week and had to buy an oz from another local farmer. Cost 250 and the shit was shit. I may raise my prices back up to 250 or 300

You wouldn't be able to sell it for that where I'm at. Especially with the outdoor crop coming in. People that used to make their living growing and selling weed are struggling to pay their bills and getting real jobs.
If I could find good weed less than $5/gram I would quit growing. All the cheap weed I see is shit weed and isn't pleasurable to smoke. I'm still waiting for the good cheap weed with some flavor. I would love to get $2/gram for my schwagg outdoor weed (waste of time hobby) but I haven't found that sucker yet. I guess a lot of first time smokers don't care what they buy.
They had 5 dollar grams at buds for life. Some dispensary that shut down a couple years ago. It was all the smaller less desirable buds from their top shelf mixed together. Called it "tornado"... it was great for the price.