$2.00 per Gram coming soon

Up here in Kanukistan we're going legal on the 17th as you all probably know already but it's not legalization it's just Prohibition 2.0.

Tons of money being given to the cops for enforcement, new drugged driving laws that strip more civil rights, BS saliva roadside tests that rarely work properly and one province, Ontario?, has already refused to use.

It's just a bigger, tougher gang with the law behind them trying to take over all the neighbourhoods at once. They claim it's legal but still want to charge more than the street price for shittier pot. And if they think you scored your pot from a non-legal grower they'll bust you for sure. A buddy just got a $500 fine and a criminal record last week for less than an ounce of pot here in northern Alberta. Like getting shot at the end of the war for nothing.

The sheeple figure it's all pretty cool tho.
Up here in Kanukistan we're going legal on the 17th as you all probably know already but it's not legalization it's just Prohibition 2.0.

Tons of money being given to the cops for enforcement, new drugged driving laws that strip more civil rights, BS saliva roadside tests that rarely work properly and one province, Ontario?, has already refused to use.

It's just a bigger, tougher gang with the law behind them trying to take over all the neighbourhoods at once. They claim it's legal but still want to charge more than the street price for shittier pot. And if they think you scored your pot from a non-legal grower they'll bust you for sure. A buddy just got a $500 fine and a criminal record last week for less than an ounce of pot here in northern Alberta. Like getting shot at the end of the war for nothing.

The sheeple figure it's all pretty cool tho.


Things worked out pretty good down here. So far. Cheap weed everywhere.

To my friends up north. Hang in there.We're still here.

Up here in Kanukistan we're going legal on the 17th as you all probably know already but it's not legalization it's just Prohibition 2.0.

Tons of money being given to the cops for enforcement, new drugged driving laws that strip more civil rights, BS saliva roadside tests that rarely work properly and one province, Ontario?, has already refused to use.

It's just a bigger, tougher gang with the law behind them trying to take over all the neighbourhoods at once. They claim it's legal but still want to charge more than the street price for shittier pot. And if they think you scored your pot from a non-legal grower they'll bust you for sure. A buddy just got a $500 fine and a criminal record last week for less than an ounce of pot here in northern Alberta. Like getting shot at the end of the war for nothing.

The sheeple figure it's all pretty cool tho.

You're allowed to share upto 30 grams with adults in Ontario. Penalties for small amounts of selling are tickets

Also, LMFAO at 2 bucks a gram. Maybe, and a big maybe, if it's garbage pot and not trimmed. The big guys (LPs) are still charging $10 a gram, and people are paying it.

My guy has pounds for around $1200, and it tests at around 20% THC, he can barely keep it in stock. I can't see it going anywhere cheaper than that
IT WILLL NEVER BE FEDERALLY LEGAL PERIOD. In addition my state will never approve recreational cannabis. I just want decrimilized don’t care about legal. Even if it was I wouldn’t buy it anyway. My bud taste better and the high is way better. My girl was spending $300/oz and it was garbage. Great bag appeal, but never got high at all. Was garbage through and through.
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You're allowed to share upto 30 grams with adults in Ontario. Penalties for small amounts of selling are tickets

Also, LMFAO at 2 bucks a gram. Maybe, and a big maybe, if it's garbage pot and not trimmed. The big guys (LPs) are still charging $10 a gram, and people are paying it.

My guy has pounds for around $1200, and it tests at around 20% THC, he can barely keep it in stock. I can't see it going anywhere cheaper than that

That's a federal rule about sharing 30g so should be the same everywhere. Selling is still a criminal offense tho and is the same kind of rule as for tobacco or home made beer and wine.

It's going to take a few years but prices will have to come down a lot at the legal level if the gov't ever hopes to make a dent in the black market trade as they state is one of the main reasons for making it legal. Eventually it will be like alcohol and tobacco. There are those that will produce their own but the vast majority just trip on down to a store and buy the 'legal' version.

It's already projected that legal pot on opening day is only going to be able to supply from 30 - 60% of the demand so even the gov't knows it's going to take a while to get up to speed and the BM is there to take up the slack.

The rules for growing your 4 legal plants are you have to get your seeds or small plants from legal providers. You are still breaking the law after Oct. 17 if you grow 4 plants from seeds you got elsewhere. Yesterday I checked out the gov't list of legal providers and out of that list of 50 or so only 2 listed seeds available and 4 or 5 with 'plants'. They're just setting everyone up to be criminals because most are going to grow whatever seeds they can get their hands on.

The LPs can produce a gram for a penny or less now but it's to be sold for 8 - $16/g at the retail level?! That's a hell of a markup so there's lots of room for prices to come way down.

I can see $2/g at the wholesale level but with thieves running the stores it'll be a generation before you'll see that here at retail.
I can see $2/g at the wholesale level but with thieves running the stores it'll be a generation before you'll see that here at retail.
Remember a farmer's share of the food dollar is ridiculously low; Lettuce $2.49 farmer: $0.21, Top Sirloin $8.99 farmer: $1.77, Bread $3.49 farmer $0.12
While the growers might overproduce and drive prices they receive down (someday) I really doubt consumers are ever going to see $2 grams of anything but possibly trimmings.
While the growers might overproduce and drive prices they receive down (someday)
No "someday" about it. That was last year in NorCal. It was a real struggle to catch better than $1.25/ last year and everybody and their brother was trying to talk you down to $500 a unit-- halving previous year's unit price.
Remember a farmer's share of the food dollar is ridiculously low; Lettuce $2.49 farmer: $0.21, Top Sirloin $8.99 farmer: $1.77, Bread $3.49 farmer $0.12
While the growers might overproduce and drive prices they receive down (someday) I really doubt consumers are ever going to see $2 grams of anything but possibly trimmings.

I'd pay $2g for good sugar trim and turn that shit into nice gummy black hash I can flog for $20/g. I must have a pound of it in sealed cans in my freezer atm.

If the price goes down o well I grow as a hobby makes me happy I won’t stop sure maybe the setup will shrink if no money comes back but won’t stop completely for larger commercialized grow iOS a lot are converting to hemp
5min: Humas Chocolate Cake recipe so simple I can now make in under 5mins,

tho longer to actually cook that gives me time to work that nice filling

the first time I forgot sugar and used kitchen pie dishes

but knocked my buddies down with serious thc mint icing and serious sugar

Hence I never buy chocolate cake, I may one day but really not interested

...and I'm the same with weed ....lol

try it...it works even when wasted at 4.30am ...lol
5min: Humas Chocolate Cake recipe so simple I can now make in under 5mins,

tho longer to actually cook that gives me time to work that nice filling

the first time I forgot sugar and used kitchen pie dishes

but knocked my buddies down with serious thc mint icing and serious sugar

Hence I never buy chocolate cake, I may one day but really not interested

...and I'm the same with weed ....lol

try it...it works even when wasted at 4.30am ...lol

I can make it in under three minutes
