2.5 X 5 X 7.5H Space - 1000 Watts Baby!! Many Pics


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know about/believe in pre-flowering? These two big bitches are about 7 weeks old and under 12/12 for just a few days. Several books I read says you should be able to tell a plants sex by it's sixth week regardless of the light period.

Can anyone tell? This is plant #6



Well-Known Member
As for five.. like diggity said... a little more time. It seems for me that usually males show themselves earlier than females. Congrats on six though!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, #6 is definitely female. Not only do I believe in pre-flowering, I've seen it many times. Had a mother plant back in the day that was always on 18/6 and it had little crotch hairs all over. She gave off nice clones. Male pre-flowers have little micro balls that sometimes show themselves before 12/12. You'll definitely see them 6 - 10 days into 12/12. As "someguy" said, females usually show a few days to a week later than the 1st males. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone,

Please stay tuned as I will take more pics next week and will be looking for help!!!

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
What up,

Plants seem to be flourishing in 12/12. The room is running cool as a cucumber, 74-76 degrees to be exact.

The big Thai X Skunk plants are only 16" from the 1000 watt HPS and there doesn't appear to be any heat damage. Putting my bare arm on top of the plants didn't feel overly hot.

I have six total fans keeping the tempature in check, three of them are dedicated to the big light.



Well-Known Member
I think this little baby is key. This fan is blowing fresh, cool air directly into the air cooled light. The air is comming from outside through a basement window propelled by a large exhaust fan.

After installing this fan the room seemed to drop 3-5 degrees, and I can comfortable put my bare arm 15" under the 1000 watt HPS



Well-Known Member
The plants are looking great. I'm getting really impatient to find out who's male so I can cull my crop down to six plants and put everyone in their permanent homes.

Also, I have clones that are almost ready to transplant and I still don't know who's male/female... a lot of thought must go into this stuff to be a consistant, successful grower.



Well-Known Member
you should get a little 4 inch blower, and then attach it to a 4 inch to 6 inch duct adapter and hook it to your lights. why do you only have that little fan blowin in there?


Well-Known Member
Half of my clones didn't make it from my first attemp. I believe they died from underwatering.

I used Rapid Rooters for my firt cloning attempt because they looked ready to go and easy to work with. Also, they don't have to be pretreated in phed water like rockwool.

But the Rapid Rooters were difficult to keep evenly moist. The tops of the cubes would be soaked and the bottom bone dry.

My next cloning will be areoponics



Well-Known Member
These guys will be my second attemp. I had to wait an extra week to clone the Afghan and Snow White plants because they're so stout!

I will do a better job watering them



Well-Known Member
you should get a little 4 inch blower, and then attach it to a 4 inch to 6 inch duct adapter and hook it to your lights. why do you only have that little fan blowin in there?
There is 6" ducting and a 6" exhaust fan connected to the other side of the light.