2 plants same age different locations why is one growing better


Well-Known Member
the smaller one is in a much larger container

having a small plant in a large container has its own set if potential issues so that's one reason they could look different

is this an organic grow?
did you buy the soil or build it? what type soil?
have you been using any fertilizers

do you check ph and EC?


Well-Known Member
to me they both look hungry

the little one might actually be showing P def which is rare to see during veg

the large one looks great ,

they might want a wee bit of magnesium (1/4 tsp per gallon)
and a small amount of fertilizer

what have you got for fertilizer?


Active Member
yes it is all organic the soil ph is 5.5 - 6, soil is build of og veg compost sumatran bat guano pearlite worm castings and yard dirt. been using a little kelp powder in the water thats the little one
the bigger one ive been using flora nova and camg+ from general organics and same dirt mix
one is mine other is a friends trying to figure out whats going wrong for him.


Well-Known Member
theres a lot of potential issues and sorting it out exactly will be difficult

organic is a thing on its own and the success of it being 100% organic relies on the original soil amending

when you built your soil did you add anything for micro nutes.. suck as azomite, rock dust, or at least kelp meal?

also your ph is very low so you would have need to add some lime to bring it up

but at this point its too late for all that


Well-Known Member
im not an organic master
im just learning organics

but in my opinion you may need to scrap the idea of this grow being organic

then next time spend some more time (reading) getting your soil amended proper for a true organic grow

and maybe try and remedy the problem with fertilizer and silica to get your ph up


Active Member
we dont really care if its organic or not just want the stuff to grow lol. used all the same last year and had no problems


Well-Known Member
the flora nova is a good product

whats the ph of the tap water?

do you have a way to raise the ph of the feed water maybe to ph 7.8
do you have silica product or something?


Well-Known Member
you may have used up the micro nutes from last season in the soil and the soil needs to be recharged with micros and trace minerals

who knows


Well-Known Member
I think if you just give it a balanced fertilizer youll be in good shape

flora nova is good shit

and next time use a smaller pot to start

and get your ph up


Well-Known Member
Soil PH is jacked up. 5.5-6 is hydro level. Soil PH is suppose to be 6.5-7. Particularly for calcium. Cal Mag is masking the problem on the other.


Active Member
water ph is 6.5 and soil is 6 dont know how to raise the ph what do you mean by silica product? the small one has not had flora nova yet


Well-Known Member
water ph is 6.5 and soil is 6 dont know how to raise the ph what do you mean by silica product? the small one has not had flora nova yet
there it is...

give the little one flora nova
7.5mls per gallon (4 liters)
4mls calmag

1x with water that has been ph adjusted up to 7.5+