2 x 600w HPS VS. 1 x 1000w HPS What will yield more?

2 x 600w VS 1 x 1000w

  • 2 x 600w HPS

    Votes: 55 83.3%
  • 1 x 1000w HPS

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Don't Care.

    Votes: 7 10.6%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
To me, a more reasonable matchup would be 2x400's vs 1x1000... I think 9inch tends to forget that rooms with to 600's are able to put lights substantially closer
to the plants, thus enabling more light penetration vs a 1000w that has to stay sooo far away so that the tops aren't burned... You would also be able to have a much more uniform crop b/c the light distributions is more even... My experience with seeing 1000w in use is that plants directly under light are burnt some from heat, plants slightly off center of light look AMAZING, and plants on the edges of the room look subpar... Add another vote for the majority... And 9inch, why the aninmousity towards everyone?? LOL, kinda uptight for a weedhead dnt you think?
wait for it wait for it 9" will call u a newb pretty soon. but i agree wit your argument i keep my 2 600 watt hps no more then 8" from my canopy. and im pullin 1 1/2 oz average off 16-18 inch plants


Well-Known Member
well there seems to be a lot of things he doesnt understand.. and jimjones you are spot on, this is what we have been trying to explain to him this whole time. he can say whatever he wants, and argue whatever way he wants to, but he will never be right


Active Member
Lol at plants putting water on the earth.... exactly how wuz they doing b4 the water came along to help them grow...


Active Member
wait for it wait for it 9" will call u a newb pretty soon. but i agree wit your argument i keep my 2 600 watt hps no more then 8" from my canopy. and im pullin 1 1/2 oz average off 16-18 inch plants
and I mosdef am a noob to this site lol... and this is my first grow in hydro, in my house... but I have seen numerous grows of my bro and friends... however, i am also semi intelligent and would like to think we could use common sense to solve most problems... like which is better 1200w spread even or 1000w concentrated on a single spot... HMMMM...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I couldnt figure that one out either. Then he said this...

i dont need to talk to a botanist i have been reading it my self for 20+ years growing years and even longer if you count school years biology lessons. the wonders of books and the internet there really is no need
to talk to someone who get their knowlage from the same book.
Clearly still in need of Spelling and Grammar lessons I figured Botany and Biology were a little out of his league..:lol:

I know Im just being an ass now, but hey, he earned it. :lol::lol::razz:

At first it wasnt about being right or wrong, I offered to agree to disagree days ago but he kept pushing thinking he would change my mind and a few others with his BS. After a while it go to the point where this guy is Dead Set and Determined to spread bad information, and this site is full of people Looking for info, and when someone comes along making ridiculous claims they take him seriously not knowing any better.

Personally I dont like giving people advice on certain things, like what They should buy for their application. Theres just too many variables and people have different needs. But I hate it even more when people are Spreading Bad information. Then the people who are taking the time to research stuff like Lighting end up wasting their time because they believed some crap because the guy was so persistent in his preaching of the BullShit.

Trying to explain Logic to this guy is like explaining Evolution to someone who preaches Creationism or Intelligent Design.

Logic: "Dinosaurs, history books, archaeologists, bones, etc"

Creationist: "Oh, God just put all that stuff here to test our faith"



Well-Known Member
and I mosdef am a noob to this site lol... and this is my first grow in hydro, in my house... but I have seen numerous grows of my bro and friends... however, i am also semi intelligent and would like to think we could use common sense to solve most problems... like which is better 1200w spread even or 1000w concentrated on a single spot... HMMMM...
i wasnt gonna call u a newb i figured that would be 9" argument against u..lol


Active Member
dgk its cool, we're on the same page... I understood wht u were saying, this has been quite a humorous thread, and 9 inch is nowhere to be found...


Well-Known Member
well the egg does come before the chicken, but the chicken has to come before the egg

wrap your brain around that one LOL
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