hey so this is totally off topic but did u know dogs drink using the back side of there tounge?? oh what .... proof yeah here it is http://www.kontraband.com/videos/16968/Drinking-Doggy-Style/#show
foolOnly if you were comparing smaller CFLs to larger CFLs. And yes, Multiple small CFLs will yield MORE then 1 large CFL because they cant penetrate, so more points of light means you have more sources of light closer to more parts of the plant.
Do you really believe you will yield more with a 150 CFL vs 3 x 50w CFLS?
Same argument, 3 smaller CFLs will win every time. Saying to compare a CFL to HPS is just stupid though.
im a prick? take a look in the mirror kiss-assWhy do you keep telling me to grow with 600s myself. I have, I have grown with 250w, 600s, 1000s. All of them.
When your coming off like a total dick and claiming that everyone is wrong BUT you WTF do you expect? Your an arrogant prick that thinks your smarter then everyone else and you have no proof to back up any of your claims.
Then when the Mass Majority proves you wrong you continue to lash out hoping to get even a bit of credibility.
Why dont you just get over it?
Im curious, Do you still think your right?
where have they proved me wrong? with a fucking bull shit poll? you are a tit arnt you most of the ppl in that pole have not even used both. I have dont think you have used 1000s or you would know how much bigger tighter the colas are and if you did you would change back from your 600s to 1000s.when the Mass Majority proves you wrong
where do i clame anyone is wrong? i have said in different shape room then the 2x 600s would be better i also said there is not a lot of difference beetween the 2 the way you are banging on the 2x600 grows loads more and no they dont, again try it your self and then post a pic so we can have a look.When your coming off like a total dick and claiming that everyone is wrong
no i only have pics showing i have 2x600 room and a 1000w room and only my word what do you have? why would i need to lie about what yeilds me more? in another thread you said 2x600 was over kill in a 4x4 room LOL now you are saying it will out yeild a 1000w in the same room? you contradict your self all the time.you have no proof to back up any of your claims.
..In SCOG and SOG a 400w works well, that is all I used and had great results.
Now that I moved on to a bucket setup the 1000 blows the the 600 away. I get a bigger yeild with 1 1000 than I did with 2 600's.
It is dependant on the aplication. But growing 6 ft plants under 400w lights is kind of a waste imo, unless you like popcorn buds
..This is something I have come to learn within the past 6 months, by no fault of my own. Simply thinking that wattages or lumens "add" doesnt comply. One 1000w bulb covering a 4' x 4' area will always produce more usable energy than two 600w lamps, at different angels, over the same area. It has to do with light coverage, but the same could be said for a 6' x 6' area covered by one 1000w lamp vs. two 600w lamps. The two 600w lamps will cover the 36 sq ft better than the 1000w lamp, but will not equal to 1200w tota
.I used to use 600w, now I use 1000w lights. With air cooled hoods you can have the 1000 as close to the plants as a 600/400.
thanks for proving me right LOL what did i say since the beginning?right here is what others who say the same as me they have used both 1000w and 2x600w = same as i have found out
you see i am not alone in my findings others who have used both say the 1000w beats the 2x600 go tell them they are wrong as well LOL.
i agreed with you about 3x6 and 2x600s would be better than 1000w. I then said watt for watt in a given space the 1000w was about the same and not much in them and i get more out of my 1000w room than i get from my 2x600s using around the same watts per square foot why do ppl find that hard to believe? adding an extra 200w will not yeild you another 200grams or no where near it if you used the both spaces as efficiently as possible. I am not saying i am correct or anyone is wrong i dont know where BC got that from? he just likes to make shit in to athanks for proving me right LOL what did i say since the beginning?
2 600s are not as good as a 1000 growing large plants
and using 2 600s using 200 more watts and 2 more sq feet (3x6) will yield more than the 1000.
and to the dude that said he can get a 1000w as close as a 400 or a 600? thats just ignorant.. like someone else i know
well said m8I've also never claimed that it WILL produce more either, I stated that according to those that speculate, it won't, but according to those that have done it, in my findings, THEY always claim that the 1000w's produce more.
I don't know exactly why as I've stated because on paper and in the math the 600's should outperform.
But if you take the poll based ONLY on people who have done both, you'll see that quite a large percentage of those people have a whole different story to tell.
I weight EXPERIENCE heavier than opinion or speculation.
This never needed to be a flame war and those that are "laughing" are those that haven't tried it. I don't know why this had to turn into a flame war when if you search this forum, other forums, or talk to growers who have one both, you'll find a large percentage of growers make the same claim as 9" Big Bud.
Of course each setup is different and the designs, layouts, etc. may a big difference. And no one is claiming that one STOMPS the other.
I don't know how it turned into this ridiculousness or why I'm even responding again.
Reflectivity is obviously an issue and it may just be that a 1000w light in a 4x4 space with much higher reflectivity is better than 2 600's that don't advantage of it as much.
There's no reason that we need to turn everything into a flame war.
There's no reason that we need to turn everything into a flame war
only in the last two weeks, they make high intensity discharge UVB bulbs now up to 1000W and they are to be used during the flush to add legendary bag appealand if you want weight.. hasn't there been threads about UVB???? ADD it and you should see more resin production..
Are you damn near retarded? 3 x 50w CFL will BEAT a single 150w CFL any day.fool
source of light! you are contradicting your self yes a single 150 will yeild more than 3x50 cfl's
no i only have pics showing i have 2x600 room and a 1000w room and only my word what do you have? why would i need to lie about what yeilds me more? in another thread you said 2x600 was over kill in a 4x4 room LOL now you are saying it will out yeild a 1000w in the same room? you contradict your self all the time.
Well if you cant achieve the max potential with 2 x 600s then its the GROWER not the LIGHTING.I've also never claimed that it WILL produce more either, I stated that according to those that speculate, it won't, but according to those that have done it, in my findings, THEY always claim that the 1000w's produce more.
There's no reason that we need to turn everything into a flame war.
Why dont you and 9inch follow this advise?There's no reason that we need to turn everything into a flame war.
have you done it? can you prove it? no? then shut the fuck up untill you can is your best bet you are the cunt spreading bad info because you have not done it! i have you have not there is a big difference!Are you damn near retarded? 3 x 50w CFL will BEAT a single 150w CFL any day.
You have no credibility. You are wrong. Get over it.
Its pathetic, there are more people that Dont Care then there are that agree with you.
I honestly cant believe you keep coming back. Get over it. Your an idiot, your wrong, and you need to stop spreading bad info.